Index for mavr

Mavraeidopoulos, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Oikonomou, E.: Hybrid Bio-Optical Transformation for Satellite Bathyme...
     with: Palikaris, A.: Hybrid Bio-Optical Transformation for Satellite Bathyme...
     with: Poulos, S.: Hybrid Bio-Optical Transformation for Satellite Bathymetry...

Mavrakou, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agathangelidis, I.: Can Satellite-Based Thermal Anomalies Be Indicativ...
     with: Cartalis, C.: Can Satellite-Based Thermal Anomalies Be Indicative of H...
     with: Philippopoulos, K.: Can Satellite-Based Thermal Anomalies Be Indicativ...
     with: Polydoros, A.: Can Satellite-Based Thermal Anomalies Be Indicative of ...

Mavrantza, O.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Argialas, D.P.: Identification of Urban Features Using Object-Oriented...
     with: Argialas, D.P.: Object-Oriented Image Analysis for the Identification ...
     with: Charou, E.: Object-oriented image analysis of land cover for multi-tem...
     with: Stefouli, M.: Object-oriented image analysis of land cover for multi-t...

Mavrepis, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexakis, E.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Mach...
     with: Antic, A.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Crnojevic, V.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Mac...
     with: Lugonja, P.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machi...
     with: Marko, O.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Pandzic, M.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machi...
     with: Panic, M.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Pejak, B.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine...
     with: Zhou, N.: Soya Yield Prediction on a Within-Field Scale Using Machine ...
9 for Mavrepis, P.

Mavridaki, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Mezaris, V.: comprehensive aesthetic quality assessment method for nat...
     with: Mezaris, V.: No-reference blur assessment in natural images using Four...
     with: Mezaris, V.: Video aesthetic quality assessment using kernel Support V...
     with: Patras, I.: Video aesthetic quality assessment using kernel Support Ve...
     with: Tzelepis, C.: Video aesthetic quality assessment using kernel Support ...

Mavridis, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Papamarkos, N.: Color Quantization Based on PCA and Kohonen SOFM
     with: Papamarkos, N.: Color quantization using principal components for init...

Mavridis, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andonov, R.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Axenopoulos, A.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Burkhardt, H.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Cornu, A.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Daras, P.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Malod Dognin, N.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Morikawa, N.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Nicolas, J.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Reisert, M.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Ritchie, D.W.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Temerinac Ott, M.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
     with: Venkatraman, V.: SHREC'10 Track: Protein Model Classification
12 for Mavridis, L.

Mavridis, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bourlai, T.: On designing practical long range near infrared-based fac...
     with: Giagourta, V.: Face and Gesture Recognition System Based on an Active ...
     with: Grammalidis, N.: Face and Gesture Recognition System Based on an Activ...
     with: Malassiotis, S.: Face and Gesture Recognition System Based on an Activ...
     with: Narang, N.: On designing practical long range near infrared-based face...
     with: Strintzis, M.G.: Face and Gesture Recognition System Based on an Activ...
     with: Tsalakanidou, F.: Face and Gesture Recognition System Based on an Acti...
7 for Mavridis, N.

Mavridis, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kuijper, A.: RDEPS: A Combined Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Photome...
     with: Schreck, T.: RDEPS: A Combined Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Photome...
     with: Zhao, X.Q.: RDEPS: A Combined Reaction-Diffusion Equation and Photomet...

Mavridou, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Badeka, E.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using Loc...
     with: Crowley, J.L.: Multiscale Shape Description with Laplacian Profile and...
     with: Crowley, J.L.: Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust I...
     with: Hoang, M.D.: Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust Ima...
     with: Kalabokas, T.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using ...
     with: Lux, A.: Multiscale Shape Description with Laplacian Profile and Fouri...
     with: Lux, A.: Scale Normalized Radial Fourier Transform as a Robust Image D...
     with: Nicolaou, A.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using L...
     with: Pachidis, T.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using L...
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Usi...
     with: Tziridis, K.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using L...
     with: Vrochidou, E.: Grapes Visual Segmentation for Harvesting Robots Using ...
12 for Mavridou, E.

