Index for tuba

Tuba, E.[Eva] Co Author Listing * JPEG Quantization Table Optimization by Guided Fireworks Algorithm

Tuba, M.[Milan] Co Author Listing * JPEG Quantization Table Optimization by Guided Fireworks Algorithm
* Linear Estimator for Network Localization Using Integrated RSS and AOA Measurements, A

Tubaiz, N. Co Author Listing * Glove-Based Continuous Arabic Sign Language Recognition in User-Dependent Mode

Tubana, B.[Brenda] Co Author Listing * MMST-ViT: Climate Change-aware Crop Yield Prediction via Multi-Modal Spatial-Temporal Vision Transformer

Tubaro, S.[Stefano] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Tubaro, S.[Stefano]: tubaro AT elet polimi it
* 3D area matching with arbitrary multiview geometry
* 3D Markerless human limb localization through robust energy minimization
* 3D Motion Estimation of a Trinocular System for a Full-3D Object Reconstruction
* 3D Motion from structures of points, lines and planes
* 3D Object Modeling with a Voxelset Carving Approach
* 3D wide baseline correspondences using depth-maps
* Accurate and simple geometric calibration of multi-camera systems
* Accurate feature detection and matching for the tracking of calibration parameters in multi-camera acquisition systems
* Action modeling with volumetric data
* Analysis of Coding Efficiency of Motion-Compensated Interpolation at the Decoder in Distributed Video Coding
* Anti-Aliasing Add-On for Deep Prior Seismic Data Interpolation
* Area matching based on belief propagation with applications to face modeling
* Blind and Readable Watermarking Technique for Color Images, A
* Clustering of human actions using invariant body shape descriptor and dynamic time warping
* CNN-Based Fast Source Device Identification
* Codec and GOP Identification in Double Compressed Videos
* Coding Local and Global Binary Visual Features Extracted From Video Sequences
* Coding video sequences of visual features
* Coding Visual Features Extracted From Video Sequences
* Colored visual tags: a robust approach for augmented reality
* Combined Motion and Edge Analysis for a Layer-Based Representation of Image Sequences
* Combined surface interpolation and object segmentation for automatic 3D scene reconstruction
* Combining MCTF with Distributed Source Coding
* compressive-sensing based watermarking scheme for sparse image tampering identification, A
* Correction method for nonideal iris recognition
* Counter-Forensic Method for CNN-Based Camera Model Identification, A
* Countering JPEG anti-forensics
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for pedestrian detection
* Deep Image Prior Amplitude SAR Image Anonymization
* Deep skin detection on low resolution grayscale images
* Denoising infrared structured light DIBR signals using 3D morphological operators
* Detectability-quality trade-off in JPEG counter-forensics
* Detecting GAN-Generated Images by Orthogonal Training of Multiple CNNs
* Detection and characterisation of planar fractures using a 3D Hough transform
* Detection and Synchronization of Video Sequences for Event Reconstruction
* Distributed Video Coding: Trends and Perspectives
* Do Deepfakes Feel Emotions? A Semantic Approach to Detecting Deepfakes Via Emotional Inconsistencies
* Egomotion Estimation of a Multicamera System Through Line Correspondences
* Estimation and Compensation of Subpixel Edge Localization Error
* Estimation of Radiometric Parameters for A Realistic Rendering of 3D Models
* Expected Distortion of DCT-Coefficients in Video Streaming over Unreliable Channel
* Exploiting Spatial Redundancy in Pixel Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Fast in-band motion estimation with variable size block matching
* Fast PDE approach to surface reconstruction from large cloud of points
* Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Images for Remote PhotoPlethysmoGraphy
* First Steps Toward Camera Model Identification With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Forensic Analysis of Video Files Using Metadata
* Hash-Based Identification of Sparse Image Tampering
* HRTF personalization based on weighted sparse representation of anthropometric features
* Hybrid coding of visual content and local image features
* hybrid image coder with vector quantizer, A
* Identification of the motion estimation strategy using eigenalgorithms
* Identification of Transform Coding Chains
* Image Anonymization Detection with Deep Handcrafted Features
* image coding scheme based on image projections and geometrical VQ, An
* Image-Based Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
* Image-based Object Modeling: A Multiresolution Level-set Approach
* Image-based surface modeling: a multi-resolution approach
* Improving the performance of edge localization techniques through error compensation
* Inpainting-Based camera anonymization
* It Wasn't Me: Irregular Identity in Deepfake Videos
* Joint Compressive Video Coding and Analysis
* Joint Sublattice Selection and Prefilter Design for the Optimal Decimation of 2-D Digital Signals
* Landmine Detection Using Autoencoders on Multipolarization GPR Volumetric Data
