Yusof, A.M.[Azmi Mohd]
Co Author Listing * SnoezelenCAVE: Virtual Reality CAVE Snoezelen Framework for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Yusof, K.M.[Kamaludin Mohamad]
Co Author Listing * Traffic speed prediction using GARCH-GRU hybrid model
Yusof, M.H.M.[Mohammad Hafizuddin Mohd]
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy Modeling Based Recognition of Multi-font Numerals
* Off-line signature verification and forgery detection using fuzzy modeling
Includes: Yusof, M.H.M.[Mohammad Hafizuddin Mohd] Yusof, M.H.M.[M. Hafizuddin M.]
Yusof, M.L.M.[Mohamed Lokman Mohd]
Co Author Listing * Comparison of Absorbed and Intercepted Fractions of PAR for Individual Trees Based on Radiative Transfer Model Simulations
Yusof, N.
Co Author Listing * Coastal Vulnerability Index Development: a Review
* Exploring Spatio-temporal Wave Pattern Using Unsupervised Technique
Yusof, N.H.M.
Co Author Listing * Effect of Long Term Tidal Constituents On Mean Sea Level Trend During El-Nino and La-Nina Phenomena
Yusof, N.M.[Nidzamuddin Md.]
Co Author Listing * Reading During Fully Automated Driving: A Study of the Effect of Peripheral Visual and Haptic Information on Situation Awareness and Mental Workload
Yusof, O.M.
Co Author Listing * Identifying the Role of National Digital Cadastral Database (NDCDB) In Malaysia And for Land-based Analysis
Yusof, R.[Rubiyah]
Co Author Listing * Fuzzy logic-based pre-classifier for tropical wood species recognition system
* Tropical Wood Species Recognition Based on Gabor Filter
Includes: Yusof, R.[Rubiyah] Yusof, R.
Yusof, R.M.
Co Author Listing * Performance Analysis of Sispelsat MSK-DGNSS Radio Signal In Peninsular Malaysia
Yusof, S.[Shahril]
Co Author Listing * Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating Software
Yusof, S.F.[Siti Fairuz]
Co Author Listing * Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating Software
Yusof, U.K.[Umi Kalsom]
Co Author Listing * VisEL: Visualisation of Expertise Level in a Special Interest Group Knowledge Portal
Yusof, Y.[Yuhanis]
Co Author Listing * Determining Number of Clusters Using Firefly Algorithm with Cluster Merging for Text Clustering
Yusoff, A.R.
Co Author Listing * Camera Calibration Accuracy at Different UAV Flying Heights
* Comparing the Performance of Point Cloud Registration Methods For Landslide Monitoring Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Comprehensive Analysis of Flying Altitude for High Resolution Slope Mapping Using UAV Technology
* Evaluating Mobile Laser Scanning For Landslide Monitoring
* Evaluating the Performance of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Landslide Monitoring
* Integration of Point Clouds Dataset From Different Sensors
* Study About Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Reconstruction of Precast Concrete to Support Qlassic Assessment, A
* Suitability of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Building Survey and Mapping Applications, The
* Suitability of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Strata Building, The
* Three-dimensional Mapping of An Ancient Cave Paintings Using Close-range Photogrammetry And Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technologies
* Three-dimensional Recording and Photorealistic Model Reconstruction For Virtual Museum Application: An Experience in Malaysia
* Three-dimensional Recording Of Bastion Middleburg Monument Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner
12 for Yusoff, A.R.
Yusoff, A.R.M.[Abdull R. Mohd]
Co Author Listing * Satellite-Based Run-Off Model for Monitoring Drought in Peninsular Malaysia
Yusoff, I.A.[Intan Aidha]
Co Author Listing * Switching-based clustering algorithms for segmentation of low-level salt-and-pepper noise-corrupted images
Yusoff, M.S.
Co Author Listing * Applying an Integrated Route Optimization Method as a Solution to the Problem of Waste Collection
Yusoff, M.Z.[Mohd Zuki]
Co Author Listing * Modulation of sensorimotor rhythms for brain-computer interface using motor imagery with online feedback
Yusoff, M.Z.M.[Mohd Zaliman Mohd]
Co Author Listing * SnoezelenCAVE: Virtual Reality CAVE Snoezelen Framework for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Yusoff, N.[Nooraini]
Co Author Listing * Malay lexical simplification model for non-native speaker
Yusoff, N.B.[Nooraini Binti]
Co Author Listing * Image Enhancement on Underwater Images for Protozoan White Spot Fish Disease Detection
Yusoff, N.M.[Noryusdiana Mohamad]
Co Author Listing * Use of Multi-Temporal Landsat Imageries in Detecting Seasonal Crop Abandonment, The
Yusoff, R.C.M.[Rasimah Che Mohammed]
Co Author Listing * Mixed Reality Book: A Visualization Tool
Yusoff, S.[Suhaimi]
Co Author Listing * Denoising of natural images through robust wavelet thresholding and genetic programming
Yusoff, Y.
Co Author Listing * Video Shot Cut Detection using Adaptive Thresholding
Yusoff, Z.M.
Co Author Listing * Sinkhole Susceptibility Hazard Zones Using GIS And Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP): A Case Study of Kuala Lumpur And Ampang Jaya
Yusoh, Z.I.M.[Zeratul I. Mohd]
Co Author Listing * EEG-based biometric authentication modelling using incremental fuzzy-rough nearest neighbour technique
Yusop, N.M.M.[Nurhafizah Moziyana Mohd]
Co Author Listing * Development of Questionnaire to Measure User Acceptance Towards User Interface Design
* Utilizing Mobile Application for Reducing Stress Level
Yusop, Z.[Zulkifli]
Co Author Listing * Collective Visual Representation of Rainfall-Runoff Difference Model, The