Index for wech

Wech, T. Co Author Listing * Development of Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Mouse Hearts at 9.4 Tesla: Simulations and First Application

Wechselberger, U.[Ulrich] Co Author Listing * framework to meet didactical requirements for serious game design, A

Wechsle, H. Co Author Listing * Guest Editorial Special Issue on mobile biometrics

Wechsler, H.[Harry] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Wechsler, H.[Harry]: wechsler AT cs gmu edu
* 2D Invariant Object Recognition Using Distributed Associative Memory
* Active perception using DAM and estimation techniques
* Adaptive and smart interface for VCR remote control using hand gestures
* Adaptive biometric authentication using nonlinear mappings on quality measures and verification scores
* Attention and Pattern Detection Using Sensory and Reactive Control Mechanisms
* Automated Borders Detection and Adaptive Segmentation for Binary Document Images
* Automated Page Orientation and Skew Angle Detection for Binary Document Images
* Automatic Detection of Rib Contours in Chest Radiographs
* Automatic View Based Caricaturing
* Biometric surveillance using visual question answering
* Biometrics and forensics integration using deep multi-modal semantic alignment and joint embedding
* Classification of Binary Document Images into Textual or Nontextual Data Blocks Using Neural-Network Models
* Color Edge Detection
* Color image compression using PCA and backpropagation learning
* Comparative Assessment of ICA Architectures for Gait Recognition
* Comparative Assessment of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for Face Recognition
* Comparative Performance Evaluation of Gray-Scale and Color Information for Face Recognition Tasks
* Computational Vision
* Controlling model complexity in flow estimation
* Derivation of Optical Flow Using a Spatiotemporal-Frequency Approach
* Detection and Localization of Objects in Time-varying Imagery Using Attention, Representation and Memory Pyramids
* Detection and Location of People in Video Images Using Adaptive Fusion of Color and Edge Information
* Detection of Faces and Facial Landmarks Using Iconic Filter Banks
* Detection of human faces using decision trees
* Distributed Associative Memory (DAM) for Bin-Picking
* Dynamic and Multiresolution Model of Visual Attention and Its Application to Facial Landmark Detection, A
* Edge Detection by Associative Mapping
* Edge Detection in Feature Space
* Enhanced Fisher Linear Discriminant Models for Face Recognition
* Evolution of Optimal Projection Axes (OPA) for Face Recognition
* Evolutionary Pursuit and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Eye Detection Using Optimal Wavelet Packets and Radial Basis Functions (RBFs)
* Eye Location Using Genetic Algorithms
* Eye movement analysis for human authentication: a critical survey
* Face and hand gesture recognition using hybrid classifiers
* Face Pose Discrimination Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
* Face processing and recognition using learning and evolution
* Face Recognition Using Asymmetric Faces
* Face Recognition Using Binary Image Metrics
* Face Recognition Using Ensembles of Networks
* Face recognition using evolutionary pursuit
* Face Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Face Recognition Using Independent Gabor Wavelet Features
* Face Recognition Using Shape and Texture
* Face Surveillance
* Fast Searching of Digital Face Libraries Using Binary Image Metrics
* Feature based classification
* Feature extraction for texture classification
* Feature Extraction for Texture Discrimination
* FERET Database and Evaluation Procedure for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* Finding the Rib Cage in Chest Radiographs
* Gabor feature based classification using the enhanced Fisher linear discriminant model for face recognition
* Gabor Feature Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Gait Analysis using Independent Components of image motion
* Gender and Ethnic Classification of Face Images
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on the Hough Transform. Has the Hough Transform Come of Age?
* Hierarchical interpretation of human activities using competitive learning
* Image Processing Algorithms Applied to Rib Boundary Detection in Chest Radiographs
* Integrating perceptual and cognitive modeling for adaptive and intelligent human-computer interaction
* Integration of Bottom-Up and Top-Down Cues for Visual Attention Using Non-Linear Relaxation
* Invariant Analogical Image Representation and Pattern Recognition
* Invariant Architectures for Low-Level Vision
* Learning and caricaturing the face space using self-organization and Hebbian learning for face processing
* Learning the Face Space: Representation and Recognition
* Locating Facial Features Using SOFM