Mavridou, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hamedi, M.: Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users
     with: Lou, J.: Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users
     with: Nduka, C.: Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users
     with: Wang, F.: Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users
     with: Wang, Y.: Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users
     with: Yu, H.: Realistic Facial Expression Reconstruction for VR HMD Users

Mavrinac, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, X.: automatic calibration method for stereo-based 3D distributed...
     with: Chen, X.: Feature-based calibration of distributed smart stereo camera...
     with: Chen, X.: Modeling Coverage in Camera Networks: A Survey
     with: Tepe, K.: automatic calibration method for stereo-based 3D distributed...
     with: Tepe, K.: Feature-based calibration of distributed smart stereo camera...

Mavris, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, Y.C.: hierarchical control architecture for resource allocation, A

Mavris, D.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burgain, P.: Optimizing Pushback Decisions to Valuate Airport Surface ...
     with: Clarke, J.P.: Optimizing Pushback Decisions to Valuate Airport Surface...
     with: Feron, E.: Optimizing Pushback Decisions to Valuate Airport Surface Su...
     with: Pinon, O.J.: Optimizing Pushback Decisions to Valuate Airport Surface ...

Mavrocordatos, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borde, F.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monitorin...
     with: Cullen, R.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monitori...
     with: Donlon, C.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface T...
     with: Donlon, C.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monitori...
     with: Donlon, C.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry Mi...
     with: Femenias, P.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface...
     with: Femenias, P.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monito...
     with: Femenias, P.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry ...
     with: Frantzis, X.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface...
     with: Frantzis, X.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monito...
     with: Frantzis, X.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry ...
     with: Galanakis, D.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surfac...
     with: Galanakis, D.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry...
     with: Guinle, T.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface T...
     with: Guinle, T.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monitori...
     with: Guinle, T.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry Mi...
     with: Kokolakis, C.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surfac...
     with: Kokolakis, C.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monit...
     with: Mertikas, S.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface...
     with: Mertikas, S.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monito...
     with: Mertikas, S.P.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetr...
     with: Tripolitsiotis, A.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A S...
     with: Tripolitsiotis, A.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: ...
     with: Tripolitsiotis, A.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Alti...
     with: Tziavos, I.N.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surfac...
     with: Tziavos, I.N.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monit...
     with: Tziavos, I.N.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry...
     with: Vergos, G.: Absolute Calibration of the European Sentinel-3A Surface T...
     with: Vergos, G.: ESA Permanent Facility for Altimetry Calibration: Monitori...
     with: Vergos, G.: Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry Mi...
30 for Mavrocordatos, C.

Mavroeidis, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Farinella, G.M.: Predicting the future from first person (egocentric) ...
     with: Farinella, G.M.: Untrimmed Action Anticipation
     with: Furnari, A.: Predicting the future from first person (egocentric) visi...
     with: Furnari, A.: Untrimmed Action Anticipation
     with: Rodin, I.: Predicting the future from first person (egocentric) vision...
     with: Rodin, I.: Untrimmed Action Anticipation

Mavroforakis, M.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sdralis, M.: novel SVM Geometric Algorithm based on Reduced Convex Hul...
     with: Theodoridis, S.: novel SVM Geometric Algorithm based on Reduced Convex...

Mavroidis, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, X.: FACSIMILE: Fast and Accurate Scans From an Image in Less Than ...
     with: Loper, M.: FACSIMILE: Fast and Accurate Scans From an Image in Less Th...
     with: Romero, J.: FACSIMILE: Fast and Accurate Scans From an Image in Less T...
     with: Smith, D.: FACSIMILE: Fast and Accurate Scans From an Image in Less Th...

