Index for jahn

Jahn, C.[Claudius] Co Author Listing * Asynchronous Occlusion Culling on Heterogeneous PC Clusters for Distributed 3D Scenes
* Evaluation of Rendering Algorithms Using Position-Dependent Scene Properties
* Preprocessed Global Visibility for Real-Time Rendering on Low-End Hardware
* Real-Time 3D Rendering of Heterogeneous Scenes
Includes: Jahn, C.[Claudius] Jähn, C.[Claudius] (Maybe also Jaehn, C.)

Jahn, C.H.[Cord Hinrich] Co Author Listing * Regional Ground Movement Detection by Analysis and Modeling PSI Observations
Includes: Jahn, C.H.[Cord Hinrich] Jahn, C.H.[Cord-Hinrich]

Jahn, H.[Herbert] Co Author Listing * Binocular Stereo Matching by Local Attraction
* Feature Grouping Based on Graphs and Neural Networks
* Parallel Approach to Binocular Stereo Matching
* Parallel Epipolar Stereo Matching
* Sensor-Based Approach to Image Quality, A
* System Theoretical Aspects for Designing Opto-Electronic Sensors for Remote Sensing

Jahn, M.[Markus] Co Author Listing * Geospatial Data Management Research: Progress and Future Directions
* story of DB4GeO: A service-based geo-database architecture to support multi-dimensional data analysis and visualization, The

Jahn, M.W.[Markus Wilhelm] Co Author Listing * Robustness Study for the Extraction of Watertight Volumetric Models from Boundary Representation Data, A
* Topological Access Methods for Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data

Jahn, T.[Tim] Co Author Listing * Early Stopping of Untrained Convolutional Neural Networks

Jahnavi, Y.[Yeturu] Co Author Listing * Novel Ensemble Stacking Classification of Genetic Variations Using Machine Learning Algorithms, A

Jahne, B.[Bernd] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Jahne, B.[Bernd]: bernd Jaehne AT iwr uni-heidelberg de
* Adaptive Confidence Measure for Optical Flows Based on Linear Subspace Projections, An
* Analytical Studies of Low-Level Motion Estimators in Space-Time Images Using a Unified Filter Concept
* Boosting Shift-Invariant Features
* Comparison of Region Detectors for Tracking, A
* Computer Vision and Applications: A Guide for Students and Practitioners
* Decomposing Infrared Images of Wind Waves for Quantitative Separation Into Characteristic Flow Processes
* Dense Range Flow from Depth and Intensity Data
* Depth from Focus with One Image
* Digital Image Processing
* Digital Image Processing (third edition): Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications
* Digital Image Processing: Concepts, Algorithms, and Scientific Applications
* Direct Estimation of the Wall Shear Rate Using Parametric Motion Models in 3D
* Estimation of Surface Flow and Net Heat Flux from Infrared Image Sequences
* Generating EPI Representations of 4D Light Fields with a Single Lens Focused Plenoptic Camera
* Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 1. Sensors and Imaging
* Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 2. Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
* Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. 3. Systems and Applications
* HCI Benchmark Suite: Stereo and Flow Ground Truth with Uncertainties for Urban Autonomous Driving, The
* Heterogeneous Light Fields
* High frame rate for 3D Time-of-Flight cameras by dynamic sensor calibration
* Image Sequence Analysis in Environmental and Live Sciences
* Image Sequence Analysis of Complex Physical Objects: Nonlinear Small Scale Water Surface Waves
* Improved Model for Estimating the Meteorological Visibility from a Road Surface Luminance Curve, An
* In situ determination of cell concentration in bioreactors with a new depth from focus technique
* Learning of Optimal Illumination for Material Classification
* Localization accuracy of region detectors
* Mixed OLS-TLS for the Estimation of Dynamic Processes with a Linear Source Term
* Motion Determination in Space-Time Images
* Multichannel shape from shading techniques for moving specular surfaces
* On Performance Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms
* Particle tracking in space time sequences
* Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific Applications
* Range Flow Estimation
* Regularised Range Flow
* Robust Hough Transform Based 3D Reconstruction from Circular Light Fields
* Spatio-Temporal Image Processing-Theory and Scientific Applications
* Stereo Ground Truth with Error Bars
* Study of Dynamical Processes with Tensor-Based Spatiotemporal Image Processing Techniques
* Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wave time-of-flight range cameras
* Towards objective performance analysis for estimation of complex motion: analytic motion modeling, filter optimization, and test sequences
* Tracking-Based Visibility Estimation
* Trust your Model: Light Field Depth Estimation with Inline Occlusion Handling
* Wide Base Stereo with Fisheye Optics: A Robust Approach for 3D Reconstruction in Driving Assistance
Includes: Jahne, B.[Bernd] Jähne, B.[Bernd] (Maybe also Jaehne, B.)Jahne, B. Jähne, B. (Maybe also Jaehne, B.)
45 for Jahne, B.

Jahnen, A.[Andreas] Co Author Listing * CT slice retrieval by shape ellipses descriptors for skull repairing

Jahng, E.[Esther] Co Author Listing * Multimodal Head-Mounted Virtual-Reality Brain-Computer Interface for Stroke Rehabilitation

Jahng, G.H.[Geon Ho] Co Author Listing * Comparative evaluation of the polynomial and spline fitting methods for the B0 correction of CEST MRI data acquired from human brains
* Quantitative susceptibility mapping in a diabetes mellitus rat model: Iron accumulation in the brain
Includes: Jahng, G.H.[Geon Ho] Jahng, G.H.[Geon-Ho]

Jahnichen, P.[Patrick] Co Author Listing * Discriminative Hallucination for Multi-Modal Few-Shot Learning
* Learning to Remember: A Synaptic Plasticity Driven Framework for Continual Learning

Jahnke, M. Co Author Listing * 4D-DCT Hardware Architecture for JPEG Pleno Light Field Coding
* Effective Visual Scanning of Geographic Information
* Feasibility of the Space-Time Cube in Temporal Cultural Landscape Visualization
Includes: Jahnke, M. Jahnke, M.[Mathias]

Jahnke, P.[Patrick] Co Author Listing * On a method for detecting periods and repeating patterns in time series data with autocorrelation and function approximation

Jahnke, S.[Siegfried] Co Author Listing * 3D Surface Reconstruction of Plant Seeds by Volume Carving

Jahns, J. Co Author Listing * Digital Optics
* Efficient Hadamard Transformation of Large Images
* Focusing Analysis of the Pinhole Photon Sieve: Individual Far-Field Model
Includes: Jahns, J. Jahns, J.[Jurgen]

Index for "j"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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