Teka, A.[Asebe]
Co Author Listing * Few-shot class incremental learning via prompt transfer and knowledge distillation
Teka, D.[Daniel]
Co Author Listing * Mapping Small-Scale Irrigation Areas Using Expert Decision Rules and the Random Forest Classifier in Northern Ethiopia
Tekalp, A.
Co Author Listing * Multi-view Spatial Integration and Tracking with Bayesian Networks
Tekalp, A.M.[A. Murat]
Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Tekalp, A.M.[A. Murat]: mtekalp AT ku edu tr
* 2-D Mesh Geometry and Motion Compression for Efficient Object-Based Video Representation
* 2-D mesh tracking for synthetic transfiguration
* 2-D mesh-based video object segmentation and tracking with occlusion resolution
* 2-Dimensional Versus 3-Dimensional Object-Based Video Compression
* 2D Mesh Based Tracking of Deformable Objects with Occlusion
* 3-D motion estimation and wireframe adaptation including photometric effects for model-based coding of facial image sequences
* 3D display dependent quality evaluation and rate allocation using scalable video coding
* Adaptation strategies for MGS scalable video streaming
* Adaptation strategies for streaming SVC video
* Adaptive motion-compensated filtering of noisy image sequences
* Adaptive Multiview Video Delivery Using Hybrid Networking
* Adaptive Peer-To-Peer Video Streaming with Optimized Flexible Multiple Description Coding
* Adaptive stereoscopic 3D video streaming
* Adaptive streaming of multi-view video over P2P networks
* Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Stereoscopic Video Over DCCP
* Analysis of Head Gesture and Prosody Patterns for Prosody-Driven Head-Gesture Animation
* Application-Layer QoS Fairness in Wireless Video Scheduling
* Architectures for multi-threaded MVC-compliant multi-view video decoding and benchmark tests
* Automatic Extraction of Low-level Object Motion Descriptors
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Adaptive Color Classification
* Automatic soccer video analysis and summarization
* Bandwidth-aware multiple multicast tree formation for P2P scalable video streaming using hierarchical clusters
* Bi-directional 2-D mesh representation for video object rendering, editing and superresolution in the presence of occlusion
* Blur identification using the bispectrum
* Client-Driven Selective Streaming of Multiview Video for Interactive 3DTV
* Closed-Form Connectivity-Preserving Solutions for Motion Compensation Using 2-D Meshes
* Collusion-Resilient Fingerprinting by Random Pre-Warping
* Collusion-resillent fingerprinting using random pre-warping
* Compete or Collaborate: Architectures for Collaborative DASH Video Over Future Networks
* Content Based Access to Video Objects: Temporal Segmentation, Visual Summary, and Feature Extraction
* Content-based video abstraction
* Controlling P2P-CDN Live Streaming Services at SDN-Enabled Multi-Access Edge Datacenters
* Cross-Layer Scheduling with Content and Packet Priorities for Optimal Video Streaming over 1xEV-DO
* Deep Learning for Image/Video Restoration and Super-Resolution
* Delay-Distortion Optimization for Content-Adaptive Video Streaming
* DFPN: Deformable Frame Prediction Network
* Digital Video Processing
* Digital video standards conversion in the presence of accelerated motion
* Discriminative Analysis of Lip Motion Features for Speaker Identification and Speech-Reading
* Discriminative lip-motion features for biometric speaker identification
* Distributed QoS Architectures for Multimedia Streaming Over Software Defined Networks
* distributed QoS routing architecture for scalable video streaming over multi-domain OpenFlow networks, A
* Distributed virtual selective-forwarding units and SDN-assisted edge computing for optimization of multi-party WebRTC videoconferencing
* Dynamic learning from multiple examples for semantic object segmentation and search
* Dynamic Resource Allocation by Batch Optimization for Value-Added Video Services Over SDN
* Effect of Architectures and Training Methods on the Performance of Learned Video Frame Prediction
* Effective content representation for video
* Effects of MGS fragmentation, slice mode and extraction strategies on the performance of SVC with medium-grained scalability
* Efficient multiframe Wiener restoration of blurred and noisy image sequences
* Emerging 3-D Imaging and Display Technologies
