Bhaga, T.D.[Trisha Deevia]
Co Author Listing * Impacts of Climate Variability and Drought on Surface Water Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa Using Remote Sensing: A Review
Bhagalia, R.
Co Author Listing * Accelerated Nonrigid Intensity-Based Image Registration Using Importance Sampling
* Organ Localization Using Joint AP/LAT View Landmark Consensus Detection and Hierarchical Active Appearance Models
Includes: Bhagalia, R. Bhagalia, R.[Roshni]
Bhaganagar, K.[Kiran]
Co Author Listing * Dolan Fire of Central Coastal California: Burn Severity Estimates from Remote Sensing and Associations with Environmental Factors, The
Bhagat, A.[Akshay]
Co Author Listing * Importance is in your attention: Agent importance prediction for autonomous driving
Bhagat, P.K.
Co Author Listing * Image annotation: Then and now
Bhagat, S.[Sarthak]
Co Author Listing * Disentangling Multiple Features in Video Sequences Using Gaussian Processes in Variational Autoencoders
* Suspect Identification Framework using Contrastive Relevance Feedback, A
* WheatNet-Lite: A Novel Light Weight Network for Wheat Head Detection
Includes: Bhagat, S.[Sarthak] Bhagat, S.[Sandesh]
Bhagath, P.R.[Pudi Raj]
Co Author Listing * Low-complexity feedback-channel-free distributed video coding using local rank transform
Bhagavathy, S.
Co Author Listing * Affine-invariant curve matching
* Drums and Curve Descriptors
* Graph Partitioning Active Contours for Knowledge-Based Geo-Spatial Segmentation
* Improving the quality of depth image based rendering for 3D Video systems
* Modeling and Detection of Geospatial Objects Using Texture Motifs
* Modeling object classes in aerial images using hidden Markov models
* Modeling object classes in aerial images using texture motifs
* Motion-based object segmentation using frame alignment and consensus filtering
* Multi-Scale Probabilistic Dithering for Suppressing Banding Artifacts in Digital Images
* Multiscale Probabilistic Dithering for Suppressing Contour Artifacts in Digital Images
* Object localization using texture motifs and markov random fields
* On the Rayleigh nature of Gabor filter outputs
* Players and Ball Detection in Soccer Videos Based on Color Segmentation and Shape Analysis
* Temporally consistent caption detection in videos using a spatiotemporal 3D method
Includes: Bhagavathy, S. Bhagavathy, S.[Sitaram]
14 for Bhagavathy, S.
Bhagavatula, C.[Chandra]
Co Author Listing * Abduction of Sherlock Holmes: A Dataset for Visual Abductive Reasoning, The
* Automatic segmentation of cardiosynchronous waveforms using cepstral analysis and continuous wavelet transforms
* Faster than Real-Time Facial Alignment: A 3D Spatial Transformer Network Approach in Unconstrained Poses
* Investigating the feasibility of image-based nose biometrics
* Is Pose Really Solved? A Frontalization Study On Off-Angle Face Matching
* Pose estimation using Spectral and Singular Value recomposition
* Visualcomet: Reasoning About the Dynamic Context of a Still Image
* Weakly Supervised Facial Analysis with Dense Hyper-Column Features
Includes: Bhagavatula, C.[Chandra] Bhagavatula, C.[Chandrasekhar] Bhagavatula, C.
8 for Bhagavatula, C.
Bhagavatula, M.[Madhusudan]
Co Author Listing * Second-degree correlation surface features from Optimal Trade-off Synthetic Discriminant Function filters for subject identification using radio frequency cardiosynchronous waveforms
Bhagavatula, R.[Ramamurthy]
Co Author Listing * Automated colitis detection from endoscopic biopsies as a tissue screening tool in diagnostic pathology
Bhagavatula, S.[Sravan]
Co Author Listing * Estimating the Dominant Orientation of an Object Using Image Segmentation and Principal Component Analysis
Bhagavatula, V.[Vijayakumar]
Co Author Listing * Automatic segmentation of cardiosynchronous waveforms using cepstral analysis and continuous wavelet transforms
* Guest Editorial: Multimedia-Based Healthcare
* ReeBundle: A Method for Topological Modeling of White Matter Pathways Using Diffusion MRI
* Second-degree correlation surface features from Optimal Trade-off Synthetic Discriminant Function filters for subject identification using radio frequency cardiosynchronous waveforms
Includes: Bhagavatula, V.[Vijayakumar] Bhagavatula, V. Bhagavatula, V.[Vikram]
Bhagesh, S.[Seraogi]
Co Author Listing * Improving OCR for an under-resourced script using unsupervised word-spotting
Bhagoji, A.N.[Arjun Nitin]
Co Author Listing * Backdoor Attacks Against Deep Learning Systems in the Physical World
* Practical Black-Box Attacks on Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Query Mechanisms
Bhagvati, C.[Chakravarthy]
Co Author Listing * Classification of liquid and viscous inks using HSV colour space
* Content Based Image Retrieval Using Region Labelling
* Digital Image Forensics Technique for Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using DoG and ORB
* Gaussian Normalization of Morphological Size Distributions for Increasing Sensitivity to Texture Variations and its Application to Pavement Distress Classification
* Identification of Non-Black Inks Using HSV Colour Space
* Identification of Printing Process Using HSV Colour Space
* new HSI based filtering technique for impulse noise removal in images, A
* Novel Morphological Algorithms for Dominating Sets on Graphs with Applications to Image Analysis
* OCR system for Telugu, An
* Spectral colour image processing
* Stochastic resonance aided robust techniques for segmentation of medical ultrasound images
* Towards Improving the Accuracy of Telugu OCR Systems
* wavelet based multiresolution algorithm for rotation invariant feature extraction, A
Includes: Bhagvati, C.[Chakravarthy] Bhagvati, C.
13 for Bhagvati, C.
Bhagwandien, R.
Co Author Listing * computation of MR image distortions caused by tissue susceptibility using the boundary element method, The
Bhagwat, T.[Tejas]
Co Author Listing * Volumetric Analysis of Reservoirs in Drought-Prone Areas Using Remote Sensing Products