Index for zajd

Zajdband, A.[Ariel] Co Author Listing * Biomass Proxy: Unlocking Global Agricultural Monitoring through Fusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, The
* Impact of High-Cadence Earth Observation in Maize Crop Phenology Classification

Zajdel, R.[Radoslaw] Co Author Listing * Determination of Global Geodetic Parameters Using Satellite Laser Ranging Measurements to Sentinel-3 Satellites
* Impact of the Atmospheric Non-tidal Pressure Loading on Global Geodetic Parameters Based on Satellite Laser Ranging to GNSS
* New Online Service for the Validation of Multi-GNSS Orbits Using SLR, A
Includes: Zajdel, R.[Radoslaw] Zajdel, R.

Zajdel, T.J. Co Author Listing * Study of the Fourth-Order Small Perturbation Method for Scattering From Two-Layer Rough Surfaces, A

Zajdel, W. Co Author Listing * CASSANDRA: audio-video sensor fusion for aggression detection
* Distributed EM Learning for Appearance Based Multi-Camera Tracking
* Hybrid Graphical Model for Robust Feature Extraction from Video, A
* Online multicamera tracking with a switching state-space model
Includes: Zajdel, W. Zajdel, W.[Wojciech]

Index for "z"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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