Index for putz

Putz, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Auer, D.: Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series
     with: Dersch, D.R.: Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series
     with: Hahn, K.: Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series
     with: Lange, O.: Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series
     with: Leinsinger, G.L.: Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series
     with: Wismuller, A.: Cluster Analysis of Biomedical Image Time-Series

Putze, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jarvis, J.P.: Multimodal Recognition of Cognitive Workload for Multita...
     with: Schultz, T.: Multimodal Recognition of Cognitive Workload for Multitas...

Putze, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Maas, H.G.: 3D Determination of Very Dense Particle Velocity Fields by...

Putzenlechner, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Koal, P.: Fractional Vegetation Cover Derived from UAV and Sentinel-2 ...
     with: Marzahn, P.: Fractional Vegetation Cover Derived from UAV and Sentinel...
     with: Sanchez Azofeifa, A.: Fractional Vegetation Cover Derived from UAV and...

Putzgruber Adamitsch, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boszormenyi, L.: Frame-Based Classification of Operation Phases in Cat...
     with: El Shabrawi, Y.: Evaluating the Generalization Performance of Instrume...
     with: El Shabrawi, Y.: Frame-Based Classification of Operation Phases in Cat...
     with: Ghamsarian, N.: Relevance Detection in Cataract Surgery Videos by Spat...
     with: Munzer, B.: Frame-Based Classification of Operation Phases in Cataract...
     with: Primus, M.J.: Frame-Based Classification of Operation Phases in Catara...
     with: Sarny, S.: Relevance Detection in Cataract Surgery Videos by Spatio- T...
     with: Schoeffmann, K.: Evaluating the Generalization Performance of Instrume...
     with: Schoeffmann, K.: Frame-Based Classification of Operation Phases in Cat...
     with: Schoeffmann, K.: Relevance Detection in Cataract Surgery Videos by Spa...
     with: Sokolova, N.: Evaluating the Generalization Performance of Instrument ...
     with: Taschwer, M.: Evaluating the Generalization Performance of Instrument ...
     with: Taschwer, M.: Frame-Based Classification of Operation Phases in Catara...
     with: Taschwer, M.: Relevance Detection in Cataract Surgery Videos by Spatio...
14 for Putzgruber Adamitsch, D.

Putzu, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Delussu, R.: Blues: Before-relu-estimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd...
     with: Delussu, R.: How Realistic Should Synthetic Images Be for Training Cro...
     with: Delussu, R.: On the Effectiveness of Synthetic Data Sets for Training ...
     with: Delussu, R.: On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
     with: Delussu, R.: Online Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification wit...
     with: Delussu, R.: Scene-specific crowd counting using synthetic training im...
     with: Delussu, R.: Specialise to Generalise: The Person Re-identification Case
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Comparison of Statistical Features for Medical Colour ...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Fast and accurate computation of orthogonal moments fo...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Histological Image Analysis by Invariant Descriptors
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Invariant Moments, Textural and Deep Features for Diag...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Investigation of Different Classification Models to De...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Learning by Sampling for White Blood Cells Segmentation
     with: di Ruberto, C.: leucocytes count system from blood smear images, A
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Mobile Application for Leaf Detection in Complex Backg...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Multiple Classifier Learning by Sampling System for Wh...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: On Different Colour Spaces for Medical Colour Image Cl...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Region Proposal Approach for Cells Detection and Count...
     with: di Ruberto, C.: Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence Matrix Features
     with: Fenu, G.: Mobile Application for Leaf Detection in Complex Background ...
     with: Fodde, G.: Comparison of Statistical Features for Medical Colour Image...
     with: Fodde, G.: Investigation of Different Classification Models to Determi...
     with: Fodde, G.: On Different Colour Spaces for Medical Colour Image Classif...
     with: Fumera, G.: Automatic Myelofibrosis Grading from Silver-Stained Images
     with: Fumera, G.: Blues: Before-relu-estimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd ...
     with: Fumera, G.: How Realistic Should Synthetic Images Be for Training Crow...
     with: Fumera, G.: On the Effectiveness of Synthetic Data Sets for Training P...
     with: Fumera, G.: On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
     with: Fumera, G.: Online Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification with...
     with: Fumera, G.: Scene-specific crowd counting using synthetic training ima...
     with: Fumera, G.: Specialise to Generalise: The Person Re-identification Case
     with: Ledda, E.: Blues: Before-relu-estimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd C...
     with: Ledda, E.: How Realistic Should Synthetic Images Be for Training Crowd...
     with: Ledda, E.: On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
     with: Loddo, A.: Histological Image Analysis by Invariant Descriptors
     with: Loddo, A.: How Realistic Should Synthetic Images Be for Training Crowd...
     with: Loddo, A.: Invariant Moments, Textural and Deep Features for Diagnosti...
     with: Loddo, A.: Learning by Sampling for White Blood Cells Segmentation
     with: Loddo, A.: leucocytes count system from blood smear images, A
     with: Loddo, A.: Multiple Classifier Learning by Sampling System for White B...
     with: Loddo, A.: On the Effectiveness of Synthetic Data Sets for Training Pe...
     with: Loddo, A.: Region Proposal Approach for Cells Detection and Counting f...
     with: Loddo, A.: Specialise to Generalise: The Person Re-identification Case
     with: Rodriguez, G.: Fast and accurate computation of orthogonal moments for...
     with: Rodriguez, G.: Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence Matrix Features
     with: Roli, F.: Blues: Before-relu-estimates Bayesian Inference for Crowd Co...
     with: Roli, F.: On the Evaluation of Video-Based Crowd Counting Models
     with: Roli, F.: Online Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification with a...
     with: Untesco, M.: Automatic Myelofibrosis Grading from Silver-Stained Images
49 for Putzu, L.

Index for "p"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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