Index for pohl

Pohl, A.D.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Culibrk, D.: Full-Reference SSIM Metric for Video Quality Assessment w...
     with: da Silva, W.B.: Full-Reference SSIM Metric for Video Quality Assessmen...
     with: da Silva, W.B.: Objective No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method...
     with: da Silva, W.B.: Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method Base...
     with: Fonseca, K.V.O.: Full-Reference SSIM Metric for Video Quality Assessme...
     with: Fonseca, K.V.O.: Objective No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Metho...
     with: Fonseca, K.V.O.: Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method Bas...
     with: Romani, E.: Full-Reference SSIM Metric for Video Quality Assessment wi...
8 for Pohl, A.D.P.

Pohl, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zeng, Y.: Development of a fusion approach selection tool

Pohl, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bazhin, K.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Flu...
     with: Bouchard, F.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian F...
     with: Costard, F.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Fl...
     with: Danilov, K.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Fl...
     with: Fedorov, A.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Fl...
     with: Gloaguen, R.: Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the Variability of Wi...
     with: Grenier, C.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Fl...
     with: Khristoforov, I.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakuti...
     with: Konstantinov, P.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakuti...
     with: Leger, E.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Fluv...
     with: Mugler, C.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Flu...
     with: Pessel, M.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Flu...
     with: Saintenoy, A.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian ...
     with: Seiler, R.: Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the Variability of Wint...
     with: Sejourne, A.: Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian F...
15 for Pohl, E.

Pohl, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hermanns, F.: Inferring Grassland Drought Stress with Unsupervised Lea...
     with: Lausch, A.: Inferring Grassland Drought Stress with Unsupervised Learn...
     with: Rebmann, C.: Inferring Grassland Drought Stress with Unsupervised Lear...
     with: Schulz, G.: Inferring Grassland Drought Stress with Unsupervised Learn...
     with: Werban, U.: Inferring Grassland Drought Stress with Unsupervised Learn...

Pohl, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eidehall, A.: Toward Autonomous Collision Avoidance by Steering
     with: Ekmark, J.: Toward Autonomous Collision Avoidance by Steering
     with: Gustafsson, F.: Toward Autonomous Collision Avoidance by Steering

Pohl, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amir, A.: Shape-based similarity retrieval of Doppler images for clini...
     with: Beymer, D.: Shape-based similarity retrieval of Doppler images for cli...
     with: Greenspan, H.: Shape-based similarity retrieval of Doppler images for ...
     with: Syeda Mahmood, T.: Shape-based similarity retrieval of Doppler images ...
     with: Turaga, P.K.: Shape-based similarity retrieval of Doppler images for c...
     with: Wang, F.: Shape-based similarity retrieval of Doppler images for clini...

