Index for stal

Stal, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carlier, L.: Cultural Heritage Documentation and Integrated Geomatics ...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Accurate and Cost-Efficient 3D Modelling Using Motorize...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on Co...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface mo...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan Da...
     with: de Roo, B.: Accurate and Cost-Efficient 3D Modelling Using Motorized H...
     with: de Sloover, L.: Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on C...
     with: de Sloover, L.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface m...
     with: de Wit, B.: Accurate and Cost-Efficient 3D Modelling Using Motorized H...
     with: de Wulf, A.: Accurate and Cost-Efficient 3D Modelling Using Motorized ...
     with: de Wulf, A.: Cultural Heritage Documentation and Integrated Geomatics ...
     with: de Wulf, A.: Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on Corr...
     with: de Wulf, A.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface mois...
     with: de Wulf, A.: Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan Data...
     with: Debie, J.: Cultural Heritage Documentation and Integrated Geomatics Te...
     with: Deruyter, G.: Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on Cor...
     with: Deruyter, G.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface moi...
     with: Goossens, R.: Cultural Heritage Documentation and Integrated Geomatics...
     with: Haoudy, K.: Cultural Heritage Documentation and Integrated Geomatics T...
     with: Jin, J.L.: Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on Correc...
     with: Jin, J.L.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface moistu...
     with: Lonneville, B.: Accurate and Cost-Efficient 3D Modelling Using Motoriz...
     with: Montreuil, A.L.: Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on ...
     with: Montreuil, A.L.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface ...
     with: Nuttens, T.: Cultural Heritage Documentation and Integrated Geomatics ...
     with: Nuttens, T.: Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan Data...
     with: van de Weghe, N.: Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan...
     with: Vanclooster, A.: Optimized Workflow for Processing Airborne Laserscan ...
     with: Verbeurgt, J.: Measuring Surface Moisture on a Sandy Beach based on Co...
     with: Verbeurgt, J.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface mo...
     with: Vos, S.: Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface moisture...
31 for Stal, C.

Stal, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haase Schutz, C.: Iterative Label Improvement: Robust Training by Conf...
     with: Hertlein, H.: Iterative Label Improvement: Robust Training by Confiden...
     with: Sick, B.: Iterative Label Improvement: Robust Training by Confidence B...

Stalder, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gehrig, S.K.: Flexible High-Resolution Real-Time Low-Power Stereo Visi...
     with: Schneider, N.: Flexible High-Resolution Real-Time Low-Power Stereo Vis...

Stalder, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anagnostopoulos, V.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial...
     with: Arbab Zavar, B.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial wor...
     with: Bouchrika, I.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workf...
     with: Carter, J.N.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workfl...
     with: Doulamis, N.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workfl...
     with: Grabner, H.: Beyond semi-supervised tracking: Tracking should be as si...
     with: Grabner, H.: Cascaded Confidence Filtering for Improved Tracking-by-De...
     with: Grabner, H.: Dynamic Objectness for Adaptive Tracking
     with: Grabner, H.: Improved person detection in industrial environments usin...
     with: Grabner, H.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Hofmann, A.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Kosmopoulos, D.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial wor...
     with: Lalos, C.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Middleton, L.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workf...
     with: Morzinger, R.: Improved person detection in industrial environments us...
     with: Morzinger, R.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workf...
     with: Nixon, M.S.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Rosenberg, I.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workf...
     with: Sabeur, Z.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Sardis, M.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Schuster, R.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workfl...
     with: Soler, I.J.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Thaler, M.: Improved person detection in industrial environments using...
     with: Thaler, M.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Thallinger, G.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial work...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Beyond semi-supervised tracking: Tracking should be as...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Cascaded Confidence Filtering for Improved Tracking-by...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Dynamic Objectness for Adaptive Tracking
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Improved person detection in industrial environments u...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial work...
     with: Varvarigou, T.A.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial wo...
     with: Veres, G.V.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workflows
     with: Voulodimos, A.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial work...
     with: Zelada, R.P.: Tools for semi-automatic monitoring of industrial workfl...
34 for Stalder, S.

Stallard, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: O'Donoghue, J.: What the Upper Atmospheres of Giant Planets Reveal

Stallenberger, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Erfurt, J.: Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification
     with: Helle, P.: Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraints,...
     with: Helle, P.: Efficient Fixed-Point Implementation Of Matrix-Based Intra ...
     with: Lim, W.Q.: Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification
     with: Marpe, D.: Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification
     with: Marpe, D.: Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraints,...
     with: Marpe, D.: Efficient Fixed-Point Implementation Of Matrix-Based Intra ...
     with: Pfaff, J.: Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification
     with: Pfaff, J.: Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraints,...
     with: Pfaff, J.: Efficient Fixed-Point Implementation Of Matrix-Based Intra ...
     with: Schafer, M.: Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraint...
     with: Schafer, M.: Efficient Fixed-Point Implementation Of Matrix-Based Intr...
     with: Schwarz, H.: Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification
     with: Schwarz, H.: Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraint...
     with: Schwarz, H.: Efficient Fixed-Point Implementation Of Matrix-Based Intr...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Adaptive Loop Filter with a CNN-Based Classification
     with: Wiegand, T.: Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraint...
     with: Wiegand, T.: Efficient Fixed-Point Implementation Of Matrix-Based Intr...
18 for Stallenberger, B.