* Learn from Simulations, Adapt to Observations: Super-Resolution of Isoprene Emissions via Unpaired Domain Adaptation
* Localization of sparse image tampering via random projections
* Minimum Variance Optimal Rate Allocation for Multiplexed H.264/AVC Bitstreams
* Modeling closed surfaces in a multi-resolution fashion
* Modified Fourier-Mellin Approach For Source Device Identification On Stabilized Videos, A
* moving object identification algorithm for image sequence interpolation, A
* MTN: Forensic Analysis of MP4 Video Files Using Graph Neural Networks
* Multi-Camera Acquisitions for High-Accuracy 3D Reconstruction
* Multi-camera parameter tracking
* Multi-camera systems
* Multi-resolution Area Matching
* Multi-resolution Corner Detection
* Multicamera motion estimation for high-accuracy 3D reconstruction
* Multicamera rig calibration by double-sided thick checkerboard
* Multiple Description Video Coding for Scalable and Robust Transmission Over IP
* Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
* Multiresolution Level-set Approach to Surface Fusion, A
* Multistage motion estimation for image interpolation
* Near-duplicate detection and alignment for multi-view videos
* Near-duplicate video detection exploiting noise residual traces
* New perspectives on camera calibration using geometric algebra
* No-reference modeling of the channel induced distortion at the decoder for H.264/AVC video coding
* No-Reference Pixel Video Quality Monitoring of Channel-Induced Distortion
* No-reference quality metric for depth maps
* No-Reference Video Quality Monitoring for H.264/AVC Coded Video
* On the Modeling of Motion in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* On the use of Benford's law to detect GAN-generated images
* Open-Set Source Attribution for Panchromatic Satellite Imagery
* ORIGAMI project: advanced tools and techniques for high-end mixing and interaction between real and virtual content, The
* ORIGAMI Project: Advanced tools for creating and mixing real and virtual content in film and TV production, The
* P2CA: How Much Face Information is Needed?
* Phylogeny reconstruction for misaligned and compressed video sequences
* Piecewise distortion correction for fisheye lenses
* Postural Assessment in Dentistry Based on Multiple Markers Tracking
* Prnu-Based Method to Expose Video Device Compositions in Open-Set Setups, A
* Progressive image transmission based on image projections
* Rate allocation for robust video streaming based on distributed video coding
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Motion-Compensated Interpolation at the Decoder in Distributed Video Coding
* Reconstructing Speech From CNN Embeddings
* Reliability Map Estimation for CNN-Based Camera Model Attribution
* Robust Area Matching
* Robust Method for the Estimation of Reliable Wide Baseline Correspondences, A
* Robust real-time intrusion detection with fuzzy classification
* Scalable coding of variable size blocks motion vectors
* sequence-based error-concealment algorithm for an unbalanced multiple description video coding system, A
* Smart Toothbrushes: Inertial Measurement Sensors Fusion with Visual Tracking
* space domain approach for multiple description video coding, A
* Special issue on scalable coded media beyond compression
* Subjective evaluation of a NO-reference video quality Monitoring algorithm for H.264/AVC video over a noisy channel
* Subjective Quality Assessment of H.264/AVC Video Streaming with Packet Losses
* Super-Resolution of BVOC Maps by Adapting Deep Learning Methods
* Symmetric Distributed Coding of Stereo Video Sequences
* Synthesis of virtual views using non-Lambertian reflectivity models and stereo matching
* Tampering Detection and Localization Through Clustering of Camera-Based CNN Features
* Three-Dimensional Image and Video Processing, Intro
* Three-view camera calibration using geometric algebra
* Toothbrush motion analysis to help children learn proper tooth brushing
* Tracking of two acoustic sources in reverberant environments using a particle swarm optimizer
* Transform coder identification with double quantized data
* two layers video coding scheme for ATM networks, A
* Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Structure based on planes parallelism
* Video Codec Forensics Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Video Face Manipulation Detection Through Ensemble of CNNs
* Video recapture detection based on ghosting artifact analysis
* View-synthesis from uncalibrated cameras and parallel planes
* Visible Surface Reconstruction with Accurate Localization of Object Boundaries
* Who is my parent? Reconstructing video sequences from partially matching shots
Includes: Tubaro, S.[Stefano] Tubaro, S.
133 for Tubaro, S.

Tubau Comas, A. Co Author Listing * Automatic Apple Tree Blossom Estimation From UAV Rgb Imagery
* Feasibility assessment of tree-level flower intensity quantification from UAV RGB imagery: A triennial study in an apple orchard
Includes: Tubau Comas, A. Tubau-Comas, A.[Aina]

Index for "t"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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