Journals starting with ip_7

IP(7) * 1 Logn Parallel Algorithm for Detecting Convex Hulls on Image Boards, A
* 2-D Moving Average Models for Texture Synthesis and Analysis
* 3-D Image Reconstruction from Averaged Fourier Transform Magnitude by Parameter Estimation
* 3-D Kalman Filter for Image Motion Estimation
* Absolute Phase Image-Reconstruction: A Stochastic Nonlinear Filtering Approach
* Accelerating the EMML Algorithm and Related Iterative Algorithms by Rescaled Block-Iterative Methods
* Adaptive Image-Coding Using Spectral Classification
* Adaptive Smoothing Respecting Feature Directions
* Adaptive Thresholding By Variational Method
* Adaptive Weighted Highpass Filters Using Multiscale Analysis
* Adaptive, Quadratic Preprocessing of Document Images for Binarization
* Additive Vector Decoding of Transform Coded Images
* Affine Plane Curve Evolution: A Fully Consistent Scheme
* Antiextensive Connected Operators for Image And Sequence Processing
* Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to Image Processing
* Area and Length Minimizing Flows for Shape Segmentation
* Automatic Target Recognition Using a Feature Decomposition and Data Decomposition Modular Neural-Network
* Axiomatic Approach to Image Interpolation, An
* Bayes Decision Test for Detecting Uncovered Background and Moving Pixels in Image Sequences, A
* Bayesian Pixel Classification Using Spatially Variant Finite Mixtures and the Generalized EM Algorithm
* Best Neighborhood Matching: An Information Loss Restoration Technique for Block Based Image Coding Systems
* Blocking Effect Reduction of JPEG Images By Signal Adaptive Filtering
* Cluster Validation for Unsupervised Stochastic Model-Based Image Segmentation
* Coding of Segmented Images Using Shape Independent Basis Functions
* Color TV: Total Variation Methods for Restoration of Vector-Valued Images
* Constrained Storage Vector Quantization with a Universal Codebook
* Corrections to JPEG Dequantization Array for Regularized Decompression
* Correlation Feedback Technique in Optical Flow Determination
* DCT-Based Motion Estimation
* Deblocking Technique for Block-transform Compressed Image Using Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima, A
* Dense Estimation and Object-Based Segmentation of the Optical-Flow with Robust Techniques
* Direct Reconstruction of Cone Beam Data Acquired with a Vertex Path Containing a Circle
* Directional Filtering in Edge-Detection
* Efficient and Reliable Schemes for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Error Resilient Scheme for Image Transmission over Noisy Channels with Memory, An
* Error-resilient Pyramid Vector Quantization for Image Compression
* Estimation of Depth Fields Suitable for Video Compression Based on 3-D Structure and Motion of Objects
* Estimation of Shape of Binary Polygonal Object from Scattered Field
* Extraction of Signatures from Check Background Based on a Filiformity Criterion
* Fast Computation of the Discrete Walsh and Hadamard Transforms
* Fast Exhaustive Search Algorithm for Rate Constrained Motion Estimation, A
* Fast Fractal Image Block Coding Based on Local Variances
* Fast PNN Design Algorithm for Entropy Constrained Residual Vector Quantization, A
* Fast Road Classification and Orientation Estimation Using Omni-View Images and Neural Networks
* Fast, Robust Total Variation Based Reconstruction of Noisy, Blurred Images
* Foveal Automatic Target Recognition Using a Multiresolution Neural-Network
* Fractal Coding of Video Sequence Using Circular Prediction Mapping and Noncontractive Interframe Mapping
* Fractal Vector Quantizer for Image Coding, A
* Fuzzy Homogeneity Approach to Multilevel Thresholding
* Gaussian Derivative Based Version of JPEG For Image Compression and Decompression, A
* General Framework for Low-Level Vision, A
* Generalized Threshold Replenishment: An Adaptive Vector Quantization Algorithm for the Coding of Nonstationary Sources
* Globally Convergent Edge-Preserving Regularized Reconstruction: An Application to Limited-Angle Tomography
* GOLD: A Parallel Real-Time Stereo Vision System for Generic Obstacle and Lane Detection
* Group-Membership Reinforcement for Straight Edges Based on Bayesian Networks
* Harmonic Retrieval Framework for Discontinuous Motion Estimation, A
* High-Quality Image Resizing Using Oblique Projection Operators