Staller, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barra, A.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using InSAR Deform...
     with: Bejar Pizarro, M.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making afte...
     with: Bejar Pizarro, M.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using InSA...
     with: Chunga, K.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an Ea...
     with: Diaz, J.J.M.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an ...
     with: Galve, J.P.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an E...
     with: Garcia Cardenas, R.P.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using ...
     with: Garcia Garcia, R.P.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using In...
     with: Gomez, J.A.A.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an...
     with: Guardiola Albert, C.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using I...
     with: Herrera, G.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an E...
     with: Herrera, G.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using InSAR Defo...
     with: Lima, A.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an Eart...
     with: Luna, M.P.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an Ea...
     with: Mateos, R.M.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an ...
     with: Molina, A.L.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using InSAR Def...
     with: Monserrat, O.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an...
     with: Ortega Becerril, J.A.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using ...
     with: Perez Lopez, R.: InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after ...
     with: Tessitore, S.: Interpolation of GPS and Geological Data Using InSAR De...
20 for Staller, A.

Stallinga, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ashok, A.: Single molecule image formation, reconstruction and process...
     with: Chakrova, N.: Deconvolution methods for structured illumination micros...
     with: Nieuwenhuizen, R.: Image Processing and Analysis for Single-Molecule L...
     with: Piestun, R.: Single molecule image formation, reconstruction and proce...
     with: Rieger, B.: Deconvolution methods for structured illumination microscopy
     with: Rieger, B.: Image Processing and Analysis for Single-Molecule Localiza...

Stallkamp, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ekenel, H.K.: video-based door monitoring system using local appearanc...
     with: Ekenel, H.K.: Video-based Face Recognition on Real-World Data
     with: Igel, C.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Learning for Tr...
     with: Salmen, J.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Learning for ...
     with: Schlipsing, M.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Machine Learning ...
     with: Stiefelhagen, R.: video-based door monitoring system using local appea...
     with: Stiefelhagen, R.: Video-based Face Recognition on Real-World Data
7 for Stallkamp, J.

Stallmann, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baltsavias, E.: Use of DTMs/DSMs and Ortohimages to Support Building E...
     with: Cramer, M.: System Calibration for Direct Georeferencing
     with: Kersten, T.P.: Automatic Texture Mapping of Architectural and Archaeol...
     with: Kersten, T.P.: Development Of A New Low-cost Indoor Mapping System: Sy...
     with: Mason, S.: Use of DTMs/DSMs and Ortohimages to Support Building Extrac...
     with: Tschirschwitz, F.: Development Of A New Low-cost Indoor Mapping System...

Stallmann, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asteriadis, S.: Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple ...
     with: Dotti, D.: Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple Daily...
     with: Gibellini, F.: Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple D...
     with: Higler, S.: Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple Dail...
     with: Lucas, J.: Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple Daily...
     with: Luli, M.: Towards Approximating Personality Cues Through Simple Daily ...

Stalmans, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Behar, J.A.: Pvbm: A Python Vasculature Biomarker Toolbox Based on Ret...
     with: Fhima, J.: Pvbm: A Python Vasculature Biomarker Toolbox Based on Retin...
     with: Freiman, M.: Pvbm: A Python Vasculature Biomarker Toolbox Based on Ret...
     with: Men, Y.: Pvbm: A Python Vasculature Biomarker Toolbox Based on Retinal...
     with: van Eijgen, J.: Pvbm: A Python Vasculature Biomarker Toolbox Based on ...

Stalnaker, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benavides, A.: Mutual Induction and the Effect of Host Conductivity on...
     with: Everett, M.E.: Mutual Induction and the Effect of Host Conductivity on...
     with: Pierce, C.J.: Mutual Induction and the Effect of Host Conductivity on ...

Stalowska, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Damiecka Suchocka, M.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deteriorat...
     with: Janicka, J.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Bui...
     with: Katzer, J.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Buil...
     with: Rapinski, J.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Bu...
     with: Suchocki, C.: Remote Detection of Moisture and Bio-Deterioration of Bu...

Stalpers, L.J.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balidemaj, E.: CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Impro...
     with: Crezee, H.: CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Improved...
     with: Nederveen, A.J.: CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Imp...
     with: Remis, R.F.: CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Improve...
     with: Trinks, J.: CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Improved...
     with: van den Berg, C.A.T.: CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach fo...
     with: van Lier, A.: CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Improv...
7 for Stalpers, L.J.A.

Stalter, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ewerth, R.: Visual Narratives: Large-scale Hierarchical Classification...
     with: Kristen, M.: Visual Narratives: Large-scale Hierarchical Classificatio...
     with: Muller Budack, E.: Visual Narratives: Large-scale Hierarchical Classif...
     with: Rahnama, J.: Visual Narratives: Large-scale Hierarchical Classificatio...
     with: Schneider, S.: Visual Narratives: Large-scale Hierarchical Classificat...
     with: Springstein, M.: Visual Narratives: Large-scale Hierarchical Classific...

Index for "s"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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