Bhavana, C.
Co Author Listing * Automatic noise identification in images using moments and neural network
* Edge Preserving SAR Image Despeckling
Bhavana, P.[Prasad]
Co Author Listing * Temporal Matrix Factorization: A polynomial approach to latent factor estimation
Bhavani, S.
Co Author Listing * Comparison of fractal coding methods for medical image compression
Bhavani, S.D.
Co Author Listing * Feature subset selection using consensus clustering
Bhavanishankar, N.
Co Author Listing * DFLAP: a dynamic frequency linear array processor
* Dynamic Frequency Linear Array Processor for Image Processing, A
* Linear Array Processor with Dynamic Frequency Clocking for Image Processing Applications, A
Bhavnagri, B.[Burzin]
Co Author Listing * Method for Representing Shape-Based on an Equivalence Relation on Polygons, A
Bhavnagri, K.[Kamron]
Co Author Listing * Generative Deep Learning Approach for Forensic Facial Reconstruction, A
Bhavnani, S.K.[Suresh K.]
Co Author Listing * Rank-Based Approach to Active Diagnosis, A
Bhavsar, A.
Co Author Listing * AUTODEPTH: Single Image Depth Map Estimation via Residual CNN Encoder-Decoder and Stacked Hourglass
* Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification: Is Magnification Important?
* Class-specific hierarchical classification for HEP-2 specimen images
* CNN Based HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation and Identification of Mitotic Spindle Type Specimens, A
* Depth Map Restoration From Undersampled Data
* Effectiveness of Grasp Attributes and Motion-Constraints for Fine-Grained Recognition of Object Manipulation Actions
* Fabric Classification and Matching Using CNN and Siamese Network for E-commerce
* FS2Net: Fiber Structural Similarity Network (FS2Net) for Rotation Invariant Brain Tractography Segmentation Using Stacked LSTM Based Siamese Network
* Hierarchical example-based range-image super-resolution with edge-preservation
* Hierarchical X-ray Report Generation via Pathology Tags and Multi Head Attention
* Integrated Multi-scale Model for Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification with Joint Colour-Texture Features, An
* MR-Srnet: Transformation of Low Field MR Images to High Field MR Images
* Perceptual Versus Latitude-Based 360-Deg Video Coding Optimization
* Scale Invariant Human Action Detection from Depth Cameras Using Class Templates
* Sequential Modeling of Deep Features for Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification
* SVD-based redundancy removal in 1-D CNNs for acoustic scene classification
* Syn2Real: Forgery Classification via Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Includes: Bhavsar, A. Bhavsar, A.[Arnav]
17 for Bhavsar, A.
Bhavsar, A.V.[Arnav V.]
Co Author Listing * Depth Estimation and Inpainting with an Unconstrainted Camera
* Depth estimation with a practical camera
* Inpainting in Multi-image Stereo
* Inpainting Large Missing Regions in Range Images
* Range map superresolution-inpainting, and reconstruction from sparse data
* Range Map with Missing Data: Joint Resolution Enhancement and Inpainting
* Resolution enhancement for binocular stereo
* Resolution Enhancement in Multi-Image Stereo
* Resolution Enhancement of PMD Range Maps
* Towards Unrestrained Depth Inference with Coherent Occlusion Filling
10 for Bhavsar, A.V.
Bhavsar, J.K.[Jignesh K.]
Co Author Listing * Deriving Sparse Coefficients of Wavelet Pyramid Taking Clues from Hough Transform
* Improvised Filter Design for Depth Estimation from Single Monocular Images
Bhavsar, P.
Co Author Listing * Connectivity supported dynamic routing of electric vehicles in an inductively coupled power transfer environment
* Improving the Efficacy of Car-Following Models With a New Stochastic Parameter Estimation and Calibration Method
Bhavsar, S.[Satya]
Co Author Listing * SUGAMAN: describing floor plans for visually impaired by annotation learning and proximity-based grammar
Bhavsar, V.H.[Viral H.]
Co Author Listing * Applicability of Smoothing Techniques in Generation of Phenological Metrics of Tectona grandis L. Using NDVI Time Series Data