Rovella, N.[Natalia]
Co Author Listing * Decay Assessment of Stone-Built Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of the Cosenza Cathedral Façade (South Calabria, Italy)
Rovenski, V.[Vladimir]
Co Author Listing * Modeling of Curves and Surfaces with MATLAB®
Rover, J.[Jennifer]
Co Author Listing * Effects of Disturbance and Climate Change on Ecosystem Performance in the Yukon River Basin Boreal Forest
* Geostatistical estimation of signal-to-noise ratios for spectral vegetation indices
* Monitoring Landscape Dynamics in Central U.S. Grasslands with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
Rovere, A.[Alessio]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy and Precision of Shallow-Water Photogrammetry from the Sea Surface
Roveri, M.
Co Author Listing * Visual Inspection of Particle Boards for Quality Assessment
Roveri, R.[Riccardo]
Co Author Listing * Network Architecture for Point Cloud Classification via Automatic Depth Images Generation, A
Rovero, L.
Co Author Listing * Diagnosis Processes for Desert Rose Domes of The Souf Region in Algeria
Roversi, G.[Giacomo]
Co Author Listing * Extreme Rainfall Events of the 2020 Typhoon Season in Vietnam as Seen by Seven Different Precipitation Products, The
Roverso, D.[Davide]
Co Author Listing * Sen: A Novel Feature Normalization Dissimilarity Measure for Prototypical Few-shot Learning Networks
Rovetta, A.[Alberto]
Co Author Listing * Backchannel Prediction for Mandarin Human-Computer Interaction
* Kernel optimization using nonparametric Fisher criterion in the subspace
* Noninvasive System for Evaluating Driver Vigilance Level Examining Both Physiological and Mechanical Data, A
* Point Context: An Effective Shape Descriptor for RST-Invariant Trajectory Recognition
Includes: Rovetta, A.[Alberto] Rovetta, A.
Rovetta, S.
Co Author Listing * Circular Backpropagation Networks for Classification
* Efficient Technique for Implementing an Image Compression Neural Algorithm on Concurrent Multiprocessor, An
* Image Recognition System Implemented on Hierarchical Parallel Architectures, An
* Shared farthest neighbor approach to clustering of high dimensionality, low cardinality data
* survey of kernel and spectral methods for clustering, A
* Vector quantization and fuzzy ranks for image reconstruction
Includes: Rovetta, S. Rovetta, S.[Stefano]
Rovetta, T.[Tommaso]
Co Author Listing * Interactive Tool for Speed up the Analysis of UV Images of Stradivari Violins, An