* *IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition
* Accurate Extraction of Human Face Area using Subspace Method and Genetic Algorithm
* Adaptive Synthesis in Progressive Retrieval of Audio-Visual Data
* Advanced animation framework for MPEG-4 systems
* Advanced Center Biased Three Step Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation, An
* Advanced Rendering Framework
* Application-Specific File Prefetching for Multimedia Programs
* Architecture for Content-Based Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images, An
* Architecture of the Distributed Multimedia information retrieval network with Query Routing Systems, An
* Audio-Visual Unit Selection for the Synthesis of Photo-Realistic Talking-Heads
* Augmented Album: Situation-dependent System for a Personal Digital Video/Image Collection
* Automated Lip Synchronized Speech Driven Facial Animation
* Automated Threshold Selection for the Detection of Dissolves in MPEG Videos
* Automatic image event segmentation and quality screening for albuming applications
* Automatic Query Generation for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Automatic Selection of Visemes for Image-based Visual Speech Synthesis
* Bayesian segmentation of Stereopairs, A
* Benchmarking Access Structures for High-Dimensional Multimedia Data
* Cascade Image Transform for Speaker Independent Automatic Speech Reading, A
* Characteristics-Based Bandwidth Reduction Technique for Pre-recorded Videos, A
* ClusterTree: Integration of Cluster Representation and Nearest Neighbor Search for Image Databases
* Color Based Retrieval and Recognition
* Compass: An Image Retrieval System for Distributed Databases
* composite histogram for image retrieval, A
* Compressed Domain MPEG-2 Video Editing
* Content based Annotation and Retrieval of News Videos
* Content Based Internet Search Engine for Analysis and Archival of MPEG-1 Compressed Newsfeeds, A
* Content-Based Image Retrieval for Not-Well-Framed Images Using Multiresolutional Eigen-Features
* Content-Based Scheme for CT Lung Image Retrieval, A
* Cost Function with Position Penalty for Motion Estimation in MPEG-2 Video Coding, A
* Design and Performance Study of Scalable Video Storage in a Disk-Array-Based Video Server
* Detection of human faces using skin color and eyes
* Digital range sensor system
* Dimension reduction of texture features for image retrieval using hybrid associative neural networks
* Dissolve Transition Detection using B-Splines Interpolation
* Dynamic Video Abstract Generation using an object DBMS
* Efficient Camera Motion Characterization for MPEG Video Indexing
* Efficient Low-Bit Rate Motion Compensation Technique Based on Quadtree, An
* Efficient multi-layer coding and encryption of MPEG video streams
* Efficient Technique for Summarizing Videos using Visual Contents, An
* Electronic Pan-Tilt-Zoom: A Solution for Intelligent Room Systems
* Emotional Expressions In Audiovisual Human Computer Interaction
* Empirical Evaluation of Two Criteria for Pattern Comparison and Alignment
* Error resilient video coding techniques
* Exploring the time course of facial expressions with a fuzzy system
* Expressive Semantics for automatic annotation and retrieval of video streams
* Facial model generation through mono image sequence
* Fade detector for digital video
* Fast dihedral symmetry operations on digital images in the compressed domain
* Fast Mesh Simplification for Progressive Transmission
* Feature based indexing for Media Tracking
* Framework of 3D Animation Coding, A
* From Features to Semantics: Some Preliminary Results
* General Inference Network Based Architecture for Multimedia Information Retrieval, A
* Generating Semantic Visual Templates for Video Databases
* Genetic Algorithm for Video Segmentation and Summarization, A
* Global models with parametric offsets for object recovery
* Hierarchical Segmentation Algorithm for Face Analysis Application for Lipreading, A
* How to measure arithmetic complexity of compression algorithm: A simple solution
* Human facial expression recognition based on learning subspace method
* ICOR Framework: A Top-down Approach to Media Indexing and Retrieval, The
* Image Denoising Using Wiener Filtering and Wavelet Thresholding
* Image processing method for system employing pattern matching
* Image Retrieval By Shape: A Comparative Study
* Image Retrieval Using Blob Histograms
* Image Retrieval with Sketches and Compositions
* Improving Visual Recognition Using Color Normalization in Digital Video Applications
* In Common Sense: Rethinking Web Search Results
* Incorporate Discriminant Analysis with EM Algorithm in Image Retrieval
* Index-Based Fast Search Algorithm of Image Database on Internet
* Indexing and Retrieval Scheme of the Image Database Based on Color and Spatial Relations
* Indexing for Linear Model-based Information Retrieval
* Invariance in content-based image retrieval
* iPURE: Perceptual and User-friendly REtrieval of Images
* JaNeT: A Framework for Flexible Web-Content Retrieval
* Knowledge Engineering Approach for Image Classification Based on Probabilistic Reasoning Systems, A
* Labeling Update of Segmented Images using Conceptual Graphs and Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
* Lip Synchronization Using Linear Predictive Analysis
* Live Multimedia Adaptation Through Wireless Hybrid Networks
* Local positioning apparatus, and a method therefor
* Local Web Advertisement Through Dynamic Active Proxy
* Locale-Based Object Search Under Illumination Change Using Chromaticity Voting And Elastic Correlation
* Look Ma, No Mouse!: Simplifying Human-Computer Interaction by Using Hand Gestures
* Look who's talking: Speaker detection using video and audio correlation