* End-to-End Color Printer Calibration by Total Least Squares Regression
* End-to-End Rate-Distortion Optimization for Bi-Directional Learned Video Compression
* End-to-End Rate-Distortion Optimized Learned Hierarchical Bi-Directional Video Compression
* End-to-end stereoscopic video streaming with content-adaptive rate and format control
* Error Characterization of the Factorization Method
* Estimation and Analysis of Facial Animation Parameter Patterns
* Evaluation of adaptation methods for multi-view video
* Face and 2-D mesh animation in MPEG-4
* Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Using Color, Shape and Symmetry Based Cost Functions
* Fast H.264/AVC Video Encoding with Multiple Frame References
* Fast Recursive Estimation of the Parameters of a Space-Varying Autoregressive Image Model
* Fault-tolerant tracking for gait analysis
* Feature extraction for the analysis of gait and human motion
* Flexible Transport of 3-D Video Over Networks
* Flexible-Rate Learned Hierarchical Bi-Directional Video Compression with Motion Refinement and Frame-Level Bit Allocation
* Frontal View Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Using Color, Shape and Symmetry Based Cost Functions
* Fusion of Color and Edge Information for Improved Segmentation and Edge Linking
* Gray-level-embedded lossless image compression
* Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Representation, Tracking, and Compression for Object-Based Video
* Hierarchical Content Description and Object Formation by Learning
* Hierarchical Image Authentication Watermark with Improved Localization and Security, A
* Hierarchical Representation and Coding of 3D Mesh Geometry
* Hierarchical watermarking for secure image authentication with localization
* high-performance shot boundary detection algorithm using multiple cues, A
* High-resolution image reconstruction from a low-resolution image sequence in the presence of time-varying motion blur
* Hybrid Video CODEC with Block Based and Mesh Based Motion Compensation Modes, A
* Identification of Image and Blur Parameters for the Restoration of Noncausal Blurs
* Image and Video Processing
* Image registration using a 3-D scene representation
* Image Restoration and Reconstruction
* improvement to MBASIC algorithm for 3-D motion and depth estimation, An
* Integrated semantic-syntactic video event modeling for search and retrieval
* Integration of Color, Shape, and Texture for Image Annotation and Retrieval
* Interactive Optimization of 3D Shape and 2D Correspondence Using Multiple Geometric Constraints via POCS
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Image and Video Processing for Digital Libraries
* Keyframe-based Bi-Directional 2-D Mesh Representation for Video Object Tracking and Manipulation
* Learn2Dance: Learning Statistical Music-to-Dance Mappings for Choreography Synthesis
* Local Image Registration by Adaptive Filtering
* Lossless Generalized-LSB Data Embedding
* Lossless Watermarking for Image Authentication: A New Framework and an Implementation
* Markov-based failure prediction for human motion analysis
* Maximum likelihood image and blur identification: A Unifying Approach
* Maximum likelihood parametric blur identification based on a continuous spatial domain model
* Method and system for object-oriented motion-based video description
* Metrics for Performance Evaluation of Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Without Ground-truth
* Minimum Delay Content Adaptive Video Streaming over Variable Bitrate Channels with a Novel Stream Switching Solution
* MMSR: Multiple-Model Learned Image Super-Resolution Benefiting from Class-Specific Image Priors
* Motion Segmentation by Multistage Affine Classification
* Motion-Adaptive Inference for Flexible Learned B-Frame Compression
* Motion-Based Rate Adaptation in WebRTC Videoconferencing Using Scalable Video Coding
* Motion-compensated temporal filtering within the H.264/AVC standard
* Moving Visual Representations of Video Objects for Content-Based Search and Browsing
* Multi-Field De-Interlacing Using Deformable Convolution Residual Blocks and Self-Attention
* Multi-Party WebRTC Services Using Delay and Bandwidth Aware SDN-Assisted IP Multicasting of Scalable Video Over 5G Networks
* Multi-Scale Deformable Alignment and Content-Adaptive Inference for Flexible-Rate Bi-Directional Video Compression
