Index for arak

Arakaki, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.W.: Reconstruction of Neutron Penumbral Image by a Constrained...
     with: Nakamura, I.: Reconstruction of Neutron Penumbral Image by a Constrain...
     with: Nakao, Z.: Reconstruction of Neutron Penumbral Image by a Constrained ...
     with: Tamura, S.: Reconstruction of Neutron Penumbral Image by a Constrained...

Arakaki, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Irie, M.: Classification of River Sediment Fractions in a River Segmen...
     with: Suto, T.: Classification of River Sediment Fractions in a River Segmen...
     with: Umino, T.: Classification of River Sediment Fractions in a River Segme...

Arakala, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boztas, S.: Entropy of the Retina Template
     with: Culpepper, J.S.: Entropy of the Retina Template
     with: Davis, S.A.: Failure of affine-based reconstruction attack in regenera...
     with: Davis, S.A.: Fingerprints as Spatial Graphs: Nodes and Edges
     with: Davis, S.A.: Hand vein authentication using biometric graph matching
     with: Davis, S.A.: Retina Verification System Based on Biometric Graph Match...
     with: Davis, S.A.: Value of graph topology in vascular biometrics
     with: Hao, H.: Value of graph topology in vascular biometrics
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Entropy of Feature Point-Based Retina Templates
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Entropy of the Retina Template
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Failure of affine-based reconstruction attack in regene...
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Fingerprints as Spatial Graphs: Nodes and Edges
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Fuzzy Extractors for Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Authent...
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Hand vein authentication using biometric graph matching
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Retina Verification System Based on Biometric Graph Mat...
     with: Horadam, K.J.: Value of graph topology in vascular biometrics
     with: Jeffers, J.: Entropy of Feature Point-Based Retina Templates
     with: Jeffers, J.: Entropy of the Retina Template
     with: Jeffers, J.: Fingerprints as Spatial Graphs: Nodes and Edges
     with: Jeffers, J.: Fuzzy Extractors for Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Authentic...
     with: Lajevardi, S.M.: Hand vein authentication using biometric graph matching
     with: Lajevardi, S.M.: Retina Verification System Based on Biometric Graph M...
     with: McKendrick, A.M.: Entropy of the Retina Template
     with: Sadeghpour, M.: Failure of affine-based reconstruction attack in regen...
     with: Turpin, A.: Entropy of the Retina Template
25 for Arakala, A.

Arakane, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kai, C.: Can you read lips with a masked face?
     with: Saitoh, T.: Can you read lips with a masked face?

Arakawa, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Etoh, M.: Software architecture for flexible and extensible image deco...
     with: Iwaki, O.: Document Understanding System
     with: Kubota, K.: Document Understanding System
     with: Maeda, T.: Software architecture for flexible and extensible image dec...
     with: Masuda, I.: On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Approxima...
     with: Odaka, K.: On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters by Approximat...

Arakawa, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abreu, E.: New Efficient Approach for the Removal of Impulse Noise fro...
     with: Ando, S.: Appearance Based Pose Estimation of 3D Object Using Support ...
     with: Arakawa, Y.: Nonlinear Filters for Multimedia Applications
     with: Ito, N.: Kanji recognition in scene images without detection of text f...
     with: Kakizaki, T.: Method of Robust Seam Feature Detection from Profiles fo...
     with: Kataoka, K.: 3D Building Façade Model Reconstruction Using Parallel Im...
     with: Koike, H.: Estimating Anomality of the Video Sequences for Surveillanc...
     with: Koike, H.: Online anomal movement detection based on unsupervised incr...
     with: Krotkov, E.: Fractal Modeling of Natural Terrain: Analysis and Surface...
     with: Krotkov, E.: Fractal surface reconstruction for modeling natural terrain
     with: Krotkov, E.: Fractal Surface Reconstruction with Uncertainty Estimatio...
     with: Kusachi, Y.: Appearance Based Pose Estimation of 3D Object Using Suppo...
     with: Kusachi, Y.: Kanji recognition in scene images without detection of te...
     with: Lightstone, M.: New Efficient Approach for the Removal of Impulse Nois...
     with: Mitra, S.K.: New Efficient Approach for the Removal of Impulse Noise f...
     with: Miyagawa, I.: Motion and Shape Recovery Based on Iterative Stabilizati...
     with: Omyo, S.: Method of Robust Seam Feature Detection from Profiles for Ro...
     with: Osawa, T.: 3D Building Façade Model Reconstruction Using Parallel Imag...
     with: Osawa, T.: Estimating Anomality of the Video Sequences for Surveillanc...
     with: Osawa, T.: Online anomal movement detection based on unsupervised incr...
     with: Ozawa, S.: 3D Building Façade Model Reconstruction Using Parallel Imag...
     with: Sudo, K.: Estimating Anomality of the Video Sequences for Surveillance...
     with: Sudo, K.: Online anomal movement detection based on unsupervised incre...
     with: Suzuki, A.: Appearance Based Pose Estimation of 3D Object Using Suppor...
     with: Suzuki, A.: Kanji recognition in scene images without detection of tex...
     with: Tanaka, H.: Online anomal movement detection based on unsupervised inc...
     with: Wakabayashi, K.: 3D Building Façade Model Reconstruction Using Paralle...
     with: Wakabayashi, K.: Estimating Anomality of the Video Sequences for Surve...
     with: Watabe, H.: Nonlinear Filters for Multimedia Applications
29 for Arakawa, K.

