Visca, J.
Co Author Listing * Image Colorization with Neural Networks
Viscarra Rossel, R.A.[Raphael A.]
Co Author Listing * Deep transfer learning of global spectra for local soil carbon monitoring
Vischetti, F.
Co Author Listing * Use of 3D Technologies Within the Conservation of the Ancient Windows Of the Basilica of S. Sabina in Rome. Construction of Exhibition Stands In Carbon Composite On A Milled Structure
Viscito, E.
Co Author Listing * Compression algorithms for software coding of video
* Flexible scalable digital video coding
* Hierarchical motion estimation with 2-scale tilings
* Motion video adaptive quantization in the transform domain
* Preprocessing of video signals for MPEG coding by clustering filter
Includes: Viscito, E. Viscito, E.[Eric]
Viscolani, B.[Bruno]
Co Author Listing * Computational length in pattern recognizers
* Further results on optimization of recognition time
* Optimization of computational time in pattern recognizers
Viscomi, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning-Based Method for the Semi-Automatic Identification of Built-Up Areas within Risk Zones Using Aerial Imagery and Multi-Source GIS Data: An Application for Landslide Risk, A
Visconti, A.[Antonio]
Co Author Listing * Smartphone Based Pupillometry: An Empirical Evaluation of Accuracy and Safety