Index for tzio

Tziolas, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Angelopoulou, T.: Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Es...
     with: Balafoutis, A.: Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Esti...
     with: Ben Dor, E.: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitoring: A...
     with: Ben Dor, E.: Employing a Multi-Input Deep Convolutional Neural Network...
     with: Bochtis, D.: Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Estimat...
     with: Chabrillat, S.: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitoring...
     with: Chatzimisios, P.: On-Site Soil Monitoring Using Photonics-Based Sensor...
     with: Dematte, J.A.M.: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitorin...
     with: Gholizadeh, A.: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitoring...
     with: Kalopesa, E.: On-Site Soil Monitoring Using Photonics-Based Sensors an...
     with: Karyotis, K.: On-Site Soil Monitoring Using Photonics-Based Sensors an...
     with: Loukas, A.: Synergistic Use of Earth Observation Driven Techniques to ...
     with: Samarinas, N.: Improved Estimations of Nitrate and Sediment Concentrat...
     with: Samarinas, N.: On-Site Soil Monitoring Using Photonics-Based Sensors a...
     with: Samarinas, N.: Synergistic Use of Earth Observation Driven Techniques ...
     with: Spiliotopoulos, M.: Synergistic Use of Earth Observation Driven Techni...
     with: Theocharis, J.: Employing a Multi-Input Deep Convolutional Neural Netw...
     with: Tsakiridis, N.: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitoring...
     with: Tsakiridis, N.: Employing a Multi-Input Deep Convolutional Neural Netw...
     with: Tsakiridis, N.L.: On-Site Soil Monitoring Using Photonics-Based Sensor...
     with: van Wesemael, B.: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitori...
     with: Zalidis, G.: Earth Observation Data-Driven Cropland Soil Monitoring: A...
     with: Zalidis, G.: Employing a Multi-Input Deep Convolutional Neural Network...
     with: Zalidis, G.: Improved Estimations of Nitrate and Sediment Concentratio...
     with: Zalidis, G.: On-Site Soil Monitoring Using Photonics-Based Sensors and...
     with: Zalidis, G.: Remote Sensing Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Estimat...
26 for Tziolas, N.