* High-resolution Planetary Imaging via Spotlight-mode Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Histogram Based Segmentation in a Perceptually Uniform Color Space
* Holographic Representations of Images
* Human Visual Weighted Quantization for Transform/Subband Image-Coding Revisited for Interlaced Pictures
* Hybrid Image Segmentation Using Watersheds And Fast Region Merging
* Image Compression Based on Fuzzy Algorithms for Learning Vector Quantization and Wavelet Image Decomposition
* Image Model-Based on Occluding Object Images and Maximum-Entropy, An
* Image Segmentation Via Adaptive K-Mean Clustering And Knowledge-Based Morphological Operations With Biomedical Applications
* Image-Coding Using Robust Quantization for Noisy Digital Transmission
* Image-Coding Using Translation Invariant Wavelet Transforms with Symmetrical Extensions
* Image-Coding with an L-Infinity Norm and Confidence-Interval Criteria
* Image-Restoration in X-Ray Microscopy: PSF Determination and Biological Applications
* Improving Image Quality in Poor Visibility Conditions Using a Physical Model for Contrast Degradation
* Intensity Mappings within the Context of Near-Sensor Image-Processing
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Partial-Differential Equations and Geometry-Driven Diffusion in Image-Processing and Analysis
* Inverse Error-Diffusion Using Classified Vector Quantization
* Inversion of Large-Support Ill-Posed Linear-Operators Using a Piecewise Gaussian MRF
* Joint Optimization of Block Size and Quantization for Quadtree Based Motion Estimation
* Kronecker-Product Gain-Shape Vector Quantization for Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image-Coding
* Line and Boundary Detection in Speckle Images
* Lossy Compression of Noisy Images
* M-band Nonlinear Subband Decompositions with Perfect Reconstruction
* MAP Image Restoration and Segmentation by Constrained Optimization
* Matching Pursuit Filters Applied to Face Identification
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimate For 2-Variable Fractal Surface, A
* Minimax Partial Distortion Competitive Learning for Optimal Codebook Design
* ML Parameter Estimation for Markov Random Fields with Applications to Bayesian Tomography
* Modified Curvature Motion for Image Smoothing and Enhancement
* Modular Neural Network Vector Predictor for Predictive Image Coding, A
* Morphological, Affine, and Galilean Invariant Scale-Space for Movies, A
* MRL-Filters: A General Class of Nonlinear Systems and Their Optimal Design for Image Processing
* Multidimensional Rotations for Robust Quantization of Image Data
* Multigrid Anisotropic Diffusion
* Multiresolution 3-D Range Segmentation Using Focus Cues
* Multiresolution Dynamic Image Representation with Uniform and Foveal Spiral Scan Data
* Multiscale Hypothesis Testing Approach to Anomaly Detection and Localization from Noisy Tomographic Data, A
* Multiscale Representation Including Opponent-Color Features for Texture Recognition, A
* Near-Lossless Image Compression: Minimum-Entropy, Constrained-Error DPCM
* Neural Network Based Systems for Handprint OCR Applications
* New 2-Dimensional Block Adaptive Fir Filtering Algorithm and Its Application to Image-Restoration, A
* New Class of Biorthogonal Wavelet Systems for Image Transform Coding, A
* New Motion-Compensated Reduced-Order Model Kalman Filter for Space Varying Restoration of Progressive and Interlaced Video, A
* Nonexpansive Pyramid for Image-Coding Using a Nonlinear Filterbank
* Nonlinear Image Estimation Using Piecewise and Local Image Models
* Nonlinear Wavelet Image-Processing: Variational-Problems, Compression, and Noise Removal Through Wavelet Shrinkage
* On Stationarizability for Nonstationary 2-D Random-Fields Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms
* On the Convergence of Mean Field Procedures for MRFs
* On the Influence of the Phase of Conjugate Quadrature Filters in Subband Image Coding
* On the Reconstruction of Quadtree Data
* Optical-Flow Estimation and Moving Object Segmentation Based on Median Radial Basis Function Network
* Optimal Approximation of Uniformly Rotated Images: Relationship Between Karhunen-Loeve Expansion and Discrete Cosine Transform
* Optimal Construction of Subband Coders Using Lloyd-Max Quantizers
* Optimal Nonnegative Color Scanning Filters
* Optimal Polygonal Boundary Encoding Scheme in the Rate-Distortion Sense, An
