Journals starting with csai

CSAIL * *Massachusetts Institute of Technology, AI Lab
* 4D Frequency Analysis of Computational Cameras for Depth of Field Extension
* 80 Million Tiny Images: A Large Data Set for Nonparametric Object and Scene Recognition
* Accurate and Scalable Surface Representation and Reconstruction from Images
* Approximate Correspondences in High Dimensions
* Attentive processing improves object recognition
* Automated Audio-visual Activity Analysis
* Automatic Class-Specific 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Benchmark of Computational Models of Saliency to Predict Human Fixations, A
* Boosting a Biologically Inspired Local Descriptor for Geometry-free Face and Full Multi-view 3D Object Recognition
* CG2Real: Improving the Realism of Computer Generated Images using a Large Collection of Photographs
* ChitChat: Making Video Chat Robust to Packet Loss
* Combining Object and Feature Dynamics in Probabilistic Tracking
* Combining Variable Selection with Dimensionality Reduction
* Comparing Visual Features for Morphing Based Recognition
* Computational Re-Photography
* Context-based Visual Feedback Recognition
* De-Emphasis of Distracting Image Regions Using Texture Power Maps
* Detecting and tracking multiple interacting objects without class-specific models
* Efficient Object Recognition and Image Retrieval for Large-Scale Applications
* Examining high level neural representations of cluttered scenes
* Expectation Maximization Approach for Integrated Registration, Segmentation, and Intensity Correction, An
* Fast and Robust Pyramid-based Image Processing
* Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter Using a Signal Processing Approach, A
* Fast concurrent object classification and localization
* Finding aircraft collision-avoidance strategies using policy search methods
* From primal templates to invariant recognition
* Gesture in Automatic Discourse Processing
* hierarchical model of peripheral vision, A
* Hierarchical Task and Motion Planning in the Now
* integrated model of visual attention using shape-based features, An
* LabelMe: A Database and Web-Based Tool for Image Annotation
* Learning a Dictionary of Shape-Components in Visual Cortex: Comparison with Neurons, Humans and Machines
* Learning Generic Invariances in Object Recognition: Translation and Scale
* Learning Grammatical Models for Object Recognition
* Learning Semantic Scene Models by Trajectory Analysis
* LIBPMK: A Pyramid Match Toolkit
* Multi-Scale Generalization of the HoG and HMAX Image Descriptors for Object Detection, A
* Neurons That Confuse Mirror-Symmetric Object Views
* Non-Metrical Navigation Through Visual Path Control
* Nonlinear Latent Variable Models for Video Sequences
* Novel Active Contour Framework. Multi-component Level Set Evolution under Topology Control, A
* Organic Indoor Location Discovery
* Practical Color-Based Motion Capture
* Pyramid Match Kernel: Discriminative Classification with Sets of Image Features, The
* Pyramid Match Kernel: Discriminative Classification with Sets of Image Features, The
* Random Lens Imaging
* Rank Priors for Continuous Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* Receptive field structures for recognition
* Scene Classification with a Biologically Inspired Method
* Shape from Sheen
* SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and its Applications R
* Simultaneous Localization, Calibration, and Tracking in an ad Hoc Sensor Network
* Team MIT Urban Challenge Technical Report
* Tiny images
* Trajectory analysis and semantic region modeling using a nonparametric Bayesian model
* Transfer learning for image classification with sparse prototype representations
* Transferring Nonlinear Representations using Gaussian Processes with a Shared Latent Space
* Tree-Based Context Model for Object Recognition, A
* Understanding and evaluating blind deconvolution algorithms
* Understanding Camera Trade-Offs through a Bayesian Analysis of Light Field Projections
* Understanding Camera Trade-Offs through a Bayesian Analysis of Light Field Projections
* User Study Comparing 3D Modeling with Silhouettes and Google SketchUp, A
* Using computational models to study texture representations in the human visual system
* Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Video Editing, The
* Wide-Area Egomotion Estimation from Known 3D Structure
66 for CSAIL

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