Tzionas, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aponte, P.: Capturing Hand Motion with an RGB-D Sensor, Fusing a Gener...
     with: Aponte, P.: Capturing Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient Poi...
     with: Ballan, L.: Capturing Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient Poi...
     with: Black, M.: Resolving 3D Human Pose Ambiguities With 3D Scene Constraints
     with: Black, M.J.: 3D Human Pose Estimation via Intuitive Physics
     with: Black, M.J.: Accurate 3D Body Shape Regression using Metric and Semant...
     with: Black, M.J.: ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Mani...
     with: Black, M.J.: Collaborative Regression of Expressive Bodies using Moder...
     with: Black, M.J.: DECO: Dense Estimation of 3D Human-Scene Contact In The W...
     with: Black, M.J.: Detecting Human-Object Contact in Images
     with: Black, M.J.: ECON: Explicit Clothed humans Optimized via Normal integr...
     with: Black, M.J.: Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body From a ...
     with: Black, M.J.: GOAL: Generating 4D Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Gra...
     with: Black, M.J.: Grab: A Dataset of Whole-body Human Grasping of Objects
     with: Black, M.J.: Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Recon...
     with: Black, M.J.: ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals
     with: Black, M.J.: InterCap: Joint Markerless 3D Tracking of Humans and Obje...
     with: Black, M.J.: Learning Joint Reconstruction of Hands and Manipulated Ob...
     with: Black, M.J.: Learning Multi-human Optical Flow
     with: Black, M.J.: Learning to Train with Synthetic Humans
     with: Black, M.J.: Monocular Expressive Body Regression Through Body-Driven ...
     with: Black, M.J.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Black, M.J.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Black, M.J.: SUPR: A Sparse Unified Part-Based Human Representation
     with: Bolkart, T.: Collaborative Regression of Expressive Bodies using Moder...
     with: Bolkart, T.: Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body From a ...
     with: Bolkart, T.: Monocular Expressive Body Regression Through Body-Driven ...
     with: Bolkart, T.: SUPR: A Sparse Unified Part-Based Human Representation
     with: Cao, X.: ECON: Explicit Clothed humans Optimized via Normal integration
     with: Chatterjee, A.: DECO: Dense Estimation of 3D Human-Scene Contact In Th...
     with: Chen, Y.X.: Detecting Human-Object Contact in Images
     with: Choutas, V.: Accurate 3D Body Shape Regression using Metric and Semant...
     with: Choutas, V.: Collaborative Regression of Expressive Bodies using Moder...
     with: Choutas, V.: Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body From a ...
     with: Choutas, V.: GOAL: Generating 4D Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Gra...
     with: Choutas, V.: Monocular Expressive Body Regression Through Body-Driven ...
     with: Choutas, V.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Choutas, V.: Resolving 3D Human Pose Ambiguities With 3D Scene Constra...
     with: Dwivedi, S.K.: Detecting Human-Object Contact in Images
     with: Fan, Z.C.: ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Manipu...
     with: Feng, Y.: Collaborative Regression of Expressive Bodies using Moderation
     with: Forte, M.P.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Gall, J.: 3D Object Reconstruction from Hand-Object Interactions
     with: Gall, J.: Capturing Hand Motion with an RGB-D Sensor, Fusing a Generat...
     with: Gall, J.: Capturing Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient Point...
     with: Gall, J.: Comparison of Directional Distances for Hand Pose Estimation...
     with: Gall, J.: Reconstructing Articulated Rigged Models from RGB-D Videos
     with: Ghorbani, N.: Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body From a...
     with: Ghorbani, N.: Grab: A Dataset of Whole-body Human Grasping of Objects
     with: Ghosh, P.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Hassan, M.: Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Recons...
     with: Hassan, M.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Hassan, M.: Resolving 3D Human Pose Ambiguities With 3D Scene Constrai...
     with: Hasson, Y.: Learning Joint Reconstruction of Hands and Manipulated Obj...
     with: Hilliges, O.: ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Man...
     with: Hoffmann, D.T.: Learning Multi-human Optical Flow
     with: Hoffmann, D.T.: Learning to Train with Synthetic Humans
     with: Huang, C.H.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguisti...
     with: Huang, C.H.P.: 3D Human Pose Estimation via Intuitive Physics
     with: Huang, C.H.P.: Accurate 3D Body Shape Regression using Metric and Sema...
     with: Huang, C.H.P.: Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Rec...
     with: Huang, Y.H.: InterCap: Joint Markerless 3D Tracking of Humans and Obje...
     with: Kalevatykh, I.: Learning Joint Reconstruction of Hands and Manipulated...
     with: Kaufmann, M.: ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Man...
     with: Kocabas, M.: ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Mani...
     with: Kocabas, M.: Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Recon...
     with: Kuchenbecker, K.J.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Li...
     with: Kulits, P.: Reconstructing Signing Avatars from Video Using Linguistic...
     with: Laptev, I.: Learning Joint Reconstruction of Hands and Manipulated Obj...
     with: Muller, L.: 3D Human Pose Estimation via Intuitive Physics
     with: Muller, L.: Accurate 3D Body Shape Regression using Metric and Semanti...
     with: Osman, A.A.A.: Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body From ...
     with: Osman, A.A.A.: SUPR: A Sparse Unified Part-Based Human Representation
     with: Passy, J.C.: DECO: Dense Estimation of 3D Human-Scene Contact In The W...
     with: Pavlakos, G.: Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body From a...
     with: Pavlakos, G.: Monocular Expressive Body Regression Through Body-Driven...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Capturing Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient ...
     with: Ranjan, A.: Learning Multi-human Optical Flow
     with: Romero, J.: Learning Multi-human Optical Flow
     with: Schmid, C.: Learning Joint Reconstruction of Hands and Manipulated Obj...
     with: Srikantha, A.: Capturing Hand Motion with an RGB-D Sensor, Fusing a Ge...
     with: Srikantha, A.: Capturing Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient ...
     with: Taheri, O.: 3D Human Pose Estimation via Intuitive Physics
     with: Taheri, O.: ARCTIC: A Dataset for Dexterous Bimanual Hand-Object Manip...
     with: Taheri, O.: GOAL: Generating 4D Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Gras...
     with: Taheri, O.: Grab: A Dataset of Whole-body Human Grasping of Objects
     with: Taheri, O.: InterCap: Joint Markerless 3D Tracking of Humans and Objec...
     with: Tang, S.: Accurate 3D Body Shape Regression using Metric and Semantic ...
     with: Tang, S.: Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Reconstr...
     with: Tang, S.: Learning Multi-human Optical Flow
     with: Tang, S.: Learning to Train with Synthetic Humans
     with: Tesch, J.: Populating 3D Scenes by Learning Human-Scene Interaction
     with: Thies, J.: Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Reconst...
     with: Tripathi, S.: 3D Human Pose Estimation via Intuitive Physics
     with: Tripathi, S.: DECO: Dense Estimation of 3D Human-Scene Contact In The ...
     with: Varol, G.: Learning Joint Reconstruction of Hands and Manipulated Obje...
     with: Xiu, Y.L.: ECON: Explicit Clothed humans Optimized via Normal integrat...
     with: Xiu, Y.L.: ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals
     with: Yang, J.L.: ECON: Explicit Clothed humans Optimized via Normal integra...
     with: Yang, J.L.: ICON: Implicit Clothed humans Obtained from Normals
     with: Yi, H.W.: DECO: Dense Estimation of 3D Human-Scene Contact In The Wild
     with: Yi, H.W.: Human-Aware Object Placement for Visual Environment Reconstr...
102 for Tzionas, D.