Mavromati, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baltsavias, E.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Application...
     with: Beraldin, J.A.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Application...
     with: Cournoyer, L.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications...
     with: Egglezos, D.: Geostructural Analysis of the Athenian Acropolis Wall Ba...
     with: El Hakim, S.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications ...
     with: Grammatikopoulos, L.: 3D Modelling of the Acropolis of Athens Using Ba...
     with: Grammatikopoulos, L.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Appli...
     with: Liapakis, C.: 3D Modelling of the Acropolis of Athens Using Balloon Im...
     with: Liapakis, C.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications ...
     with: Moullou, D.: Geostructural Analysis of the Athenian Acropolis Wall Bas...
     with: Moullou, D.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications D...
     with: Moulou, D.: 3D Modelling of the Acropolis of Athens Using Balloon Imag...
     with: Picard, M.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications De...
     with: Raikos, S.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications De...
     with: Remondino, F.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications...
     with: Sarris, A.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications De...
     with: Stentoumis, C.: 3D Modelling of the Acropolis of Athens Using Balloon ...
     with: Tsingas, V.: 3D Modelling of the Acropolis of Athens Using Balloon Ima...
     with: Tsingas, V.: Recording, Modeling, Visualisation and GIS Applications D...
     with: Xylia, V.: 3D Modelling of the Acropolis of Athens Using Balloon Image...
20 for Mavromati, D.

Mavromatis, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dias, P.: 3D Reconstruction of Soccer Sequences Using Non-calibrated V...
     with: Dias, P.: Camera Location and Aperture Characterization Using the Tran...
     with: Du, Z.H.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A D...
     with: Hu, L.S.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A D...
     with: Huang, D.M.: Shallow-Water Image Enhancement Using Relative Global His...
     with: Le Troter, A.: Soccer Field Detection in Video Images Using Color and ...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A ...
     with: Llucia, L.: Camera Location and Aperture Characterization Using the Tr...
     with: Palmann, C.: Characterization of Similar Areas of Two 2d Point Clouds
     with: Perrotte, S.: Camera Location and Aperture Characterization Using the ...
     with: Qin, M.J.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A ...
     with: Sequeira, J.: 3D Reconstruction of Soccer Sequences Using Non-calibrat...
     with: Sequeira, J.: Camera Location and Aperture Characterization Using the ...
     with: Sequeira, J.: Characterization of Similar Areas of Two 2d Point Clouds
     with: Sequeira, J.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using...
     with: Sequeira, J.: Shallow-Water Image Enhancement Using Relative Global Hi...
     with: Sequeira, J.: Soccer Field Detection in Video Images Using Color and S...
     with: Song, W.: Shallow-Water Image Enhancement Using Relative Global Histog...
     with: Wang, Y.: Shallow-Water Image Enhancement Using Relative Global Histog...
     with: Zhang, F.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A ...
20 for Mavromatis, S.

Mavrommatis, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Corral, A.: Efficient Group K Nearest-Neighbor Spatial Query Processin...
     with: Moutafis, P.: Efficient Group K Nearest-Neighbor Spatial Query Process...
     with: Vassilakopoulos, M.: Efficient Group K Nearest-Neighbor Spatial Query ...

Mavromoustakis, C.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andreou, A.: UAV-Assisted RSUs for V2X Connectivity Using Voronoi Diag...
     with: Andrukiewicz, E.: Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Automotive ...
     with: Batalla, J.M.: Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Automotive Sys...
     with: Batalla, J.M.: UAV-Assisted RSUs for V2X Connectivity Using Voronoi Di...
     with: de la Cruz Llopis, L.J.: Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Auto...
     with: Gomez, G.P.: Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Automotive Syste...
     with: Krawiec, P.: Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Automotive Syste...
     with: Kumar, V.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline Tasks...
     with: Markakis, E.K.: UAV-Assisted RSUs for V2X Connectivity Using Voronoi D...
     with: Mastorakis, G.: UAV-Assisted RSUs for V2X Connectivity Using Voronoi D...
     with: Matam, R.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline Tasks...
     with: Mukherjee, M.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline T...
     with: Song, H.H.: Multi-Layer Security Assurance of the 5G Automotive System...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Optimal Pricing for Offloaded Hard- and Soft-Deadline Tasks...
14 for Mavromoustakis, C.X.

