Update Dates 9211

9211 * *Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics III
* *Model-Based Vision
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing '92
* Active Fixation for Junction Classification
* Angle-of-Sight Signature for Two-Dimensional Shape Analysis of Manufactured Objects, The
* Binary Shape Recognition Using the Morphological Skeleton Transform
* Boundary Finding with Parametrically Deformable Models
* Character Recognition Based on Attribute-Dependent Programmed Grammar
* Comparison of Massively Parallel Hand-Print Segmentors
* Detection of Dominant Points on Digital Curves by Scale-Space Filtering, The
* Digital image processing technique including improved gray scale compression
* Discrete Multidimensional Jordan Surfaces
* Disparity Filtering: Proximity Detection and Segmentation
* Dynamic Generalized Hough Transform: Its Relationship to the Probabilistic Hough Transforms and an Application to the Concurrent Detection of Circles and Ellipses, The
* Exact and Approximate Solutions of the Perspective-Three-Point Problem
* Extraction of Straight Lines in Aerial Images
* Face recognition system
* Fast Computer Vision Algorithms for Reconfigurable Meshes
* Fast Vision-Guided Mobile Robot Navigation Using Model-Based Reasoning and Prediction of Uncertainties
* Filters for Directly Detecting Surface Orientation in an Image
* From 3-D Imaging to CAD: Bridging the Gap to Growth
* Fuzzy Relaxation Approach for Inexact Scene Matching
* Geometry and Photometry in 3D Visual Recognition
* Handwritten Digit Recognition by Neural Networks with Single-Layer Training
* Image Contrast Enhancement Based on the Intensities of Edge Pixels
* Image-Data-Based Matching for Affine Transformed Pictures
* Multiresolution Hough Transform -- An Efficient Method of Detecting Patterns in Images
* Musip Multi-Sensor Image Processing System
* Neighborhoods for Distance Transformations Using Ordered Propagation
* New Model-Based Approach for Industrial Visual Inspection, A
* Non-rigid Motion Analysis: Isometric Motion
* On Edge Preservation in Multiresolution Images
* Optimization-Based Approach to the Interpretation of Single Line Drawings as 3D Wire Frames, An
* Page Segmentation and Classification
* Picture digitizing system using randomly varied binary threshold data
* Projection-Based Approach to Image Analysis: Pattern Recognition and Representation in the Position-Orientation Space
* Quadrics-Based Matching Technique for 3D Object Recognition
* Qualitative Bayesian Estimation Of Digital Signals And Images
* Real and Virtual Robot Head for Active Vision Research, A
* Recognition of Planar Shapes from Perspective Images Using Contour-Based Invariants
* Recursive neighbourhood operations on the linear processor array SYMPATI-2
* Replicated Data Algorithms in Image Processing
* Representing Curves at Their Natural Scales
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams under Orthography: A Factorization Method
* Shapes Recognition Using the Straight Line Hough Transform: Theory and Generalization
* Simple Calibration Algorithm for high-Distortion-Lens Camera
* Solder joint locator
* Some Sequential Algorithms for a Generalized Distance Transformation Based on Minkowski Operations
* Surface Shape from the Deformation of Apparent Contours
* Surveillance system with master camera control of slave cameras
* Three-Dimensional Sensing, Graphics, and Interactive Control in a Human-Machine System for Decontamination and Decommissioning Applications
* Towards Visually Convincing Image Segmentation
* Traffic surveillance system
* Using Self-Organizing Recognition as a Mechanism for Rejecting Segmentation Errors
* Vector Distance Transform in Two and Three Dimensions, The
* Vehicle-to-vehicle distance detecting apparatus
56 for 9211

Index for "9"

Last update:15-Sep-24 16:55:52
Use price@usc.edu for comments.