Index for diba

Diba, A.[Ali] Co Author Listing * 3D CNNs with Adaptive Temporal Feature Resolutions
* CAMETRON Lecture Recording System: High Quality Video Recording and Editing with Minimal Human Supervision, The
* Classification-Driven Dynamic Image Enhancement
* Deep Temporal Linear Encoding Networks
* Deep visual words: Improved fisher vector for image classification
* DeepCAMP: Deep Convolutional Action Attribute Mid-Level Patterns
* DeepProposal: Hunting Objects by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers
* DeepProposals: Hunting Objects and Actions by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers
* DynamoNet: Dynamic Action and Motion Network
* Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding
* Multi-attribute Queries: To Merge or Not to Merge?
* Spatio-temporal Channel Correlation Networks for Action Classification
* Spatio-Temporal Convolution-Attention Video Network
* Temporally-Weighted Hierarchical Clustering for Unsupervised Action Segmentation
* Vi2CLR: Video and Image for Visual Contrastive Learning of Representation
* Weakly Supervised Cascaded Convolutional Networks
Includes: Diba, A.[Ali] Diba, A.
16 for Diba, A.

Diba, F.D.[Feyisa Debo] Co Author Listing * Survey of Rain Fade Models for Earth-Space Telecommunication Links: Taxonomy, Methods, and Comparative Study, A

Dibaei, M.[Mahdi] Co Author Listing * Investigating the Prospect of Leveraging Blockchain and Machine Learning to Secure Vehicular Networks: A Survey

Dibangoye, J.[Jilles] Co Author Listing * Learning to Plan with Uncertain Topological Maps

Dibangoye, J.S.[Jilles S.] Co Author Listing * Solving Multi-Agent Routing Problems Using Deep Attention Mechanisms

Dibarboure, G.[Gerald] Co Author Listing * Analysis of High-Frequency Sea-State Variability Using SWOT Nadir Measurements and Application to Altimeter Sea State Bias Modelling
* Benefits of the Ka-Band as Evidenced from the SARAL/AltiKa Altimetric Mission: Scientific Applications, The
* Characterizing Rain Cells as Measured by a Ka-Band Nadir Radar Altimeter: First Results and Impact on Future Altimetry Missions
* CNES CLS 2022 Mean Sea Surface: Short Wavelength Improvements from CryoSat-2 and SARAL/AltiKa High-Sampled Altimeter Data, The
* Data-Driven Calibration Algorithm and Pre-Launch Performance Simulations for the SWOT Mission
* Data-Driven Calibration of SWOT's Systematic Errors: First In-Flight Assessment
* Drifting Phase of SARAL: Securing Stable Ocean Mesoscale Sampling with an Unmaintained Decaying Altitude, The
* Investigating the Performance of Four Empirical Cross-Calibration Methods for the Proposed SWOT Mission
* KaRIn Noise Reduction Using a Convolutional Neural Network for the SWOT Ocean Products
* Quantifying Multifrequency Ocean Altimeter Wind Speed Error Due to Sea Surface Temperature and Resulting Impacts on Satellite Sea Level Measurements
* Refining the Resolution of DUACS Along-Track Level-3 Sea Level Altimetry Products
* Unique Role of the Jason Geodetic Missions for high Resolution Gravity Field and Mean Sea Surface Modelling, The
Includes: Dibarboure, G.[Gerald] Dibarboure, G.[Gérald]
12 for Dibarboure, G.

Dibari, C.[Camilla] Co Author Listing * Impacts of Climate Change on European Grassland Phenology: A 20-Year Analysis of MODIS Satellite Data

Index for "d"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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