* Optimal Pyramidal and Subband Decompositions for Hierarchical Coding of Noisy and Quantized Images
* Optimal Quadtree-based Motion Estimation and Motion-compensated Interpolation Scheme for Video Compression, An
* Optimal Reconstruction of Images from Localized Phase
* Optimum Design of Chamfer Distance Transforms
* Orientation Diffusions
* Prediction of Image Partitions Using Fourier Descriptors: Application to Segmentation Based Coding Schemes
* Processing JPEG Compressed Images and Documents
* Projective Analysis of 2-D Images
* Pyramid Approach to Subpixel Registration Based on Intensity, A
* Quantification and Segmentation of Brain Tissues from MR-Images: A Probabilistic Neural Network Approach
* Quantitative Comparison of the Performance of SAR Segmentation Algorithms
* Quantization Error in Regular Grids: Triangular Pixels
* Real-time computation of two-dimensional moments on binary images using image block representation
* Recovering Colors in an Image with Chromatic Illuminant
* Recursive Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Based Identification of Blur from Multiple Observations, A
* Recursive Estimation of Images Using Non-gaussian Autoregressive Models
* Recursive Thresholding Technique for Image Segmentation, A
* Reduced Storage VQ via Secondary Quantization
* Region Adaptive Subband Image-Coding
* Region Growing: A New Approach
* Reproducing Kernel Hilbert-Space Method for Optimal Interpolation of Potential Field Data
* Robust Anisotropic Diffusion
* Robust B-Spline Image Modeling with Application to Image Processing
* Rotation and Gray-Scale Transform-Invariant Texture Classification Using Spiral Resampling, Subband Decomposition, and Hidden Markov Model
* Rounding Transform and Its Application for Lossless Pyramid Structured Coding
* SAR Imaging via Modern 2-D Spectral Estimation Methods
* Separability-based Multiscale Basis Selection and Feature Extraction for Signal and Image Classification
* Set Theoretic Compression with an Application to Image Coding
* Shape from Texture: Estimation of Planar Surface Orientation Through the Ridge Surfaces of Continuous Wavelet Transform
* Skeleton-based Morphological Coding of Binary Images
* Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow
* Source-Coding with a Permutation-Based Reversible Memory-Binding Transform for Data-Compression in Categorical-Data Domains
* Statistical Change Detection with Moments Under Time-Varying Illumination
* Stereo Image-Coding: A Projection Approach
* Synthesis Filterbank with Low Hardware Complexity for Subband Image-Coding
* Target Discrimination in Synthetic Aperture Radar Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Technique for Fractal Image Compression Using Genetic Algorithm
* Texture Information in Run-length Matrices
* Texture Synthesis via a Noncausal Nonparametric Multiscale Markov Random Field
* Texture Synthesis-by-analysis with Hard-limited Gaussian Processes
* Total Variation Blind Deconvolution
* Tracking Nonstationary Probabilities in Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding
* Transform Coding of Stereo Image Residuals
* Tree Coding of Bilevel Images
* Two-component Model of Texture for Analysis and Synthesis, A
* Underwater Imaging with a Moving Acoustic Lens
* Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Algorithm with Feature Space Reduction and Knowledge Feedback, An
* Use of Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis and Vector Quantization for Image Coding
* Using Apes for Interferometric SAR Imaging
* Using Zernike Moments for the Illumination and Geometry Invariant Classification of Multispectral Texture
* Variational Approach for Edge-Preserving Regularization Using Coupled PDEs
* Variational Image Segmentation Using Boundary Functions
* Variational-Principles, Surface Evolution, PDEs, Level Set Methods, and the Stereo Problem
* Vector Quantizer for Image Restoration, A
* Virtual Image Cryptosystem Based upon Vector Quantization, A
* Volterra Type Model for Image-Processing, A
* VQ-Adaptive Block Transform Coding of Images
* Wavelet Packet Image-Coding Using Space-Frequency Quantization
* Wavelet Shrinkage and Generalized Cross-Validation for Image Denoising
* Wavelet-Based Analysis of Fractal Image Compression, A
* Wavelet-based Multiresolution Statistical Model for Texture, A
172 for IP(7)

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