* Look-Ahead Strategy for Graph Matching in Retrieval by Spatial Arrangement, A
* Lossless Compression for µ-Law (Mu-Law) and IMA ADPCM on the Basis of a Fast RLS Algorithm
* Lying with Pixels
* Media production with correlation of image stream and abstract objects in a three-dimensional virtual stage
* Method for Color Content Matching of Images, A
* Method for creating virtual reality
* Model for Multimodal Information Retrieval, A
* Modeling and Querying Videos by Content Trajectories
* Modified Zernike Moment Shape Descriptor Invariant to Translation, Rotation and Scale for Similarity-based Image Retrieval, A
* Motion Detection and Segmentation Using Image Mosaics
* Multi-Clip Query Optimization in Video Databases
* Multimedia Image Coding Using Adaptive Integer-to-Integer Wavelet Transforms
* New Approach to Integrate Audio and Visual Features of Speech, A
* NMPTE: Network Multimedia Programming Training Environment
* Non-Linear Relevance Feedback: Improving the Performance of Content-Based Retrieval Systems
* novel shape matching method using biological-sequence dynamic alignment, A
* On Building an Internet Gateway for Internet Telephony
* On Design of Adaptive Internet Streaming Applications: An Architectural Perspective
* On the Segmentation of Text in Videos
* panorama-based technique for annotation overlay and its real-time implementation, A
* Partial Image Matching by Measures from Connected Color Regions
* Partial update of active textures for efficient expression synthesis in model-based coding
* PBS: A Predictive Block Sampling Algorithm for Desktop Multimedia Video Applications
* Perceptual Color on Internet Browser
* Performance Analysis of AB-tree
* Performance Based: for Facial Animation, A
* Photo-Realistic 3D Model Coding in MPEG-4
* Placement of Multi-Rate Smoothed VBR Video Objects to MZR Disks
* Predictive H.263 Bit-Rate Control Scheme based on Scene Information, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Semantic Indexing and Retrieval in Video, A
* Probabilistic-Based Mechanism for Video Database Management Systems, A
* Random Cascades on Wavelet Trees and Their Use in Modeling and Analyzing Natural Imagery
* Rate-Distortion Optimization for Arbitrarily-Shaped Object Coding
* Real Time Storage and Simultaneous Retrieval for Surveillance and Patrol Video
* Real-Time Remote File System for Multimedia Application
* Real-Time Scene Change Detection on Compressed Multimedia Bitstream Based on Statistical Sequential Analysis
* Realistic Video Avatar
* Region of Interest Coding for Low Bit Rate Image Transmission
* Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Retrieval Based on Choquet Integral
* Relevance Graph-Based Image Retrieval
* Robust Automatic Video-Conferencing with Multiple Cameras and Microphones
* Robustness Against Instability of Sensory Judgment In a Human Interface to Draw a Facial Image Using a Psychometrical Space Model
* Rotation Invariant Face Detection Using a Model-Based Clustering Algorithm
* Segmentation and tracking of video objects for a content-based video indexing context
* Selective Requantization for Transcoding of MPEG Compressed Video
* Semantic Modalities in Content-Based Retrieval
* Semi-Automatic Semantic Video Object Extraction by Active Contour Model
* Similar Shape Retrieval in MARS
* Simplified EZW Image Coder with Residual Data Transmission
* Smart Video Conferencing
* Software Optimization of H.263 Video Encoder on Pentium Processor with MMX Technology
* Spatial Match Representation and Retrieval for Supporting Ranking in Iconic Image Databases
* Spatio-temporal Segmentation of Moving Video Objects over MPEG Compressed Domain
* Speaker Independent Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* Speech-To-Face Movement Synthesis Based on HMMS
* Structural and Semantic Analysis of Video
* Structuring Personal Experiences: Analyzing Views from a Head-mounted Camera
* Study on Subjective Evaluation of Facial Polygon Model, A
* Supporting Multi-Example Image Queries in Image Databases
* System and method for reconstructing surface elements of solid objects in a three-dimensional scene from a plurality of two dimensional images of the scene
* Talking Face
* Towards a Multimodal Meeting Record
* Towards Abstracting Sports Video by Highlights
* Towards Automatic Extraction of Expressive Elements from Motion Pictures: Tempo
* Translingual visual speech synthesis
* Transmission of MPEG-4 Video over the Internet
* TV Program Classification Based on Face and Text Processing
* Unifying conversational multimedia interfaces for accessing network services across communication devices
* Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation for Content-Based Application
* Update Relevant Image Weights for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Support Vector Machines
* Using Category-based Collaborative Filtering in the Active WebMuseum
* Using Multiple Examples for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Very Low Bitrate Coding of Humanoid Animation in MPEG-4
* Video Abstract: A Hybrid Approach to Generate Semantically Meaningful Video Summaries
* Video Composition and Retrieval
* Video processing methods and apparatus for gaze point tracking
* Video Scene Segmentation Using Video and Audio Features
* video searching system and its matching methods using MSP exchanging data, A
* Video Segmentation Using Spatial and Temporal Statistical Analysis Method
* Video Segmentation with the Assistance of Audio Content Analysis
* Virtual Talk: A Model-Based Virtual Phone Using a Layered Audio-Visual Integration
* Visualization Methods for Personal Photo Collections: Browsing and Searching in the PhotoFinder
* Web-Based Searching and Browsing of Multimedia Data
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