Pohl, K.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adeli, E.: Disentangling Normal Aging From Severity of Disease via Wea...
     with: Adeli, E.: FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weigh...
     with: Adeli, E.: Logistic Regression Confined by Cardinality-Constrained Sam...
     with: Adeli, E.: Metadata Normalization
     with: Adeli, E.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to Mi...
     with: Akbari, H.: PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor Regis...
     with: Axel, L.: 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle Wall...
     with: Bilello, M.: GLISTR: Glioma Image Segmentation and Registration
     with: Bilello, M.: PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor Regi...
     with: Biros, G.: GLISTR: Glioma Image Segmentation and Registration
     with: Bouix, S.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
     with: Cirillo, L.: GLISTR: Glioma Image Segmentation and Registration
     with: Criminisi, A.: Discriminative Segmentation-Based Evaluation Through Sh...
     with: Criminisi, A.: WESD: Weighted Spectral Distance for Measuring Shape Di...
     with: Davatzikos, C.: GLISTR: Glioma Image Segmentation and Registration
     with: Davatzikos, C.: Groupwise morphometric analysis based on high dimensio...
     with: Davatzikos, C.: Morphological Classification: Application to Cardiac M...
     with: Davatzikos, C.: PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor R...
     with: Davatzikos, C.: Validation of DRAMMS among 12 Popular Methods in Cross...
     with: Desjardins, B.: Regional Manifold Learning for Disease Classification
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Metadata Normalization
     with: Fei Fei, L.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to ...
     with: Fisher, J.W.: Expectation Maximization Approach for Integrated Registr...
     with: Fisher, J.W.: Shape Based Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Mag...
     with: Glocker, B.: Discriminative Segmentation-Based Evaluation Through Shap...
     with: Glocker, B.: WESD: Weighted Spectral Distance for Measuring Shape Diss...
     with: Gooya, A.: GLISTR: Glioma Image Segmentation and Registration
     with: Grimson, W.E.L.: Expectation Maximization Approach for Integrated Regi...
     with: Grimson, W.E.L.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellatio...
     with: Grimson, W.E.L.: Shape Based Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in ...
     with: Hamm, J.: Regional Manifold Learning for Disease Classification
     with: Janoos, F.: Active Mean Fields for Probabilistic Image Segmentation: C...
     with: Jin, K.H.: FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weigh...
     with: Kang, M.: FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weight...
     with: Kikinis, R.: Expectation Maximization Approach for Integrated Registra...
     with: Kikinis, R.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
     with: Kikinis, R.: Shape Based Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Magn...
     with: Kim, S.: FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weight ...
     with: Konukoglu, E.: Discriminative Segmentation-Based Evaluation Through Sh...
     with: Konukoglu, E.: WESD: Weighted Spectral Distance for Measuring Shape Di...
     with: Kwon, D.J.: Logistic Regression Confined by Cardinality-Constrained Sa...
     with: Kwon, D.J.: PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor Regis...
     with: Li, X.R.: Logistic Regression Confined by Cardinality-Constrained Samp...
     with: Litt, H.: Groupwise morphometric analysis based on high dimensional cl...
     with: Litt, H.: Morphological Classification: Application to Cardiac MRI of ...
     with: Litt, H.: Regional Manifold Learning for Disease Classification
     with: Lu, M.: Metadata Normalization
     with: McCarley, R.W.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation...
     with: Melhem, E.R.: GLISTR: Glioma Image Segmentation and Registration
     with: Metaxas, D.N.: 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle...
     with: Nakamura, M.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
     with: Niebles, J.C.: Metadata Normalization
     with: Niebles, J.C.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence t...
     with: Niethammer, M.: Active Mean Fields for Probabilistic Image Segmentatio...
     with: Niethammer, M.: PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor R...
     with: Ou, Y.M.: Validation of DRAMMS among 12 Popular Methods in Cross-Subje...
     with: Ouyang, J.H.: Disentangling Normal Aging From Severity of Disease via ...
     with: Park, S.H.: FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weig...
     with: Pfefferbaum, A.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence...
     with: Rohlfing, T.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
     with: Shenton, M.E.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
     with: Sullivan, E.V.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence ...
     with: Tan, C.W.: 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle Wal...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Active Mean Fields for Probabilistic Image Segmentation: ...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Expectation Maximization Approach for Integrated Registra...
     with: Wells, W.M.: Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
     with: Wells, W.M.: Shape Based Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Magn...
     with: Wu, P.X.: 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle Wall...
     with: Yang, D.: 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle Wall...
     with: Ye, D.H.: Discriminative Segmentation-Based Evaluation Through Shape D...
     with: Ye, D.H.: Groupwise morphometric analysis based on high dimensional cl...
     with: Ye, D.H.: Morphological Classification: Application to Cardiac MRI of ...
     with: Ye, D.H.: Regional Manifold Learning for Disease Classification
     with: Ye, D.H.: Validation of DRAMMS among 12 Popular Methods in Cross-Subje...
     with: Zaharchuk, G.: Disentangling Normal Aging From Severity of Disease via...
     with: Zhang, J.: Metadata Normalization
     with: Zhang, Y.: Logistic Regression Confined by Cardinality-Constrained Sam...
     with: Zhao, Q.Y.: Disentangling Normal Aging From Severity of Disease via We...
     with: Zhao, Q.Y.: Metadata Normalization
     with: Zhao, Q.Y.: Representation Learning with Statistical Independence to M...
80 for Pohl, K.M.

Pohl, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Birke, P.: Interactive Exploration of Large Dynamic Networks
     with: Bulatov, D.: Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3...
     with: Bulatov, D.: Detection of Small Roof Details in Image Sequences
     with: Bulatov, D.: Simplification of Polygonal Chains by Enforcing Few Disti...
     with: Bulatov, D.: Vectorization Of Road Data Extracted From Aerial And UAV ...
     with: Haufel, G.: Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3D...
     with: Haufel, G.: Vectorization Of Road Data Extracted From Aerial And UAV I...
     with: Meidow, J.: Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3D...
     with: Meidow, J.: Simplification of Polygonal Chains by Enforcing Few Distin...
     with: Solbrig, P.: Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3...
     with: Wernerus, P.: Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of ...
11 for Pohl, M.

