Index for hobs

Hobson Webb, L.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caenen, A.: Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, Inc...
     with: Jin, F.Q.: Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, Inco...
     with: Knight, A.E.: Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, I...
     with: Nightingale, K.R.: Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elast...
     with: Palmeri, M.L.: Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, ...
     with: Rouze, N.C.: Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, In...
     with: Trutna, C.A.: Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, I...
7 for Hobson Webb, L.D.

Hobson, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Leutkemeyer, K.: Normalized Clutter Measure for Images, A
     with: Waldman, G.: Normalized Clutter Measure for Images, A
     with: Wootton, J.: Normalized Clutter Measure for Images, A

Hobson, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bharat, S.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablatio...
     with: Brace, C.L.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablati...
     with: Hall, T.J.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablatio...
     with: Jiang, J.F.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablati...
     with: Lee, F.T.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablation...
     with: Madsen, E.L.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablat...
     with: Varghese, T.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablat...
     with: Zagzebski, J.A.: Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ab...
8 for Hobson, M.A.

Hobson, M.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Saklatvala, G.: Simulations of astronomical imaging phased arrays
     with: Withington, S.: Simulations of astronomical imaging phased arrays

Hobson, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alavi, A.: Classification of Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Images Using...
     with: Alavi, A.: Visual learning and classification of human epithelial type...
     with: Alhammad, S.: Efficient Cell Labelling for Gram Stain WSIs
     with: Alhammad, S.: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram S...
     with: Baker, B.: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram Stai...
     with: Ball, L.: Benchmarking Platform for Mitotic Cell Classification of ANA...
     with: Barksdale, S.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunoflu...
     with: Carvajal, J.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagno...
     with: Carvajal, J.: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Bas...
     with: Chen, S.K.: Classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell indirect im...
     with: Ditchmen, T.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluo...
     with: Edwards, R.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluor...
     with: Finucane, P.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagno...
     with: Holohan, K.: Benchmarking Platform for Mitotic Cell Classification of ...
     with: Jennings, A.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagno...
     with: Jennings, A.: Efficient Cell Labelling for Gram Stain WSIs
     with: Jennings, A.: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram S...
     with: Jennings, A.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluo...
     with: Jennings, A.: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Bas...
     with: Jennings, A.: SOS: Selective Objective Switch for Rapid Immunofluoresc...
     with: Jennings, T.: Deep Adaptive Few Example Learning for Microscopy Image ...
     with: Jennings, T.: MedViTGAN: End-to-End Conditional GAN for Histopathology...
     with: Li, C.Y.: MedViTGAN: End-to-End Conditional GAN for Histopathology Ima...
     with: Li, M.: Deep Adaptive Few Example Learning for Microscopy Image Cell C...
     with: Li, M.: MedViTGAN: End-to-End Conditional GAN for Histopathology Image...
     with: Lovell, B.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagnosi...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Automatic Image Based Single Dilution Method for End Poi...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Benchmarking Platform for Mitotic Cell Classification of...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Classification of Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Images Us...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell indirect ...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A Benc...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Computer Aided Diagnosis for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies HEp...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Deep Adaptive Few Example Learning for Microscopy Image ...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Discovering discriminative cell attributes for HEp-2 spe...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Efficient Cell Labelling for Gram Stain WSIs
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram S...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: HEp-2 staining pattern recognition at cell and specimen ...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: MedViTGAN: End-to-End Conditional GAN for Histopathology...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluo...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Bas...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: SOS: Selective Objective Switch for Rapid Immunofluoresc...
     with: Lovell, B.C.: Visual learning and classification of human epithelial t...
     with: Maksoud, S.: SOS: Selective Objective Switch for Rapid Immunofluoresce...
     with: McDougall, R.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagn...
     with: Minchin, R.F.: Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cel...
     with: Minchin, R.F.: Automatic Image Based Single Dilution Method for End Po...
     with: Miros, A.: Benchmarking Platform for Mitotic Cell Classification of AN...
     with: Peng, C.: Deep Adaptive Few Example Learning for Microscopy Image Cell...
     with: Percannella, G.: Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A B...
     with: Percannella, G.: Computer Aided Diagnosis for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies ...
     with: Percannella, G.: HEp-2 staining pattern recognition at cell and specim...
     with: Saggese, A.: Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A Bench...
     with: Saggese, A.: Computer Aided Diagnosis for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies HEp-...
     with: Saggese, A.: HEp-2 staining pattern recognition at cell and specimen l...
     with: Samak, A.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluores...
     with: Sanderson, C.: Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cel...
     with: Sanderson, C.: Classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell indirect...
     with: Smith, D.F.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagnos...
     with: Smith, D.F.: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram St...
     with: Smith, D.F.: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Base...
     with: Staweno, J.: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram St...
     with: Troskie, A.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluor...
     with: Vento, M.: Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A Benchma...
     with: Vento, M.: Computer Aided Diagnosis for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 ...
     with: Vento, M.: HEp-2 staining pattern recognition at cell and specimen lev...
     with: Walsh, M.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluores...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell I...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Automatic Image Based Single Dilution Method for End Point...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Benchmarking Platform for Mitotic Cell Classification of A...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Classification of Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Images Usin...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell indirect im...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Classifying Anti-nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 Images: A Benchm...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Computer Aided Diagnosis for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies HEp-2...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Discovering discriminative cell attributes for HEp-2 speci...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagnosi...
     with: Wiliem, A.: HEp-2 staining pattern recognition at cell and specimen le...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluore...
     with: Wiliem, A.: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Based...
     with: Wiliem, A.: Visual learning and classification of human epithelial typ...
     with: Wong, Y.K.: Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell I...
     with: Wong, Y.K.: Classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell indirect im...
     with: Yang, Y.: Classification of Human Epithelial Type 2 Cell Images Using ...
     with: Yang, Y.: Visual learning and classification of human epithelial type ...
     with: Zhang, T.: Efficient Cell Labelling for Gram Stain WSIs
     with: Zhang, T.: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Based ...
     with: Zhao, K.: Deep Adaptive Few Example Learning for Microscopy Image Cell...
     with: Zhao, K.: Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagnosis ...
     with: Zhao, K.: Efficient Cell Labelling for Gram Stain WSIs
     with: Zhao, K.: Efficient DNN-Based Classification of Whole Slide Gram Stain...
     with: Zhao, K.: SlideNet: Fast and Accurate Slide Quality Assessment Based o...
     with: Zhao, K.: SOS: Selective Objective Switch for Rapid Immunofluorescence...
92 for Hobson, P.

Index for "h"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:09:01
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