Khoo, B.E.[Bee Ee]
Co Author Listing * Blind image blur assessment by using valid reblur range and histogram shape difference
* Block-based discrete wavelet transform-singular value decomposition image watermarking scheme using human visual system characteristics
* Capacity improved robust lossless image watermarking
* Efficient and Training-Free Blind Image Blur Assessment in the Spatial Domain, An
* Enhanced Matching Method for Copy-Move Forgery Detection by Means of Zernike Moments
* Free Form Shape Representation Using NURBS Modeling
Includes: Khoo, B.E.[Bee Ee] Khoo, B.E.
Khoo, C.K.[Chin Koi]
Co Author Listing * Presence of the Past: Digital Narrative of the Dennys Lascelles Concrete Wool Store; Geelong, Australia
Khoo, D.
Co Author Listing * Dynamic image sequence analysis using fuzzy measures
Khoo, D.A.A.[David Aik Aun]
Co Author Listing * TEVAD: Improved video anomaly detection with captions
Includes: Khoo, D.A.A.[David Aik Aun] Khoo, D.A.A.[David Aik-Aun]
Khoo, E.[Eugene]
Co Author Listing * CoastalWQL: An Open-Source Tool for Drone-Based Mapping of Coastal Turbidity Using Push Broom Hyperspectral Imagery
Khoo, E.T.[Eng Tat]
Co Author Listing * Real-time stereoscopic rendering of realistic avatar for interactive 3D telepresence system
Khoo, J.B.K.
Co Author Listing * Assessment of Tumor Blood Flow Distribution by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced CT
Khoo, K.G.
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of genetic operators and solution representations for shape recognition by genetic algorithms
* Structural pattern recognition using genetic algorithms with specialized operators
Khoo, L.P.
Co Author Listing * Hierarchical Eye-Tracking Data Analytics for Human Fatigue Detection at a Traffic Control Center
Khoo, S.[Suiyang]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive finite-time stabilization of a class of stochastic nonlinear systems
Khoo, S.C.[Siau Cheng]
Co Author Listing * DeepSuite: A Test Suite Optimizer for Autonomous Vehicles
Includes: Khoo, S.C.[Siau Cheng] Khoo, S.C.[Siau-Cheng]
Khoo, S.Y.[Sui Yang]
Co Author Listing * robust learning control for SISO nonlinear systems with T-S fuzzy model: C02-robust control, A
Khoo, V.
Co Author Listing * Framework for Reliable Three-dimensional Underground Utility Mapping For Urban Planning, A
* Multi-dimensional Analytics Platform to Support Planning and Design For Liveable and Sustainable Urban Environment, A
Khoo, V.H.S.
Co Author Listing * Citygml Modelling for Singapore 3D National Mapping
* Modeling Trees for Virtual Singapore: From Data Acquisition To Citygml Models
Khoo, W.[Weslie]
Co Author Listing * Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
Khoo, W.L.[Wai L.]
Co Author Listing * Finding Intrinsic and Extrinsic Viewing Parameters from a Single Realist Painting
Khoo, Y.
Co Author Listing * Non-Iterative Rigid 2D/3D Point-Set Registration Using Semidefinite Programming
* Variable splitting techniques for discrete tomography
Khoogar, A.R.[Ahmad Reza]
Co Author Listing * modified eye-in-hand stereo visual control for grasping unknown objects via Scara robot, A