Arakawa, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Echigo, T.: Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistanc...
     with: Echigo, T.: Color Analysis for Segmenting Digestive Organs in VCE
     with: Echigo, T.: Controlling the Display of Capsule Endoscopy Video for Dia...
     with: Echigo, T.: Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Cap...
     with: Echigo, T.: Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule Endos...
     with: Fujiwara, Y.: Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule End...
     with: Higuchi, K.: Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistan...
     with: Higuchi, K.: Color Analysis for Segmenting Digestive Organs in VCE
     with: Higuchi, K.: Controlling the Display of Capsule Endoscopy Video for Di...
     with: Higuchi, K.: Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Ca...
     with: Okazaki, H.: Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule Endo...
     with: Sagawa, R.: Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistanc...
     with: Sagawa, R.: Controlling the Display of Capsule Endoscopy Video for Dia...
     with: Sagawa, R.: Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Cap...
     with: Shiba, M.: Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistance...
     with: Shiba, M.: Color Analysis for Segmenting Digestive Organs in VCE
     with: Shiba, M.: Controlling the Display of Capsule Endoscopy Video for Diag...
     with: Shiba, M.: Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Caps...
     with: Shiba, M.: Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule Endosc...
     with: Vu, H.: Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistance by...
     with: Vu, H.: Color Analysis for Segmenting Digestive Organs in VCE
     with: Vu, H.: Controlling the Display of Capsule Endoscopy Video for Diagnos...
     with: Vu, H.: Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Capsule...
     with: Vu, H.: Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule Endoscopy...
     with: Yagi, K.: Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistance ...
     with: Yagi, K.: Color Analysis for Segmenting Digestive Organs in VCE
     with: Yagi, K.: Controlling the Display of Capsule Endoscopy Video for Diagn...
     with: Yagi, K.: Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Capsu...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Adaptive Control of Video Display for Diagnostic Assistanc...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Color Analysis for Segmenting Digestive Organs in VCE
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Controlling the Display of Capsule Endoscopy Video for Dia...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Towards an Interpretation of Intestinal Motility Using Cap...
     with: Yagi, Y.S.: Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule Endos...
     with: Yanagawa, Y.: Web-Based Education System for Reading Video Capsule End...
34 for Arakawa, T.

Arakawa, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arakawa, K.: Nonlinear Filters for Multimedia Applications
     with: Isogai, M.: Space-shared Communication based on Truely 3D Information ...
     with: Kakeya, H.: Space-shared Communication based on Truely 3D Information ...
     with: Kohana, M.: Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for Con...
     with: Mizumoto, T.: Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for C...
     with: Nakajima, C.: Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for C...
     with: Otoda, Y.: Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for Cont...
     with: Suzuki, K.: Space-shared Communication based on Truely 3D Information ...
     with: Uenishi, M.: Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for Co...
     with: Watabe, H.: Nonlinear Filters for Multimedia Applications
     with: Yamaguchi, F.: Space-shared Communication based on Truely 3D Informati...
     with: Yasumoto, K.: Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for C...
12 for Arakawa, Y.

Arakeri, M.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Reddy, G.R.M.: Computer-aided diagnosis system for tissue characteriza...
     with: Reddy, G.R.M.: intelligent content-based image retrieval system for cl...

