Index for rudz

Rudz, S.[Steve] Co Author Listing * On the Evaluation of Segmentation Methods for Wildland Fire

Rudzicz, F.[Frank] Co Author Listing * Fast adaptive algorithms for optimal feature extraction from Gaussian data
* Fast incremental LDA feature extraction
* Modified mean shift algorithm
* Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Scientific Computing

Rudzinski, L.[Lukasz] Co Author Listing * Combined Study of a Significant Mine Collapse Based on Seismological and Geodetic Data: 29 January 2019, Rudna Mine, Poland
* Detectability of Post-Seismic Ground Displacement Using DInSAR and SBAS in Longwall Coal Mining: A Case Study in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland, The
Includes: Rudzinski, L.[Lukasz] Rudzinski, L.

Rudzionis, A.[Algimantas] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Possibilities to Adapt the Foreign Language Speech Recognition Engines for the Lithuanian Spoken Commands Recognition

Rudzionis, V.[Vytautas] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Possibilities to Adapt the Foreign Language Speech Recognition Engines for the Lithuanian Spoken Commands Recognition

Rudzki, A.[Andrzej] Co Author Listing * Detection of Natural Gas Leakages Using a Laser-Based Methane Sensor and UAV

Rudzsky, M.[Michael] Co Author Listing * 3D Body-part tracking of two persons using a hierarchical body model
* 3d Human Body-part Tracking and Action Classification Using A Hierarchical Body Model
* Automated Method for Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Circulating Particles From In vivo Video Microscopy, An
* Behavior classification by eigendecomposition of periodic motions
* Building Petri Nets from Video Event Ontologies
* Classification of Moving Targets Based on Motion and Appearance
* Cortex Segmentation: A Fast Variational Geometric Approach
* Dimensionality Reduction for Articulated Body Tracking
* Dimensionality reduction using a Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter for tracking and classification of articulated body motions
* Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash or Behavior Classification by Eigen-Decomposition of Periodic Motions
* Fast geodesic active contours
* H-APF: Using hierarchical representation of human body for 3-D articulated tracking and action classification
* Motion characterization from co-occurrence vector descriptor
* Propagating Certainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition
* Propagating Uncertainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition
* real-time system for classification of moving objects, A
* Rehashing for Bayesian geometric hashing
* Tracking and Classifying of Human Motions with Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter
* Understanding Video Events: A Survey of Methods for Automatic Interpretation of Semantic Occurrences in Video
* Using Gaussian Processes for Human Tracking and Action Classification
* Using Hierarchical Models for 3D Human Body-Part Tracking
* Using Pattern Recognition for Self-Localization in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
* Video Event Modeling and Recognition in Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
* Zoom tracking and its applications
Includes: Rudzsky, M.[Michael] Rudzsky, M.
24 for Rudzsky, M.

Rudzusika, J.[Jevgenija] Co Author Listing * Deep Learning: Based Dictionary Learning and Tomographic Image Reconstruction

Index for "r"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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