Zhelavskaya, I.[Irina]
Co Author Listing * Explicit Model Size Control and Relaxation via Smooth Regularization for Mixed-Precision Quantization
* Integral Neural Networks
* Towards Accurate Network Quantization with Equivalent Smooth Regularizer
* Towards Robust Full Low-bit Quantization of Super Resolution Networks
Zhelezniakov, A.[Artem]
Co Author Listing * Segmentation of Saimaa Ringed Seals for Identification Purposes
Zheleznyakov, D.[Dmitriy]
Co Author Listing * Ontology-Based Visual Query Formulation: An Industry Experience
Zheltonozhskii, E.[Evgenii]
Co Author Listing * Contrast to Divide: Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Learning with Noisy Labels
* End-to-End Referring Video Object Segmentation with Multimodal Transformers
Zheltov, S.
Co Author Listing * Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
Zheltov, S.U.
Co Author Listing * Building Extraction at the State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS)
Zheltov, S.Y.[Sergey Y.]
Co Author Listing * 3D Reconstruction of a Complex Grid Structure Combining UAS Images and Deep Learning
* Change Detection Via Selective Guided Contrasting Filters
* Geometrical Correlation And Matching Of 2d Image Shapes
* Photogrammetric Model Based Method of Automatic Orientation of Space Cargo Ship Relative To The International Space Station
* Photogrammetric technique for teeth occlusion analysis in dentistry
* Photogrammetric Techniques for Analysis And Visualization of Changes In 2d And 3D Data: Plastic Surgery Application
* real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision, A
* Shape-Based Image Matching Using Heat Kernels and Diffusion Maps
* Wire Structure Image-based 3d Reconstruction Aided By Deep Learning
Includes: Zheltov, S.Y.[Sergey Y.] Zheltov, S.Y.
9 for Zheltov, S.Y.
Zheludev, M.
Co Author Listing * Two Linear Unmixing Algorithms to Recognize Targets Using Supervised Classification and Orthogonal Rotation in Airborne Hyperspectral Images
Zheludev, V.[Valery]
Co Author Listing * Block Based Deconvolution Algorithm Using Spline Wavelet Packets
* Image inpainting using directional wavelet packets originating from polynomial splines
Zheludev, V.A.
Co Author Listing * New Family of Spline-Based Biorthogonal Wavelet Transforms and Their Application to Image Compression, A
* Spline and Spline Wavelet Methods with Applications to Signal and Image Processing
Includes: Zheludev, V.A. Zheludev, V.A.[Valery A.]