Index for nick

Nicka, C.M. Co Author Listing * Looking Under the Hood: Deep Neural Network Visualization to Interpret Whole-Slide Image Analysis Outcomes for Colorectal Polyps

Nickabadi, A.[Ahmad] Co Author Listing * Convolutional Relational Machine for Group Activity Recognition
* probabilistic topic model using deep visual word representation for simultaneous image classification and annotation, A
* Towards reliable multi-person pose estimation using Conditional Random Fields

Nickayin, S.S.[Samaneh Sadat] Co Author Listing * What Happens in the City When Long-Term Urban Expansion and (Un)Sustainable Fringe Development Occur: The Case Study of Rome

Nickchen, T.[Tobias] Co Author Listing * Generating Physically Sound Training Data for Image Recognition of Additively Manufactured Parts

Nickel, D.[Dominik] Co Author Listing * Results of the 2020 fastMRI Challenge for Machine Learning MR Image Reconstruction

Nickel, K.[Kai] Co Author Listing * 3D-tracking of head and hands for pointing gesture recognition in a human-robot interaction scenario
* Dynamic Integration of Generalized Cues for Person Tracking
* Head Pose Estimation in Single- and Multi-view Environments: Results on the CLEAR'07 Benchmarks
* Head pose estimation using stereo vision for human-robot interaction
* Multi-View Head Pose Estimation using Neural Networks
* Real-Time Person Tracking and Pointing Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction
* Real-Time Recognition of 3D-Pointing Gestures for Human-Machine-Interaction
* Tracking of the Articulated Upper Body on Multi-View Stereo Image Sequences
* Visual recognition of pointing gestures for human-robot interaction
9 for Nickel, K.

Nickel, M. Co Author Listing * Separating Self-Expression and Visual Content in Hashtag Supervision
* Task-Driven Modular Networks for Zero-Shot Compositional Learning

Nickel, P.[Peter] Co Author Listing * Improving Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Human-System Interaction (HSI) Through Applications in Virtual Environments

Nickels, K.M.[Kevin M.] Co Author Listing * Estimating uncertainty in SSD-based feature tracking
* Model Based Tracking of Articulated Objects
* Model-Based Tracking of Complex Articulated Objects
* Textured Image Segmentation: Returning Multiple Solutions

Nickerson, B.R.[Brian R.] Co Author Listing * Implementation of a Real-time Foreground/Background Segmentation System on the Intel Architecture

Nickerson, J.V.[Jeffrey V.] Co Author Listing * Approach to Fingerprint Filter Design, An

Nickeson, J.[Jaime] Co Author Listing * Surface ALbedo VALidation (SALVAL) Platform: Towards CEOS LPV Validation Stage 4: Application to Three Global Albedo Climate Data Records

Nickeson, J.E.[Jaime E.] Co Author Listing * High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientific Data Purchase

Nickfarjam, A.M. Co Author Listing * ACO-based Intrusion Detection Method in Computer Networks using Fuzzy Association Rules
* Measuring panoramic radiomorphometric indices for mandible bone using active shape model and Bayesian information criterion-support vector machine
Includes: Nickfarjam, A.M. Nickfarjam, A.M.[Ali Mohammad]

Nickisch, H.[Hannes] Co Author Listing * Attribute-Based Classification for Zero-Shot Visual Object Categorization
* Gaussian Mixture Modeling with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* Large Scale Bayesian Inference And Experimental Design For Sparse Linear Models
* Learning an interactive segmentation system
* Learning to detect unseen object classes by between-class attribute transfer
* User-Centric Learning and Evaluation of Interactive Segmentation Systems

Nickl, M. Co Author Listing * FPGA based real-time visual servoing

Nickl, P.[Peter] Co Author Listing * Variational Hierarchical Mixtures for Probabilistic Learning of Inverse Dynamics

Nicklaus, K.[Kolja] Co Author Listing * Towards NGGM: Laser Tracking Instrument for the Next Generation of Gravity Missions

Nickles, C.[Cassandra] Co Author Listing * Applicability of SWOT's Non-Uniform Space-Time Sampling in Hydrologic Model Calibration, The

Nickless, A.[Alecia] Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Clear-Sky Incoming Radiation Estimating Equations Typically Used in Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Algorithms
* Validation of Global Evapotranspiration Product (MOD16) using Flux Tower Data in the African Savanna, South Africa

Nickmilder, C.[Charles] Co Author Listing * Creation of a Walloon Pasture Monitoring Platform Based on Machine Learning Models and Remote Sensing
* Development of Machine Learning Models to Predict Compressed Sward Height in Walloon Pastures Based on Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Meteorological Data Using Multiple Data Transformations

Nickolay, B.[Bertram] Co Author Listing * Contour Matching Algorithm to Reconstruct Ruptured Documents, A
* Fuzzy Image Processing by Using Dubois and Prade Fuzzy Norms
* Image Consulting Framework for Document Analysis of Internet Graphics, An
* New Approach to Fuzzy Morphology Based on Fuzzy Integral and Its Application in Image Processing, A
* Parameter optimisation of an image processing system using evolutionary algorithms
Includes: Nickolay, B.[Bertram] Nickolay, B.

Nickolls, P. Co Author Listing * Pre-processing of images in an automated chromosome analysis system

Nickolov, R. Co Author Listing * Fast optical character recognition through glyph hashing for document conversion

Nickravesh, F.[Fatemeh] Co Author Listing * New Integrated Approach for Municipal Landfill Siting Based on Urban Physical Growth Prediction: A Case Study Mashhad Metropolis in Iran, A

Nickray, M. Co Author Listing * ReFOCUS+: Multi-Layers Real-Time Intelligent Route Guidance System With Congestion Detection and Avoidance

Index for "n"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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