Araki, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Awaya, Y.: Analysis and Prediction of Gap Dynamics in a Secondary Deci...
     with: Awaya, Y.: Estimating Three-Dimensional Distribution of Leaf Area Usin...
     with: Chiba, Y.: High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
     with: Chiba, Y.: High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
     with: Dybala, P.: CAO: A Fully Automatic Emoticon Analysis System Based on T...
     with: Fujino, T.: method for high speed 3-D range measurement and its trail ...
     with: Gomi, M.: High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
     with: Gomi, M.: High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
     with: Hirose, M.: Reconstruction of Realistic 3d Surface Model and 3d Animat...
     with: Hirose, M.: Reconstruction of Registered Range Data Using Geodesic Dom...
     with: Ikegaya, K.: High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
     with: Ikegaya, K.: High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
     with: Kuroda, K.: Reconstruction of Realistic 3d Surface Model and 3d Animat...
     with: Maciejewski, J.: CAO: A Fully Automatic Emoticon Analysis System Based...
     with: Minatani, K.: Development of Tactile Graph Generation Web Application ...
     with: Miyasaka, T.: Development of Real-time 3D Measurement System Using Int...
     with: Miyasaka, T.: Reconstruction of Realistic 3d Surface Model and 3d Anim...
     with: Noda, T.: High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
     with: Noda, T.: High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
     with: Ptaszynski, M.: CAO: A Fully Automatic Emoticon Analysis System Based ...
     with: Rzepka, R.: CAO: A Fully Automatic Emoticon Analysis System Based on T...
     with: Sannomiya, K.: High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
     with: Sannomiya, K.: High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
     with: Sato, Y.: method for high speed 3-D range measurement and its trail in...
     with: Shimizu, M.: High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
     with: Shimizu, M.: High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
     with: Tanaka, N.: method for high speed 3-D range measurement and its trail ...
     with: Tsuda, Y.: High speed and continuous 3-D measurement system
     with: Tsuda, Y.: High-Speed and Continuous 3D Measurement System, A
     with: Watanabe, T.: Development of Tactile Graph Generation Web Application ...
     with: Yamaguchi, T.: Development of Tactile Graph Generation Web Application...
31 for Araki, K.

Araki, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Emura, S.: Distortionless Beamforming Optimized With L_1 -Norm Minimiz...
     with: Emura, S.: Multi-Delay Sparse Approach to Residual Crosstalk Reduction...
     with: Harada, N.: Distortionless Beamforming Optimized With L_1 -Norm Minimi...
     with: Harada, N.: Multi-Delay Sparse Approach to Residual Crosstalk Reductio...
     with: Hashiyama, H.: Data processing method of binary graphic pattern and sy...
     with: Horita, Y.: High quality panoramic image generation using multiple pan...
     with: Maeda, K.: High quality panoramic image generation using multiple pano...
     with: Matsuoka, T.: Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Moving ...
     with: Nakatani, T.: Distortionless Beamforming Optimized With L_1 -Norm Mini...
     with: Ogura, M.: Data processing method of binary graphic pattern and system...
     with: Sawada, H.: Multi-Delay Sparse Approach to Residual Crosstalk Reductio...
     with: Shibata, K.: High quality panoramic image generation using multiple pa...
     with: Takemura, H.: Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Moving ...
     with: Yokoya, N.: Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Moving Ca...
14 for Araki, S.

Araki, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aoki, K.: Motion vector detection apparatus
     with: Furukawa, S.: Abnormality supervising system
     with: Hamada, R.: Rescue Dog Action Recognition by Integrating Ego-centric V...
     with: Himezawa, H.: Abnormality supervising system
     with: Ide, Y.: Rescue Dog Action Recognition by Integrating Ego-centric Vide...
     with: Ishihara, K.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection...
     with: Kakizaki, K.: Powerful Physical Adversarial Examples Against Practical...
     with: Miyake, Y.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection o...
     with: Nakai, H.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection on...
     with: Ohno, K.: Rescue Dog Action Recognition by Integrating Ego-centric Vid...
     with: Otsuka, H.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection o...
     with: Satake, T.: Abnormality supervising system
     with: Shinmori, H.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection...
     with: Singh, I.: Powerful Physical Adversarial Examples Against Practical Fa...
     with: Takada, K.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection o...
     with: Watanabe, M.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detection...
     with: Yamashita, K.: Improvement in Accuracy of Respiration Pattern Detectio...
     with: Yanai, K.: Rescue Dog Action Recognition by Integrating Ego-centric Vi...
18 for Araki, T.

Araki, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shimada, N.: Detection of faces of various directions in complex backg...
     with: Shirai, Y.: Detection of faces of various directions in complex backgr...

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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