Index for naro

Naroditsky, O. Co Author Listing * 3D scanning using spatiotemporal orientation
* Iris on the Move: Acquisition of Images for Iris Recognition in Less Constrained Environments
* Optimizing polynomial solvers for minimal geometry problems
* Two Efficient Solutions for Visual Odometry Using Directional Correspondence
* VideoTrek: A vision system for a tag-along robot
* Visual odometry
Includes: Naroditsky, O. Naroditsky, O.[Oleg]

Narodytska, N. Co Author Listing * Simple Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks

Naroska, E.[Edwin] Co Author Listing * Efficient Saliency Map Detection for Low-Light Images Based on Image Gradient

Narotamo, H.[Hemaxi] Co Author Listing * Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning

Narote, A.S.[Abbhilasha S.] Co Author Listing * review of recent advances in lane detection and departure warning system, A

Narote, S.P.[Sandipann P.] Co Author Listing * Performance evaluation of efficient segmentation and classification based iris recognition using sheaf attention network
* review of recent advances in lane detection and departure warning system, A

Naroyanan, K.R. Co Author Listing * Scalable image transmission using rate-compatible irregular repeat accumulate (IRA) codes

Index for "n"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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