Gindele, T.[Tobias]
Co Author Listing * Interpretable and Fine-Grained Visual Explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Team AnnieWAY's Autonomous System
Gindi, G.[Gene]
Co Author Listing * Bayesian Joint Mixture Framework for the Integration of Anatomical Information in Functional Image Reconstruction, A
* Decision strategies that maximize the area under the LROC curve
* Ideal AFROC and FROC Observers
* Image matching for translation, rotation and uniform scaling by the Radon transform
* Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Localization Tasks of Anatomical Priors in SPECT Reconstruction
* Joint-MAP Bayesian tomographic reconstruction with a gamma-mixture prior
* new convex edge-preserving median prior with applications to tomography, A
* Optimization in Model Matching and Perceptual Organization
* Optimization in Model Matching and Perceptual Organization: A First Look
Includes: Gindi, G.[Gene] Gindi, G.
9 for Gindi, G.
Gindi, G.R.
Co Author Listing * Low Level Information Fusion: Multisensor Scene Segmentation Using Learning Automata
* Optical Feature Extraction Via the Radon Transform
* Thin-Plate as a Regularizer in Bayesian SPECT Reconstruction, The
Gindi, J.[Jack]
Co Author Listing * Finding AI-Generated Faces in the Wild
Gindi, S.[Sanjyot]
Co Author Listing * Edge based segmentation for pedestrian detection using NIR camera
Gindl, S.
Co Author Listing * Aspect-Based Extraction and Analysis of Affective Knowledge from Social Media Streams
Gindra, R.H.[Rushin H.]
Co Author Listing * Graph-Transformer for Whole Slide Image Classification, A
Gindraux, S.[Saskia]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Assessment of Digital Surface Models from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles' Imagery on Glaciers