Kravchenko, I.[Iulia]
Co Author Listing * Concept And Practice Of Teaching Technical University Students To Modern Technologies Of 3d Data Acquisition And Processing: A Case Study Of Close-range Photogrammetry And Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Kravchenko, V.
Co Author Listing * 2D to 3D Conversion Based on Disparity Map Estimation
* Spectral Estimation of Digital Signals by the Orthogonal Kravchenko Wavelets {ha(t)~}
* Video Denoising by Fuzzy Directional Filter Using the DSP EVM DM642
Includes: Kravchenko, V. Kravchenko, V.[Victor]
Kravchik, E.
Co Author Listing * Low-bit Quantization of Neural Networks for Efficient Inference
Kravchik, M.[Moshe]
Co Author Listing * Translucent Patch: A Physical and Universal Attack on Object Detectors, The
Kravcov, A.[Alexander]
Co Author Listing * Thermal Infrared Radiation and Laser Ultrasound for Deformation and Water Saturation Effects Testing in Limestone
Kravets, P.[Pavlo]
Co Author Listing * Tracking Rates of Forest Disturbance and Associated Carbon Loss in Areas of Illegal Amber Mining in Ukraine Using Landsat Time Series
Kravitz, A.V.[Alexxai V.]
Co Author Listing * Scalable Vision System for Mouse Homecage Ethology
Kravitz, J.[Joshua]
Co Author Listing * Visual Genome: Connecting Language and Vision Using Crowdsourced Dense Image Annotations
Kravjanska, I.
Co Author Listing * Digitization Of Cultural Heritage Of Slovak Republic
Includes: Kravjanska, I. Kravjanská, I.
Kravtchenko Berejnoi, V.
Co Author Listing * Fast object recognition and pose determination
Includes: Kravtchenko Berejnoi, V. Kravtchenko-Berejnoi, V.
Kravtsiv, A.
Co Author Listing * Statistical Molecular Target Detection Framework for Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
Kravtsov, A.[Alexey]
Co Author Listing * Measuring the Radius of Meniscus Ring During the Growth of Silicon Rods
* Measuring the Radius of Meniscus Ring During the Growth of Silicon Rods
Includes: Kravtsov, A.[Alexey] Kravtsov, A.[Anatoly]