Pohl, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayhan, S.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Bhutani, A.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Eymard, L.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Gottel, B.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Hommes, A.: Mobile Mapping By FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar Operating ...
     with: Jaeschke, T.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Palm, S.: Challenges and Potentials Using Multi Aspect Coverage of Urb...
     with: Palm, S.: Mobile Mapping By FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar Operating At...
     with: Panel, J.M.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Pauli, M.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Scherr, S.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Sommer, R.: Mobile Mapping By FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar Operating ...
     with: Stilla, U.: Challenges and Potentials Using Multi Aspect Coverage of U...
     with: Stilla, U.: Mobile Mapping By FMCW Synthetic Aperture Radar Operating ...
     with: Thomas, S.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Vivier, F.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Weill, A.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
     with: Zwick, T.: Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor for Snow Height Measurements
18 for Pohl, N.

Pohl, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benesova, W.: Interpretability of deep neural networks used for the di...
     with: Faranesh, A.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensatio...
     with: Faranesh, A.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Esti...
     with: Fischer, P.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation...
     with: Fischer, P.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Estim...
     with: Hornegger, J.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensati...
     with: Hornegger, J.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Est...
     with: Jakab, M.: Interpretability of deep neural networks used for the diagn...
     with: Kostler, H.: Performance engineering to achieve real-time high dynamic...
     with: Lederman, R.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensatio...
     with: Maier, A.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation o...
     with: Maier, A.: Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Estimat...
     with: Ratnayaka, K.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensati...
     with: Rogers, T.: MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation ...
     with: Sturmer, M.: Performance engineering to achieve real-time high dynamic...
15 for Pohl, T.

Pohlack, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Roitzsch, M.: Video quality and system resources: Scheduling two oppon...

Pohle Frohlich, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bolten, T.: Detection of symmetry points in images
     with: Bolten, T.: DVS-OUTLAB: A Neuromorphic Event-Based Long Time Monitorin...
     with: Dalitz, C.: Detection of symmetry points in images
     with: Tonnies, K.D.: DVS-OUTLAB: A Neuromorphic Event-Based Long Time Monito...

Pohle, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Al Zubi, S.: Segmenting Microorganisms in Multi-modal Volumetric Datas...
     with: Bergner, S.: Segmenting Microorganisms in Multi-modal Volumetric Datas...
     with: Eitner, A.: Segmenting Microorganisms in Multi-modal Volumetric Datase...
     with: Neu, T.R.: Segmenting Microorganisms in Multi-modal Volumetric Dataset...
     with: Toennies, K.D.: New Approach for Model-Based Adaptive Region Growing i...
     with: Tonnies, K.D.: Segmenting Microorganisms in Multi-modal Volumetric Dat...

Pohlen, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badami, I.: Semantic segmentation of modular furniture
     with: Hermans, A.: Full-Resolution Residual Networks for Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Leibe, B.: Full-Resolution Residual Networks for Semantic Segmentation...
     with: Leibe, B.: Semantic segmentation of modular furniture
     with: Mathias, M.: Full-Resolution Residual Networks for Semantic Segmentati...
     with: Mathias, M.: Semantic segmentation of modular furniture

Pohlker, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Botia, S.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights Using R...
     with: Carneiro, R.G.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights Us...
     with: d'Oliveira, F.A.F.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Height...
     with: Dias Junior, C.Q.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights...
     with: dos Santos, R.M.N.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Height...
     with: Fisch, G.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights Using R...
     with: Machado, L.A.T.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights U...
     with: Sorgel, M.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights Using ...
     with: Wolff, S.: Intercomparison of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights Using R...
9 for Pohlker, C.

Pohlmeyer, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bahlmann, C.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Corti...
     with: Chang, S.F.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Cortic...
     with: Christoforou, C.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: C...
     with: Dmochowski, J.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Cor...
     with: Hanna, B.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Cortical...
     with: Parra, L.C.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Cortic...
     with: Sajda, P.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Cortical...
     with: Singh, M.K.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Cortic...
     with: Wang, J.: In a Blink of an Eye and a Switch of a Transistor: Corticall...
9 for Pohlmeyer, E.

Index for "p"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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