Cola, S.[Simonetta]
Co Author Listing * DIPHORM: An Innovative DIgital PHOtogrammetRic Monitoring Technique for Detecting Surficial Displacements of Landslides
Colabrese, S.
Co Author Listing * Learning-based approach to boost detection rate and localisation accuracy in single molecule localisation microscopy
Colace, F.
Co Author Listing * Pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques for cultural heritage
* Securing the internet of vehicles through lightweight block ciphers
Includes: Colace, F. Colace, F.[Francesco]
Colaceci, S.
Co Author Listing * Reverse Modeling of Cultural Heritage: Pipeline and Bottlenecks
Colacicco, R.[Rosa]
Co Author Listing * High-Resolution Flood Monitoring Based on Advanced Statistical Modeling of Sentinel-1 Multi-Temporal Stacks
Colaco, A.[Andrea]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* Compressive depth map acquisition using a single photon-counting detector: Parametric signal processing meets sparsity
* Diffuse, Attend, and Segment: Unsupervised Zero-Shot Segmentation using Stable Diffusion
* Geometry Fidelity for Spherical Images
* HIME: Efficient Headshot Image Super-Resolution with Multiple Exemplars
* Phase unwrapping and denoising for time-of-flight imaging using generalized approximate message passing
Colaco, A.F.[Andre Freitas]
Co Author Listing * Broadacre Mapping of Wheat Biomass Using Ground-Based LiDAR Technology
* Method to Obtain Orange Crop Geometry Information Using a Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner and 3D Modeling, A
Includes: Colaco, A.F.[Andre Freitas] Colaço, A.F.[André Freitas] Colaço, A.F.[André F.]
Coladello, L.F.[Leandro Fernandes]
Co Author Listing * Assessing Climate Influence on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Macrophytes in Eutrophicated Reservoirs by Remotely Sensed Time Series
Colaitis, F.
Co Author Listing * Coded representation of multimedia and hypermedia information objects: Towards the MHEG standard
Colaitis, M.J.
Co Author Listing * Implementation of Pi-I-3, A Parallel Architecture for Video Real-Time Processing: A Case-Study, The
Colak, E.
Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing and GIS Integration for Monitoring the Areas Affected by Forest Fires: A Case Study in Izmir, Turkey
* Spatiotemporal Change Analysis of the Protected Areas: A Case Study - Igneada Floodplain Forests
* Synthesizing Chest X-Ray Pathology for Training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Use of Multi-temporal Sentinel Satellites in The Analysis of Land Cover/land Use Changes Caused By The Nuclear Power Plant Construction, The
* Use of Sentinel 1/2 Vegetation Indexes with Gee Time Series Data In Detecting Land Cover Changes in the Sinop Nuclear Power Plant Construction Site, The
Includes: Colak, E. Çolak, E.
Colak, H.E.
Co Author Listing * Cloud GIS Based Watershed Management
Colak, O.[Ozden]
Co Author Listing * Image denoising using patch ordering and 3D transformation of patches
Colak, S.
Co Author Listing * Cost Analysis Of Spatial Data Production As Part Of Business Intelligence Within The Mapping Department
* Production in GDLRC and Present Reflections
* Spatial Data Web Services Pricing Model Infrastructure
Includes: Colak, S. Çolak, S.
Colak, S.B.
Co Author Listing * Tomographic Image Reconstruction from Optical Projections in Light Diffusing Media
Colak, T.
Co Author Listing * Automatic detection and verification of solar features
Colan, J.[Jacinto]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of fine-tuning strategies for transfer learning in medical image classification
Colangelo, D.
Co Author Listing * Instrument for Automatically Inspecting Integrated Circuit Masks for Pinholes and Spots
Colangelo, F.
Co Author Listing * Enhancing audio surveillance with hierarchical recurrent neural networks
Colangelo, L.[Luigi]
Co Author Listing * Earth Gravity In-Orbit Sensing: MPC Formation Control Based on a Novel Constellation Model
Colaninno, N.
