Koloda, J.[Jan]
Co Author Listing * Denoising-based image reconstruction from pixels located at non-integer positions
* error-based recursive filling ordering for image error concealment, An
* Frequency-Selective Mesh-to-Grid Resampling for Image Communication
* Kernel-Based MMSE Multimedia Signal Reconstruction and Its Application to Spatial Error Concealment
* Sequential Error Concealment for Video/Images by Sparse Linear Prediction
* statistical analysis of the kernel-based MMSE estimator with application to image reconstruction, A
Includes: Koloda, J.[Jan] Koloda, J. Koloda, J.[Ján]
Kolodiazhnyi, M.[Maxim]
Co Author Listing * OneFormer3D: One Transformer for Unified Point Cloud Segmentation
* Top-Down Beats Bottom-Up in 3D Instance Segmentation
Includes: Kolodiazhnyi, M.[Maxim] Kolodiazhnyi, M.[Maksim]
Kolodko, J.
Co Author Listing * Fusion of range and vision for real-time motion estimation
* On the use of motion as a primitive quantity for autonomous vehicle guidance
Kolodziej, A.[Arkadiusz]
Co Author Listing * Map Portal as a Tool to Share Information on Cultural Heritage Illustrated by the National Heritage Board Geoportal
Kolodziej, J.
Co Author Listing * Survey on blind image forgery detection
Kolodziej, O.[Ondrej]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Pattern of the Walkability Index, Walk Score and Walk Score Modification for Elderly
Kolodziej, W.J.
Co Author Listing * Adaptive model-based motion estimation
Kolodziej, Y.[Yannis]
Co Author Listing * GLAD: A Global-to-Local Anomaly Detector
* Keypoints Dictionary Learning for Fast and Robust Alignment
* Model-guided contrastive fine-tuning for industrial anomaly detection
* Unsupervised Variability Normalization for Anomaly Detection
Kolodziejski, W.[William]
Co Author Listing * High-Throughput and Multiplierless Hardware Design for the AV1 Local Warped MC Interpolation
Kolokotronis, N.[Nicholas]
Co Author Listing * Autonomous Vehicles Security: Challenges and Solutions Using Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence
Kolokousis, P.[Polychronis]
Co Author Listing * Selection of Experiments for Understanding the Strengths of Time Series SAR Data Analysis for Finding the Drivers Causing Phenological Changes in Paphos Forest, Cyprus, A
Kolokoussis, P.
Co Author Listing * 3d and Hyperspectral Data Integration for Assessing Material Degradation in Medieval Masonry Heritage Buildings
* Combination of Machine Learning Algorithms for Marine Plastic Litter Detection Exploiting Hyperspectral PRISMA Data, A
* Time Series Analysis of Landsat Data for Investigating the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Forest Changes in Paphos Forest, Cyprus
Includes: Kolokoussis, P. Kolokoussis, P.[Polychronis]
Kolokytha, S.
Co Author Listing * Three-dimensional imaging of hold baggage for airport security
Kolomaznik, J.
Co Author Listing * Automatic Algorithm for Tracking Small Intestine in CT Enterography, An
Kolomenkin, M.[Michael]
Co Author Listing * Image Matching Using Photometric Information
* Multi-scale Curve Detection on Surfaces
* On edge detection on surfaces
* Prominent Field for Shape Processing and Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts
* Prominent field for shape processing of archaeological artifacts
* Reconstruction of relief objects from line drawings
Kolomvatsos, K.[Kostas]
Co Author Listing * BundleMoCap++: Efficient, robust and smooth motion capture from sparse multiview videos
* From bias to balance: Leverage representation learning for bias-free MoCap solving
* Noise-in, Bias-out: Balanced and Real-time MoCap Solving
Kolondra, L.[Leszek]
Co Author Listing * Quality Assessment and Glaciological Applications of Digital Elevation Models Derived from Space-Borne and Aerial Images over Two Tidewater Glaciers of Southern Spitsbergen
Kolonias, I.
