Index for amro

Amro, B. Co Author Listing * Enhancing privacy in collaborative traffic-monitoring systems using autonomous location update

Amro, I.[Israa] Co Author Listing * Bayesian super-resolution pansharpening using contourlets
* Parameter estimation in Bayesian super-resolution pansharpening using contourlets

Amrouch, H.[Hussam] Co Author Listing * Bridging the Gap Between Voltage Over-Scaling and Joint Hardware Accelerator-Algorithm Closed-Loop
* Cross-Layer Gate-Level-to-Application Co-Simulation for Design Space Exploration of Approximate Circuits in HEVC Video Encoders, A
Includes: Amrouch, H.[Hussam] Amrouch, H.

Amrouch, M.[Mustapha] Co Author Listing * Convolutional Neural Networks Backbones for Object Detection
* Off-Line Arabic Handwritten Characters Recognition Based on a Hidden Markov Models
Includes: Amrouch, M.[Mustapha] Amrouch, M.

Amrouche, A.[Abderrahmane] Co Author Listing * Micro-Doppler Classification for Ground Surveillance Radar Using Speech Recognition Tools
* SVM Based GMM Supervector Speaker Recognition Using LP Residual Signal

Amrouche, K.[Karima] Co Author Listing * maximum diversity-based path sparsification for geometric graph matching, A
* simple graph embedding for anomaly detection in a stream of heterogeneous labeled graphs, A

Amroui, A.E. Co Author Listing * new framework for autonomic mobile cloud computing, A

Amrouni, O.[Oula] Co Author Listing * Photogrammetric assessment of shoreline retreat in North Africa: Anthropogenic and natural drivers

Amrous, A.I.[Anissa Imen] Co Author Listing * Robust Arabic Multi-stream Speech Recognition System in Noisy Environment

Amrous, N. Co Author Listing * Knowledge components detection in User-Generated Content

Amroussia, M.[Mouna] Co Author Listing * Predicting Spatially Explicit Composite Burn Index (CBI) from Different Spectral Indices Derived from Sentinel 2A: A Case of Study in Tunisia

Index for "a"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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