Cash, C.J.C.
Co Author Listing * Rapid registration for wide field of view freehand three-dimensional ultrasound
Cash, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Geodesic Information Flows: Spatially-Variant Graphs and Their Application to Segmentation and Fusion
* Inverse-Consistent Symmetric Free Form Deformation
* Multi-STEPS: Multi-label similarity and truth estimation for propagated segmentations
* Spatio-Temporal Shape Analysis of Cross-Sectional Data for Detection of Early Changes in Neurodegenerative Disease
Cash, D.M.
Co Author Listing * Compensating for Intraoperative Soft-Tissue Deformations Using Incomplete Surface Data and Finite Elements
* Cortical surface registration for image-guided neurosurgery using laser-range scanning
* Method to Track Cortical Surface Deformations Using a Laser Range Scanner, A
* Phenomenological Model of Diffuse Global and Regional Atrophy Using Finite-Element Methods
Cash, G.L.[Glenn L.]
Co Author Listing * Optical Character Recognition by the Method of Moments
* practical system for MPEG-2-based video-on-demand over ATM packet networks and the WWW, A
* Real-time MPEG-2 delivery based on RTP: implementation issues
Includes: Cash, G.L.[Glenn L.] Cash, G.L.
Cash, S.[Scott]
Co Author Listing * New traction motor sizing strategy for an HEV/EV based on an overcurrent-tolerant prediction model
Cashen, I.[Ian]
Co Author Listing * Methodology for the Inspection and Monitoring of the Roof Tiles and Concrete Components of the Sydney Opera House, A
Cashion, J.
Co Author Listing * Dynamic adaptation of 3D selection techniques for suitability across diverse scenarios
* Optimal 3D selection technique assignment using real-time contextual analysis
Cashion, K.
Co Author Listing * Electroencephelograph based brain machine interface for controlling a robotic arm
Cashman, P.
Co Author Listing * Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets
* Multimodal Evaluation for Medical Image Segmentation
Includes: Cashman, P. Cashman, P.[Peter]
Cashman, T.[Tom]
Co Author Listing * 3D Face Reconstruction with Dense Landmarks
* Fits Like a Glove: Rapid and Reliable Hand Shape Personalization
* Full-Body Motion from a Single Head-Mounted Device: Generating SMPL Poses from Partial Observations
* QRkit: Sparse, Composable QR Decompositions for Efficient and Stable Solutions to Problems in Computer Vision
Includes: Cashman, T.[Tom] Cashman, T.
Cashman, T.J.
Co Author Listing * Efficient Background Term for 3D Reconstruction and Tracking with Smooth Surface Models, An
* Fake it till you make it: face analysis in the wild using synthetic data alone
* FLAG: Flow-based 3D Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
* Phong Surface: Efficient 3d Model Fitting Using Lifted Optimization, The
* What Shape Are Dolphins? Building 3D Morphable Models from 2D Images
Includes: Cashman, T.J. Cashman, T.J.[Thomas J.]