Co Author Listing * Fast Content-based Search of VRML Models Based on Shape Descriptors
* Memory Architecture and Contextual Reasoning Framework for Cognitive Vision, A
Kolopaking, S.A.[Sandi Adhitya]
Co Author Listing * Ownership Protection on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Using Transform-Based Watermarking
Kolos, M.[Maria]
Co Author Listing * Neural Point-based Graphics
* TRANSPR: Transparency Ray-Accumulating Neural 3D Scene Point Renderer
Includes: Kolos, M.[Maria] Kolos, M.
Kolosov, K.[Kirill]
Co Author Listing * Robust Data Fusion of UAV Navigation Measurements with Application to the Landing System
Kolosovs, D.[Deniss]
Co Author Listing * Application of Digital Twin in Medium-Voltage Overhead Distribution Network Inspection
Kolossa, D.
Co Author Listing * Noise-Adaptive LDA: A New Approach for Speech Recognition Under Observation Uncertainty
* Uncertain LDA: Including Observation Uncertainties in Discriminative Transforms
Kolosz, B.
Co Author Listing * Sustainability assessment approaches for intelligent transport systems: the state of the art
Kolosz, B.W.
Co Author Listing * Appraisal and Evaluation of Interurban ITS: A European Survey
* Macroscopic Forecasting Framework for Estimating Socioeconomic and Environmental Performance of Intelligent Transport Highways, A
Koloszar, J.[Jozsef]
Co Author Listing * Vector Quantization for Feature-Preserving Volume Filtering
Includes: Koloszar, J.[Jozsef] Koloszár, J.[József]
Kolotouros, N.[Nikos]
Co Author Listing * 3d Bird Reconstruction: A Dataset, Model, and Shape Recovery from a Single View
* Birds of a Feather: Capturing Avian Shape Models from Images
* Coherent Reconstruction of Multiple Humans From a Single Image
* Convolutional Mesh Regression for Single-Image Human Shape Reconstruction
* DiffHuman: Probabilistic Photorealistic 3D Reconstruction of Humans
* Instant 3d Human Avatar Generation Using Image Diffusion Models
* Learning to Reconstruct 3D Human Pose and Shape via Model-Fitting in the Loop
* Probabilistic Modeling for Human Mesh Recovery
* Score Distillation Sampling with Learned Manifold Corrective
* TexturePose: Supervising Human Mesh Estimation With Texture Consistency
Includes: Kolotouros, N.[Nikos] Kolotouros, N.
10 for Kolotouros, N.
Kolotov, I.[Igor]
Co Author Listing * Recovering the Near-Surface Magnetic Image of Mercury from Satellite Observations
Kolouri, S.
Co Author Listing * Acoustic Tomography of the Atmosphere Using Unscented Kalman Filter
* Automatic Tactical Adjustment in Real-Time: Modeling Adversary Formations with Radon-Cumulative Distribution Transform and Canonical Correlation Analysis
* BrainWash: A Poisoning Attack to Forget in Continual Learning
* continuous linear optimal transport approach for pattern analysis in image datasets, A
* Deep Transfer Learning for Few-Shot SAR Image Classification
* Explainability Methods for Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
* Explaining Distributed Neural Activations via Unsupervised Learning
* Image to Image Translation for Domain Adaptation
* Multi-Agent Lifelong Implicit Neural Learning
* PRANC: Pseudo RAndom Networks for Compacting deep models
* Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform and Its Application to Image Classification, The
* Sliced Optimal Partial Transport
* Sliced Wasserstein Distance for Learning Gaussian Mixture Models
* Sliced Wasserstein Kernels for Probability Distributions
* SLoSH: Set Locality Sensitive Hashing via Sliced-Wasserstein Embeddings
* Transport-based single frame super resolution of very low resolution face images
* Transportation LP Distance for Signal Analysis, A
* Universal Litmus Patterns: Revealing Backdoor Attacks in CNNs
* Zero Shot Learning via Multi-scale Manifold Regularization
Includes: Kolouri, S. Kolouri, S.[Soheil]
19 for Kolouri, S.
Kolovsky, F.[Frantisek]
Co Author Listing * e-Approximation of the Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem Solution for All Departure Times, The
Includes: Kolovsky, F.[Frantisek] Kolovský, F.[Frantiek]