Rhein, S.[Stephen]
Co Author Listing * Improving calibration of thermal stereo cameras using heated calibration board
* Iterative Reconstruction of Large Scenes Using Heterogeneous Feature Tracking
* Multimodal Stereo Vision For Reconstruction In The Presence Of Reflection
* Reconstruction of textureless regions using structure from motion and image-based interpolation
* Shape from stereo and shading by gradient constrained interpolation
* Three-dimensional segmentation of vesicular networks of fungal hyphae in macroscopic microscopy image stacks
Includes: Rhein, S.[Stephen] Rhein, S.
Rheingans, B.
Co Author Listing * Automated Data Production For A Novel Airborne Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager (AIRMSPI)
Rheingans, P.[Penny]
Co Author Listing * MRF-based statistical deformation model for morphological image analysis, An
Rheinlænder, J.W.[Jonathan W.]
Co Author Listing * Knowledge Gaps and Impact of Future Satellite Missions to Facilitate Monitoring of Changes in the Arctic Ocean