* Martingale Framework for Detecting Changes in Data Streams by Testing Exchangeability, A
* Mathematical Models for Scene Analysis
* Mobile Iris Challenge Evaluation (MICHE)-I, biometric iris dataset and protocols
* Modern art challenges face detection
* Motion Estimation Using Statistical Learning Theory
* Motion prediction using vc-generalization bounds
* Multiresolution attention and associative memory systems for time-varying imagery
* Musical keys and chords recognition using unsupervised learning with infinite Gaussian mixture
* Neural Networks for Human and Machine Perception
* New and Fast Algorithm for Estimating the Perimeter of Objects for Industrial Vision Tasks, A
* New Edge Detection Technique and Its Implementation, A
* New Low Level Procedure for Image Segmentation, A
* Novel pattern recognition-based methods for re-identification in biometric context
* On the Difficulties Involved in the Segmentation of Pictures
* Open Set Face Recognition Using Transduction
* Open World Face Recognition with Credibility and Confidence Measures
* Optimal Training Set Design for 3D Object Recognition
* Overview of Parallel Hardware Architectures for Computer Vision, An
* Paradigm for Invariant Object Recognition of Brightness, Optical Flow and Binocular Disparity Images, A
* Partial Faces for Face Recognition: Left vs Right Half
* Pattern recognition: Historical perspective and future directions
* Probabilistic Reasoning Models for Face Recognition
* Query by Transduction
* Random Walk Procedure for Texture Discrimination, A
* Recognition of arm movements
* Reliable Face Recognition Methods: System Design, Implementation and Evaluation
* Reliable face recognition using adaptive and robust correlation filters
* Robust Coding Schemes for Indexing and Retrieval from Large Face Databases
* Robust Face Recognition after Plastic Surgery Using Local Region Analysis
* Robust Face Recognition After Plastic Surgery Using Region-Based Approaches
* Robust Face Recognition for Uncontrolled Pose and Illumination Changes
* Robust Face Recognition Strategies Using Feed-Forward Architectures and Parts
* Robust fusion using boosting and transduction for component-based face recognition
* Robust human authentication using appearance and holistic anthropometric features
* Robust Part-Based Face Recognition Using Boosting and Transduction
* Robust re-identification using randomness and statistical learning: Quo vadis
* Robust shape analysis using multistrategy learning
* Segmentation of Textured Images and Gestalt Organization Using Spatial/Spatial-Frequency Representations
* Selective and Focused Invariant Recognition Using Distributed Associative Memories (DAM)
* Selective and robust perception using multiresolution estimation techniques
* Shape- and Texture-Based Enhanced Fisher Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Shape-Analysis Using Genetic Algorithms
* Shape-Analysis Using Hybrid Learning
* Simultaneous Fitting of Several Planes to Point Sets Using Neural Networks
* Spam detection using Random Boost
* Spatial/Spatial-Frequency Representations for Image Segmentation and Grouping
* Special issue: eye detection and tracking
* Strangeness Based Feature Selection for Part Based Recognition
* Structural Approach to Shape Analysis Using Mirroring Axes, A
* Taxonomy and Segmentation of Textured Images
* Texture Analysis and Clustering Using the Wigner Distribution
* Texture Analysis: A Survey
* Texture Segmentation Using a Diffusion Region Growing Technique
* Theory for Invariant Object Recognition in the Frontoparallel Plane, A
* Towards demographic categorization using gaze analysis
* Tracking Groups of People
* Tracking Interacting People
* Understanding Cognitive and Affective States Using Eyelid Movements
* unified Bayesian framework for face recognition, A
* Using Eye Region Biometrics to Reveal Affective and Cognitive States
* Using normal flow for detection and tracking of limbs in color images
* Visual filters for face recognition
* Visual Routine for Eye Detection Using Hybrid Genetic Architectures
* Watch List Face Surveillance Using Transductive Inference
Includes: Wechsler, H.[Harry] Wechsler, H.
131 for Wechsler, H.

Wechsler, S.P.[Suzanne P.] Co Author Listing * Quantifying DEM Uncertainty and Its Effect on Topographic Parameters

Wecht, M.[Matthias] Co Author Listing * UAS-Based Change Detection of the Glacial and Proglacial Transition Zone at Pasterze Glacier, Austria

Wechtitsch, S.[Stefanie] Co Author Listing * Compressing Visual Descriptors of Image Sequences
* Quality Analysis on Mobile Devices for Real-Time Feedback
* Robust detection of single-frame defects in archived film
* Selecting User Generated Content for Use in Media Productions

Index for "w"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:02:03
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