Index for coug

Coughlan, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ivanchenko, V.: Detecting and locating crosswalks using a camera phone
     with: Ivanchenko, V.: Elevation-based MRF stereo implemented in real-time on...
     with: Ivanchenko, V.: Figure-ground segmentation using factor graphs
     with: Manduchi, R.: Color Targets: Fiducials to Help Visually Impaired Peopl...
     with: Manduchi, R.: Computer) Vision Without Sight
     with: Shen, H.: Elevation-based MRF stereo implemented in real-time on a GPU
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Detecting and locating crosswalks using a camera phone
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Figure-ground segmentation using factor graphs
     with: Tekin, E.: Bayesian Algorithm for Reading 1D Barcodes, A
9 for Coughlan, J.

Coughlan, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Finding Text in Natural Scenes by Figure-Ground Segmentation
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Grouping Using Factor Graphs: An Approach for Finding Text...
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Reading LCD/LED Displays with a Camera Cell Phone

Coughlan, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: English, C.: Efficient Deformable Template Detection and Localization ...
     with: English, C.: Efficient Optimization of a Deformable Template Using Dyn...
     with: Ferreira, S.J.: Finding Deformable Shapes Using Loopy Belief Propagation
     with: Fusco, G.: Self-Localization at Street Intersections
     with: Konishi, S.: Fundamental Bounds on Edge Detection: An Information Theo...
     with: Konishi, S.: generic viewpoint assumption and planar bias, The
     with: Konishi, S.: KGBR Viewpoint-Lighting Ambiguity and its Resolution by G...
     with: Konishi, S.: KGBR viewpointlighting ambiguity, The
     with: Konishi, S.: statistical approach to multi-scale edge detection, A
     with: Konishi, S.: Statistical edge detection: learning and evaluating edge ...
     with: Rangarajan, A.: bayesian network framework for relational shape matchi...
     with: Sanketi, P.: Localizing blurry and low-resolution text in natural images
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Dynamic quantization for belief propagation in sparse spaces
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Localizing blurry and low-resolution text in natural images
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Real-time detection and reading of LED/LCD displays for vi...
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Self-Localization at Street Intersections
     with: Shen, H.Y.: Shape Matching with Belief Propagation: Using Dynamic Quan...
     with: Snow, D.: Efficient Deformable Template Detection and Localization wit...
     with: Snow, D.: Efficient Optimization of a Deformable Template Using Dynami...
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Hierarchical Spline-Based Image Registration
     with: Szeliski, R.S.: Spline-Based Image Registration
     with: Tekin, E.: algorithm enabling blind users to find and read barcodes, An
     with: Tekin, E.: Real-time detection and reading of LED/LCD displays for vis...
     with: Wu, Y.N.: Order Parameters for Detecting Target Curves in Images: When...
     with: Wu, Y.N.: Order Parameters for Minimax Entropy Distributions: When doe...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: A* perspective on deterministic optimization for deforma...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Algorithms from statistical physics for generative model...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: bayesian network framework for relational shape matching...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Efficient Deformable Template Detection and Localization...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Efficient Optimization of a Deformable Template Using Dy...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Fundamental Bounds on Edge Detection: An Information The...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Fundamental Limits of Bayesian Inference: Order Paramete...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: G-factors: Relating Distributions on Features to Distrib...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: generic viewpoint assumption and planar bias, The
     with: Yuille, A.L.: High-Level and Generic Models for Visual Search: When Do...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: KGBR Viewpoint-Lighting Ambiguity and its Resolution by ...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: KGBR viewpointlighting ambiguity, The
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Manhattan World: Compass Direction from a Single Image b...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Order Parameters for Detecting Target Curves in Images: ...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Order Parameters for Minimax Entropy Distributions: When...
     with: Yuille, A.L.: statistical approach to multi-scale edge detection, A
     with: Yuille, A.L.: Statistical edge detection: learning and evaluating edge...
     with: Zhu, S.C.: Fundamental Bounds on Edge Detection: An Information Theore...
     with: Zhu, S.C.: Order Parameters for Detecting Target Curves in Images: Whe...
     with: Zhu, S.C.: Order Parameters for Minimax Entropy Distributions: When do...
     with: Zhu, S.C.: Statistical edge detection: learning and evaluating edge cues
48 for Coughlan, J.M.

Coughlin, J.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Feron, E.: Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation
     with: Mao, Z.H.: Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation
     with: Pilutti, T.: Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation
     with: Tijerina, L.: Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation
     with: Yang, J.H.: Detection of Driver Fatigue Caused by Sleep Deprivation

Coughlin, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bahaadini, S.: Direct: Deep Discriminative Embedding for Clustering of...
     with: Katsaggelos, A.K.: Direct: Deep Discriminative Embedding for Clusterin...
     with: Katsaggelos, A.K.: Scalable Variational Gaussian Processes for Crowdso...
     with: Molina, R.: Scalable Variational Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourcing:...
     with: Morales Alvarez, P.: Scalable Variational Gaussian Processes for Crowd...
     with: Noroozi, V.: Direct: Deep Discriminative Embedding for Clustering of L...
     with: Rohani, N.: Direct: Deep Discriminative Embedding for Clustering of Li...
     with: Ruiz, P.: Scalable Variational Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourcing: G...
     with: Zevin, M.: Direct: Deep Discriminative Embedding for Clustering of Lig...
9 for Coughlin, S.

Coughran, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Edwards, G.: Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A Re...
     with: Englund, D.: Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A Re...
     with: Goh, J.W.: Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A Revi...
     with: Milton, Z.: Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A Rev...
     with: Mirnateghi, N.: Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A...
     with: Shah, S.A.A.: Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A R...
     with: Subianto, N.: Role of Machine Learning in Game Development Domain: A R...
7 for Coughran, N.

Cougnon, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aper, J.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from UAVs...
     with: Baert, J.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from UAV...
     with: de Swaef, T.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from ...
     with: Lootens, P.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from U...
     with: Maes, W.H.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from UA...
     with: Reheul, D.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from UA...
     with: Roldan Ruiz, I.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices fr...
     with: Steppe, K.: Applying RGB- and Thermal-Based Vegetation Indices from UA...
8 for Cougnon, M.

Cougo, M.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abreu, M.R.S.: Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Biophysic...
     with: dos Santos, J.R.: Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Biophy...
     with: Fernandes, M.E.B.: Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Bioph...
     with: Nascimento, W.R.: Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Biophy...
     with: Silva, A.Q.: Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Biophysical...
     with: Simard, M.: Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Biophysical ...
     with: Souza Filho, P.W.M.: Radarsat-2 Backscattering for the Modeling of Bio...
7 for Cougo, M.F.

Index for "c"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:02:43
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