Co Author Listing * Defining Densities For Urban Residential Texture, Through Land Use Classification, From Landsat Tm Imagery: Case Study Of Spanish Mediterranean Coast
* Mapping Urban Ventilation Corridors and Assessing Their Impact Upon The Cooling Effect of Greening Solutions
Colantoni, P.[Philippe]
Co Author Listing * Chromapose: Robustness of 2d Pose Estimation Under Different Color Illuminations
* Color Management Process for Real Time Color Reconstruction of Multispectral Images, A
* Color Object Detection Using Pyramidal Adjacency Graphs
* Global Bilateral Symmetry Detection Using Multiscale Mirror Histograms
* Multiple Reflection Symmetry Detection via Linear-Directional Kernel Density Estimation
* On the Uniform Sampling of CIELAB Color Space and the Number of Discernible Colors
* Regions Adjacency Graph Applied to Color Image Segmentation
* Stabilization of the Spectral Power Distribution of a Tunable Multichannel Led Lighting System
* Wavelet-Based Reflection Symmetry Detection via Textural and Color Histograms
* Wavelet-Based Reflection Symmetry Detection via Textural and Color Histograms: Algorithm and Results
* Web Browsers Colorimetric Characterization
Includes: Colantoni, P.[Philippe] Colantoni, P.
11 for Colantoni, P.
Colantonio, P.[Paolo]
Co Author Listing * Microwave and Radar Week (MRW 2020): Selected Papers
Colantonio, S.[Sara]
Co Author Listing * Causality-Driven One-Shot Learning for Prostate Cancer Grading from MRI
* Facial Landmark Identification and Data Preparation Can Significantly Improve the Extraction of Newborns' Facial Features
* Lip segmentation based on Lambertian shadings and morphological operators for hyper-spectral images
* May Radiomic Data Predict Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness?
* Mirror Mirror on the Wall... An Unobtrusive Intelligent Multisensory Mirror for Well-Being Status Self-Assessment and Visualization
* On the Effectiveness of 3D Vision Transformers for the Prediction of Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness
* Persistent homology to analyse 3D faces and assess body weight gain
* UIP-Net: A Decoder-encoder CNN for the Detection and Quantification of Usual Interstitial Pneumoniae Pattern in Lung CT Scan Images
* Wize Mirror: A smart, multisensory cardio-metabolic risk monitoring system
Includes: Colantonio, S.[Sara] Colantonio, S.
9 for Colantonio, S.
Colantuoni, V.[Vittorio]
Co Author Listing * Approach to Identify miRNA Associated with Cancer Altered Pathways, An
Colao, F.
Co Author Listing * Image processing from laser scanners for remote diagnostic and virtual fruition of cultural heritage
* Polar Stratospheric Cloud Observations at Concordia Station by Remotely Controlled Lidar Observatory
Includes: Colao, F. Colao, F.[Francesco]
Colapicchioni, A.
Co Author Listing * Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: System Concepts
Colaprico, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Approach to Identify miRNA Associated with Cancer Altered Pathways, An
Colarco, P.R.[Peter R.]
Co Author Listing * ARGOS Instrument for Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements, The
* Coupled Evaluation of Operational MODIS and Model Aerosol Products for Maritime Environments Using Sun Photometry: Evaluation of the Fine and Coarse Mode, A
Colardyn, F.[Francis]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Initial Estimation of the left Ventricular Myocardial Midwall in Emission Tomograms Using Kohonen Maps
Colarieti Tosti, M.
Co Author Listing * Patient-Specific Left Ventricular Flow Simulations From Transthoracic Echocardiography: Robustness Evaluation and Validation Against Ultrasound Doppler and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Includes: Colarieti Tosti, M. Colarieti-Tosti, M.
Colasanto, L.
Co Author Listing * Hybrid Mapping for the Assistance of Teleoperated Grasping Tasks
Colauzzi, M.[Michele]
Co Author Listing * Impact of Training Set Size and Lead Time on Early Tomato Crop Mapping Accuracy