* Multi-View Image Registration for Wide-Baseline Visual Sensor Networks
* Multimodal speaker identification with audio-video processing
* Multiple camera tracking of interacting and occluded human motion
* New Motion-Compensated Reduced-Order Model Kalman Filter for Space Varying Restoration of Progressive and Interlaced Video, A
* new multi-picture architecture for learned video deinterlacing and demosaicing with parallel deformable convolution and self-attention blocks, A
* Non-Rigid Object Tracking using Performance Evaluation Measures as Feedback
* NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* Object Based Video Indexing for Virtual Studio Productions
* Object Formation by Learning in Visual Databases using Hierarchical Content Description
* Object segmentation and labeling by learning from examples
* Object-based image labeling through learning by example and multi-level segmentation
* Occlusion adaptive motion snake
* Occlusion-Adaptive, Content-Based Mesh Design and Forward Tracking
* On modeling the focus blur in image restoration
* On statistical identification of a class of linear space-invariant image blurs using non-minimum phase ARMA models
* On the Tracking of Articulated and Occluded Video Object Motion
* Optimal 2-D Hierarchical Content-Based Mesh Design and Update for Object-Based Video
* Optimal hierarchical design of 2D dynamic meshes for videos
* Optimal rate and input format control for content and context adaptive video streaming
* Optimal Selection of Encoding Configuration for Scalable Video Coding
* Optimization Framework for QoS-Enabled Adaptive Video Streaming Over OpenFlow Networks, An
* Optimization of encoding configuration in scalable multiple description coding for rate-adaptive P2P video multicasting
* Optimization of h264 for low delay video communications over lossy channels
* Paon: A New Neuron Model Using Padé Approximants
* Partial shape recognition by sub-matrix matching for partial matching guided image labeling
* Per-GOP Bitrate Adaptation for H.264 Compressed Video Sequences
* Perception-Distortion Trade-Off in the SR Space Spanned by Flow Models
* Performance Measures for Video Object Segmentation and Tracking
* POCS-based restoration of space-varying blurred images
* Quality assessment of asymmetric stereo video coding
* Quality of experience aware adaptation strategies for multi-view video over P2P networks
* Queue-allocation optimization for adaptive video streaming over software defined networks with multiple service-levels
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Video Transport Over IP Allowing Packets With Bit Errors
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Video Transport Over IP with Bit Errors
* Rate-visual-distortion optimized extraction with Quality Layers for scalable coding of stereo videos
* Realizing a Low-Power Head-Mounted Phase-Only Holographic Display by Light-Weight Compression
* Region-Based Parametric Motion Segmentation Using Color Information
* Region-Based Shape-Matching for Automatic Image Annotation and Query-by-Example
* Resilient peer-to-peer streaming of scalable video over hierarchical multicast trees with backup parent pools
* Reversible data hiding
* robust bayesian network for articulated motion classification, A
* Robust color histogram descriptors for video segment retrieval and identification
* Robust dominant color region detection and color-based applications for sports video
* Robust Methods for High-Quality Stills from Interlaced Video in the Presence of Dominant Motion
* Robust Region-Based High-Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low-Resolution Video
* Robust watermarking of fingerprint images
* Robust, Object Based High Resolution Image Reconstruction from Low Resolution Video
* Saliency-Aware End-to-End Learned Variable-Bitrate 360-Degree Image Compression
* Scalable Multiple Description Video Coding with Flexible Number of Descriptions
* Scalable video streaming over OpenFlow networks: An optimization framework for QoS routing
* Scalable vs. multiple-description video coding for adaptive streaming over peer-to-peer networks
* Selective Streaming of Multi-View Video for Head-Tracking 3D Displays
* Self-Organized Residual Blocks for Image Super-Resolution
* Self-Organized Variational Autoencoders (Self-Vae) for Learned Image Compression
* Semantics of multimedia in MPEG-7
* Semi-Automatic Video Object Segmentation in the Presence of Occlusion
* Shape Similarity Matching for Query by Example
* Shrinkage as Activation for Learned Image Compression
* Similarity Analysis for Shape Retrieval by Example
* Simultaneous Alpha Map Generation and 2-D Mesh Tracking for Multimedia Applications
* Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Segmentation
* Simultaneous motion-disparity estimation and segmentation from stereo
* Spatio-Temporal Perception-Distortion Trade-Off in Learned Video SR
* Special Effects Authoring Using 2-D Mesh Models
* Special Issue on 3-D Media and Displays
* Speech-Driven Automatic Facial Expression Synthesis
* Stochastic Frame Buffers for Rate-Distortion Optimized Loss Resilient Video Communications
* Stochastic Framework for Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Coding Over Error-Prone Networks, A
* Stochastic kinematic modeling and feature extraction for gait analysis
* Superresolution Video Reconstruction with Arbitrary Sampling Lattices and Nonzero Aperture Time
* Survey of recent developments in digital image restoration
* SVC-based scalable multiple description video coding and optimization of encoding configuration
* Temporal Segmentation of Video Objects for Hierarchical Object-Based Motion Description
* Total least square techniques in color printer characterization
* Tracking Motion and Intensity Variations Using Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Modeling for Synthetic Object Transfiguration
* Tracking Multiple Objects in the Presence of Articulated and Occluded Motion
* Tracking Visible Boundary of Objects Using Occlusion Adaptive Motion Snake
* Training Generative Image Super-Resolution Models by Wavelet-Domain Losses Enables Better Control of Artifacts
* Training Transformer Models by Wavelet Losses Improves Quantitative and Visual Performance in Single Image Super-Resolution
* Transport Methods in 3DTV: A Survey
* Trifocal Motion Modeling for Object-Based Video Compression and Manipulation
* Trustworthy SR: Resolving Ambiguity in Image Super-Resolution Via Diffusion Models and Human Feedback
* Two-Dimensional Mesh-Based Mosaic Representation for Manipulation of Video Objects with Occlusion
* Two-Dimensional Mesh-Based Visual-Object Representation for Interactive Synthetic/Natural Digital Video
* Two-dimensional object-based coding using a content-based mesh and affine motion parameterization
* Two-Stage Domain Adapted Training for Better Generalization In Real-World Image Restoration and Super-Resolution
* Unified Framework for Probabilistic Analysis and Extraction of Video Content, A
* Unsupervised dance figure analysis from video for dancing Avatar animation
* Variable chunk size and adaptive scheduling window for P2P streaming of scalable video
* Video compression system using a dense motion vector field and a triangular patch mesh overlay model
* Video Indexing Through Integration of Syntactic and Semantic Features
* Video object tracking with feedback of performance measures
* Video streaming over wireless DCCP
* Viterbi-like joint optimization of stereo extraction for on-line rate adaptation in scalable multiview video coding
* What Can Video Analysis Do for MPEG Standards?
Includes: Tekalp, A.M.[A. Murat] Tekalp, A.M. Tekalp, A.M.[Ahmet M.] Tekalp, A.M.[A.Murat]
202 for Tekalp, A.M.
Tekalp, M.
Co Author Listing * Past, Present, and Future of Image and Multidimensional Signal-Processing, The
Tekasakul, P.[Perapong]
Co Author Listing * Recent Developments in Satellite Remote Sensing for Air Pollution Surveillance in Support of Sustainable Development Goals
Tekavec, J.[Jernej]
Co Author Listing * 3D Geometry-Based Indoor Network Extraction for Navigation Applications Using SFCGAL
* Detection of Visible Boundaries From UAV Images Using U-net
* Simulating Large-Scale 3D Cadastral Dataset Using Procedural Modelling
* Spatial ETL for 3D Building Modelling Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data in Semi-Urban Areas
* Tools for BIM-GIS Integration (IFC Georeferencing and Conversions): Results from the GeoBIM Benchmark 2019
Includes: Tekavec, J.[Jernej] Tekavec, J.
Tekawade, A.[Aniket]
Co Author Listing * 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography
* Computational Imaging in 3D X-Ray Microscopy: Reconstruction, Image Segmentation and Time-Evolved Experiments
Includes: Tekawade, A.[Aniket] Tekawade, A.