Mavropoulos, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andreadis, S.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Apostolidis, K.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Galanopoulos, D.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Gialampoukidis, I.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Giannakeris, P.: Fusion of Multimodal Sensor Data for Effective Human ...
     with: Ioannidis, K.: Fusion of Multimodal Sensor Data for Effective Human Ac...
     with: Kompatsiaris, I.: Fusion of Multimodal Sensor Data for Effective Human...
     with: Kompatsiaris, I.: Human Activity Recognition with IMU and Vital Signs ...
     with: Kompatsiaris, I.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Markatopoulou, F.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Meditskos, G.: Fusion of Multimodal Sensor Data for Effective Human Ac...
     with: Meditskos, G.: Human Activity Recognition with IMU and Vital Signs Fea...
     with: Mezaris, V.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Moumtzidou, A.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Patras, I.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Tsanousa, A.: Fusion of Multimodal Sensor Data for Effective Human Act...
     with: Tsanousa, A.: Human Activity Recognition with IMU and Vital Signs Feat...
     with: Vrochidis, S.: Fusion of Multimodal Sensor Data for Effective Human Ac...
     with: Vrochidis, S.: Human Activity Recognition with IMU and Vital Signs Fea...
     with: Vrochidis, S.: VERGE in VBS 2019
     with: Xefteris, V.R.: Human Activity Recognition with IMU and Vital Signs Fe...
21 for Mavropoulos, T.

Mavroudi, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afouras, T.: Learning to Ground Instructional Articles in Videos throu...
     with: Ali, H.: End-to-End Fine-Grained Action Segmentation and Recognition U...
     with: Bhaskara, D.: End-to-End Fine-Grained Action Segmentation and Recognit...
     with: Bindal, P.: Actor-Centric Tubelets for Real-Time Activity Detection in...
     with: Haro, B.B.: Representation Learning on Visual-Symbolic Graphs for Vide...
     with: Kardaris, N.: Introducing temporal order of dominant visual word sub-s...
     with: Kokkoni, E.: Detection-based Approach to Multiview Action Classificati...
     with: Maragos, P.: Introducing temporal order of dominant visual word sub-se...
     with: Pacheco, C.: Detection-based Approach to Multiview Action Classificati...
     with: Pitsikalis, V.: Introducing temporal order of dominant visual word sub...
     with: Sefati, S.: End-to-End Fine-Grained Action Segmentation and Recognitio...
     with: Tanner, H.G.: Detection-based Approach to Multiview Action Classificat...
     with: Tao, L.: Deep Moving Poselets for Video Based Action Recognition
     with: Tao, L.: Moving Poselets: A Discriminative and Interpretable Skeletal ...
     with: Torresani, L.: Learning to Ground Instructional Articles in Videos thr...
     with: Vidal, R.: Actor-Centric Tubelets for Real-Time Activity Detection in ...
     with: Vidal, R.: Deep Moving Poselets for Video Based Action Recognition
     with: Vidal, R.: Detection-based Approach to Multiview Action Classification...
     with: Vidal, R.: End-to-End Fine-Grained Action Segmentation and Recognition...
     with: Vidal, R.: Moving Poselets: A Discriminative and Interpretable Skeleta...
     with: Vidal, R.: Representation Learning on Visual-Symbolic Graphs for Video...
     with: Vidal, R.: Weakly-Supervised Generation and Grounding of Visual Descri...
22 for Mavroudi, E.

Mavrovouniotis, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ellinas, G.: Scheduling a Fleet of Drones for Monitoring Missions With...
     with: Kolios, P.: Scheduling a Fleet of Drones for Monitoring Missions With ...
     with: Rigas, E.S.: Scheduling a Fleet of Drones for Monitoring Missions With...

Index for "m"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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