Tzionas, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andreadis, I.: Cellular-Automaton for the Determination of the Mean Ve...
     with: Andreadis, I.: New Hardware Module for Automated Visual Inspection Bas...
     with: Karafyllidis, I.: Cellular-Automaton for the Determination of the Mean...
     with: Karafyllidis, I.: New Hardware Module for Automated Visual Inspection ...
     with: Thanailakis, A.: Cellular-Automaton for the Determination of the Mean ...
     with: Thanailakis, A.: Efficient Algorithm for the Largest Empty Figure Prob...
     with: Thanailakis, A.: New Hardware Module for Automated Visual Inspection B...
     with: Tsalides, P.: Cellular-Automaton for the Determination of the Mean Vel...
     with: Tsalides, P.: Efficient Algorithm for the Largest Empty Figure Problem...
     with: Tsalides, P.: New Hardware Module for Automated Visual Inspection Base...
10 for Tzionas, P.

Tzioras, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liaperdos, J.: Ants: From History of Science to Future of Science
     with: Papavramidou, Z.: Ants: From History of Science to Future of Science
     with: Poulopoulos, V.: Ants: From History of Science to Future of Science
     with: Wallace, M.: Ants: From History of Science to Future of Science

Tziortzios, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dokouzyannis, S.: High throughput and energy efficient twodimensional ...

Tziotzios, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexandridis, T.K.: Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative S...
     with: Maliogka, V.: Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative Severit...
     with: Morellos, A.: Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative Severit...
     with: Moshou, D.: Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative Severity ...
     with: Orfanidou, C.: Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative Severi...
     with: Pantazi, X.E.: Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative Severi...
     with: Sarantaris, C.: Non-Destructive Early Detection and Quantitative Sever...
7 for Tziotzios, G.

Tzioutzios, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kastridis, A.: Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Method for the Manageme...

Index for "t"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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