Index for lase

Lasek, A.[Agnieszka] Co Author Listing * Inverted Fuzzy Implications in Backward Reasoning

Lasenby, A.N. Co Author Listing * email: Lasenby, A.N.: anthony AT mrao cam ac uk
* New Framework for the Formation of Invariants and Multiple-View Constraints in Computer Vision, A
* New Geometric Methods for Computer Vision: An Application to Structure and Motion Estimation
* new methodology for computing invariants in computer vision, A

Lasenby, J. Co Author Listing * email: Lasenby, J.: jl AT eng cam ac uk
* Analysis and Computation of Projective Invariants from Multiple Views in the Geometric Algebra Framework
* Applications of the creep-and-merge System: Corner Detection
* Bone Glow: An Improved Method for the Assignment of Weights for Mesh Deformation
* CGAPoseNet+GCAN: A Geometric Clifford Algebra Network for Geometry-aware Camera Pose Regression
* ChESS: Quick and robust detection of chess-board features
* Computing 3D projective invariants from points and lines
* Deformation Measurement of a Human Chest Experiencing Global Motion
* Efficient region segmentation through creep-and-merge
* Efficient Wavelet-Based Framework for Articulated Human Motion Compression, An
* Estimating Human Skeleton Parameters and Configuration in Real-Time from Markered Optical Motion Capture
* Fast Upper Body Joint Tracking Using Kinect Pose Priors
* Foot Contact Detection for Sprint Training
* Fourier analysis and Gabor filtering for texture analysis and local reconstruction of general shapes
* Geometric Algebra: A Framework for Computing Point and Line Correspondences and Projective Structure Using N-Uncalibrated Cameras
* Gradient-Based Hand Tracking Using Silhouette Data
* Guide to Geometric Algebra in Practice
* Imagination-Augmented Reinforcement Learning Framework for Variable Speed Limit Control
* Markerless motion capture with single and multiple cameras
* Mesh Vertex Pose and Position Interpolation Using Geometric Algebra
* Modelling and Tracking Articulated Motion from Multiple Camera Views
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking for Automatic Optical Motion Capture
* Neural random subspace
* New Framework for the Formation of Invariants and Multiple-View Constraints in Computer Vision, A
* New Geometric Methods for Computer Vision: An Application to Structure and Motion Estimation
* new methodology for computing invariants in computer vision, A
* Physiological modelling for improved reliability in silhouette-driven gradient-based hand tracking
* Predicting Missing Markers to Drive Real-Time Centre of Rotation Estimation
* Procedure for Automatically Estimating Model Parameters in Optical Motion Capture, A
* Real-time marker prediction and CoR estimation in optical motion capture
* Robust recognition of chess-boards under deformation
* Semantic Transform: Weakly Supervised Semantic Inference for Relating Visual Attributes
* Shape from Texture of Developable Surfaces Via Fourier Analysis
* Shape from Texture Via Fourier Analysis
* Shape from Texture: Fast Estimation of Planar Surface Orientation via Fourier Analysis
* SLP: A Zero-contact Non-invasive Method for Pulmonary Function Testing
* Spatiotemporal Attention-Based Graph Convolution Network for Segment-Level Traffic Prediction
* SPIN: Simplifying Polar Invariance for Neural networks Application to vision-based irradiance forecasting
* Unsupervised Point Cloud Pre-training via Occlusion Completion
* Using Occlusions to Aid Position Estimation for Visual Motion Capture
Includes: Lasenby, J. Lasenby, J.[Joan]
40 for Lasenby, J.

Laserre, S. Co Author Listing * Performance assessment of point cloud compression

Index for "l"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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