Journals starting with vf01

VF01 * *Workshop on Visual Form
* 2-D Shape Decomposition into Overlapping Parts
* 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Silhouettes: Generalization from Few Views by Neural Network Learning
* Adaptive Image Interpolation Using the Quadratic Spline Interpolator, An
* Adaptive Segmentation of MR Axial Brain Images Using Connected Components
* Alignment-Based Recognition of Shape Outlines
* Behind the Image Sequence: The Semantics of Moving Shapes
* Binocular License Plate Reader for High Precision Speed Measurement, A
* Camera Motion Extraction Using Correlation for Motion-Based Video Classification
* Color and Shape Index for Region-Based Image Retrieval
* Computational Surface Flattening: A Voxel-Based Approach
* Curve Skeletonization by Junction Detection in Surface Skeletons
* Detection and Enhancement of Line Structures in an Image by Anisotropic Diffusion
* Digital Planar Segment Based Polyhedrization for Surface Area Estimation
* Discrete Curvature Based on Osculating Circle Estimation
* Discrete Deformable Boundaries for the Segmentation of Multidimensional Images
* Dynamic Models for Wavelet Representations of Shape
* Efficient Shape Description Using NURBS
* Euclidean Fitting Revisited
* Expectation-Maximisation Framework for Perceptual Grouping, An
* Extraction of Topological Features from Sequential Volume Data
* Fast Line Detection Algorithms Based on Combinatorial Optimization
* Fast Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Single Free-Hand Line Drawing
* Fragment-Based Approach to Object Representation and Classification, A
* General Purpose Matching of Grey Level Arbitrary Images
* Global Topological Properties of Images Derived from Local Curvature Features
* Grouping Character Shapes by Means of Genetic Programming
* Head Model Acquisition from Silhouettes
* How Folds Cut a Scene
* Image Indexing by Contour Analysis: A Comparison
* Independent Modes of Variation in Point Distribution Models
* Integration of Local and Global Shape Analysis for Logo Classification
* Invariant Recognition and Processing of Planar Shapes
* Invariant Signatures from Polygonal Approximations of Smooth Curves
* Judging Whether Multiple Silhouettes Can Come from the Same Object
* Koenderink Corner Points
* Many-to-many Matching of Attributed Trees Using Association Graphs and Game Dynamics
* Matching Incomplete Objects Using Boundary Signatures
* Mereology of Visual Form
* Minimum-Length Polygons in Approximation Sausages
* Morphological Image Processing for Evaluating Malaria Disease
* Motion Tracking of Animals for Behavior Analysis
* Multiscale Feature Extraction from the Visual Environment in an Active Vision System
* New Shape Space for Second Order 3D-Variations, A
* Non-manifold Multi-tessellation: From Meshes to Iconic Representations of Objects
* On Learning the Shape of Complex Actions
* On Matching Algorithms for the Recognition of Objects in Cluttered Background
* On the Learning of Complex Movement Sequences
* On the Representation of Visual Information
* Optimal Local Distances for Distance Transforms in 3D Using an Extended Neighbourhood
* Pattern Detection Using a Maximal Rejection Classifier
* Perception-Based 2D Shape Modeling by Curvature Shaping
* Possibility Theory and Rough Histograms for Motion Estimation in a Video Sequence
* Probabilistic Hypothesis Generation for Rapid 3D Object Recognition
* Prototyping Structural Shape Descriptions by Inductive Learning
* Qualitative Estimation of Depth in Monocular Vision
* Recent Advances in Structural Pattern Recognition with Applications to Visual Form Analysis
* Representation of Fuzzy Shapes
* Robust Structural Indexing through Quasi-Invariant Shape Signatures and Feature Generation
* Rotation-Invariant Morphology for Shape Analysis of Anisotropic Objects and Structures, A
* Shape Reconstruction from an Image Sequence
* Shape-Guided Split and Merge of Image Regions
* Shock Scaffold for Representing 3D Shape, The
* Skeletal Measure of 2D Shape Similarity, A
* Skeleton-Based Shape Models with Pressure Forces: Application to Segmentation of Overlapping Leaves
* Skeletons in the Framework of Graph Pyramids
* Spatial Relations among Pattern Subsets as a Guide for Skeleton Pruning
* Straightening and Partitioning Shapes
* Training Space Truncation in Vision-Based Recognition
* Unified Framework for Indexing and Matching Hierarchical Shape Structures, A
* Using Beltrami Framework for Orientation Diffusion in Image Processing
* Virtual Drilling in 3-D Objects Reconstructed by Shape-Based Interpolation
* Visual Search and Visual Lobe Size
73 for VF01

Index for "v"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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