Szilagyi, L.[Laszlo]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive ECG Compression Using Support Vector Machine
* Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multispectral MRI Volumes Using a Random Forest Approach
* Biometric System Based on Registration of Dorsal Hand Vein Configurations
* Echocardiographic Image Sequence Compression Based on Spatial Active Appearance Model
* Efficient 3D Curve Skeleton Extraction from Large Objects
* Efficient Approach to Intensity Inhomogeneity Compensation Using c-Means Clustering Models, An
* Efficient Feature Extraction for Fast Segmentation of MR Brain Images
* Enhanced Accessory Pathway Localization Method for Efficient Treatment of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, An
* GeCiM: A Novel Generalized Approach to C-Means Clustering
* Identification of the Root Canal from Dental Micro-CT Records
* Lessons to learn from a mistaken optimization
* Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for MR Brain Image Segmentation, A
* Possibilistic c-means Clustering Model with Cluster Size Estimation, A
* Spatial Visualization of the Heart in Case of Ectopic Beats and Fibrillation
* Study of Electric and Mechanic Properties of the Implanted Artificial Cardiac Tissue Using a Whole Heart Model
* Thorough Analysis of the Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, A
* Unified Neural Network Based Pathologic Event Reconstruction Using Spatial Heart Model
* Volumetric Analysis of the Heart Using Echocardiography
Includes: Szilagyi, L.[Laszlo] Szilágyi, L.[László]
18 for Szilagyi, L.
Szilagyi, M.[Miklos]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multispectral MRI Volumes Using a Random Forest Approach
Includes: Szilagyi, M.[Miklos] Szilágyi, M.[Miklós]
Szilagyi, S.M.[Sandor M.]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive ECG Compression Using Support Vector Machine
* Echocardiographic Image Sequence Compression Based on Spatial Active Appearance Model
* Efficient 3D Curve Skeleton Extraction from Large Objects
* Efficient Approach to Intensity Inhomogeneity Compensation Using c-Means Clustering Models, An
* Efficient Feature Extraction for Fast Segmentation of MR Brain Images
* Enhanced Accessory Pathway Localization Method for Efficient Treatment of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome, An
* GeCiM: A Novel Generalized Approach to C-Means Clustering
* Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for MR Brain Image Segmentation, A
* Possibilistic c-means Clustering Model with Cluster Size Estimation, A
* Spatial Visualization of the Heart in Case of Ectopic Beats and Fibrillation
* Study of Electric and Mechanic Properties of the Implanted Artificial Cardiac Tissue Using a Whole Heart Model
* Thorough Analysis of the Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm, A
* Unified Neural Network Based Pathologic Event Reconstruction Using Spatial Heart Model
* Volumetric Analysis of the Heart Using Echocardiography
Includes: Szilagyi, S.M.[Sandor M.] Szilágyi, S.M.[Sándor M.] Szilágyi, S.M.[Sándor Miklós] Szilágyi, S.M.[Sándor Miklos]
14 for Szilagyi, S.M.
Szilagyi, T.[Tunde]
Co Author Listing * Automatic segmentation of adherent biological cell boundaries and nuclei from brightfield microscopy images
* On the Use of Low-Pass Filters for Image Processing with Inverse Laplacian Models
Includes: Szilagyi, T.[Tunde] Szilágyi, T.[Tünde]
Szilassi, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Improvement in Satellite Image-Based Land Cover Classification with Landscape Metrics
Includes: Szilassi, P.[Peter] Szilassi, P.[Péter]
Szilo, J.[Joanna]
Co Author Listing * Recent Deceleration of the Ice Elevation Change of Ecology Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica)