Ransburg, M.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Adaptation of Streaming Multimedia Content in a Dynamic and Distributed Environment
* Design options and comparison of in-network H.264/SVC adaptation
Includes: Ransburg, M. Ransburg, M.[Michael]
Ransford, G.A.[Gary A.]
Co Author Listing * Digital data registration and differencing compression system
Ransil, P.
Co Author Listing * Constraint-Based System for Interpretation of Aerial Imagery, A
Ransom, C.J.[Curtis J.]
Co Author Listing * Corn Nitrogen Nutrition Index Prediction Improved by Integrating Genetic, Environmental, and Management Factors with Active Canopy Sensing Using Machine Learning
Ransom, J.K.[Joel K.]
Co Author Listing * Wheat Lodging Detection from UAS Imagery Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Ransom, M.S.[Mark S.]
Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for capturing skin print images
* Methods for digitally noise averaging and illumination equalizing fingerprint images
Ransom, P.L.
Co Author Listing * On the construction of holograms and halftone pictures with an ink plotter
Ranson, K.J.[Kenneth J.]
Co Author Listing * Calibration and Validation of Landsat Tree Cover in the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone
* Model-Based Analysis of the Influence of Forest Structures on the Scattering Phase Center at L-Band
* NASA Goddard's LiDAR, Hyperspectral and Thermal (G-LiHT) Airborne Imager
* Sun-view angle effects on reflectance factor of corn canopies
* Three-Dimensional Coherent Radar Backscatter Model and Simulations of Scattering Phase Center of Forest Canopies
* Uncertainty of Plot-Scale Forest Height Estimates from Complementary Spaceborne Observations in the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone, The
* Validation of surface height from shuttle radar topography mission using shuttle laser altimeter
Includes: Ranson, K.J.[Kenneth J.] Ranson, K.J.
7 for Ranson, K.J.
Ranst, W.V.
Co Author Listing * Embedded Real-Time Object Detection for a UAV Warning System