Baksheev, A.[Anatoly]
Co Author Listing * adaptable system for RGB-D based human body detection and pose estimation, An
* Real-Time Computer Vision with OpenCV
Bakshi, A.[Akshay]
Co Author Listing * Alpr: A Method for Identifying License Plates Using Sequential Information
* Comparison Between an HVS Inspired Linear Filter and the Bilateral Filter in Performing Vision at a Glance through Smoothing with Edge Preservation
Includes: Bakshi, A.[Akshay] Bakshi, A.[Ashish]
Bakshi, L.[Lior]
Co Author Listing * Noninterferometric topography measurements of fast moving surfaces
Bakshi, M.
Co Author Listing * Improving the Visual Quality of JPEG-Encoded Images via Companding
Bakshi, R.
Co Author Listing * Incorporating Domain Knowledge Into the Fuzzy Connectedness Framework: Application to Brain Lesion Volume Estimation in Multiple Sclerosis
Bakshi, S.[Sambit]
Co Author Listing * 25th ICPR: Real-time Visual Surveillance as-a-Service (VSaaS) for smart security solutions
* Beyond estimating discrete directions of walk: a fuzzy approach
* Control Schemes for Quadrotor UAV: Taxonomy and Survey
* Editorial to special issue on novel insights on ocular biometrics
* Facial expression recognition system based on variational mode decomposition and whale optimized KELM
* Futuristic person re-identification over internet of biometrics things (IoBT): Technical potential versus practical reality
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Biometrics Based Methods for Healthcare Applications
* Knowledge Transfer and Crowdsourcing in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* Lip biometric template security framework using spatial steganography
* Localization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Corridor Environments using Deep Learning
* Multi-stage cascaded deconvolution for depth map and surface normal prediction from single image
* Person re-identification for smart cities: State-of-the-art and the path ahead
* Person re-identification: A taxonomic survey and the path ahead
* Shape from shading for non-Lambertian surfaces
* Wavelet energy feature based source camera identification for ear biometric images
Includes: Bakshi, S.[Sambit] Bakshi, S.
15 for Bakshi, S.
Baksi, K.D.[Krishanu Das]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
Bakstein, H.
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction from 360 x 360 Mosaics
* Calibration Procedure for a 360x360 Mosaic Camera
* Catadioptric Image-based Rendering for Mobile Robot Localization
* Panoramic mosaicing with a 180 deg field of view lens
* Rendering Almost Perspective Views from a Sparse Set of Omnidirectional Images
Includes: Bakstein, H. Bakstein, H.[Hynek]