Stute, S.
Co Author Listing * Bias Reduction for Low-Statistics PET: Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction With a Modified Poisson Distribution
* Dynamic and clinical PET data reconstruction: A nonparametric Bayesian approach
* Factor Analysis of Dynamic PET Images: Beyond Gaussian Noise
* New Method for Volume Segmentation of PET Images, Based on Possibility Theory, A
* PET Reconstruction of the Posterior Image Probability, Including Multimodal Images
* Variational Segmentation of Vector-Valued Images With Gradient Vector Flow
Includes: Stute, S. Stute, S.[Simon]
Stuth, B.H.[Bernhard H.]
Co Author Listing * Boundary Condition in Multiple Intrinsic Images
Stutheit, C.[Cameron]
Co Author Listing * Prelaunch Spectral Characterization of the Operational Land Imager-2
Stutsel, B.M.[Bonny M.]
Co Author Listing * Combining Nadir, Oblique, and Façade Imagery Enhances Reconstruction of Rock Formations Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Stutters, L.
Co Author Listing * Navigation Technologies for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Stutts, C.
Co Author Listing * Efficient joint stereo estimation and land usage classification for multiview satellite data
* Representative-Discriminative Learning for Open-Set Land Cover Classification of Satellite Imagery
Includes: Stutts, C. Stutts, C.[Craig]
Stutz, D.[David]
Co Author Listing * Disentangling Adversarial Robustness and Generalization
* Improving Robustness by Enhancing Weak Subnets
* Improving Robustness of Vision Transformers by Reducing Sensitivity to Patch Corruptions
* Learning 3D Shape Completion from Laser Scan Data with Weak Supervision
* Learning 3D Shape Completion Under Weak Supervision
* Random and Adversarial Bit Error Robustness: Energy-Efficient and Secure DNN Accelerators
* Relating Adversarially Robust Generalization to Flat Minima
* Robustifying Token Attention for Vision Transformers
* Superpixel Segmentation: An Evaluation
* Superpixels: An evaluation of the state-of-the-art
10 for Stutz, D.
Stutz, J.C.[John C.]
Co Author Listing * Modeling Images of Natural 3D Surfaces: Overview and Potential Applications
Stutz, P.[Peter]
Co Author Listing * Adopting Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection for Near Real-Time Camouflage Detection in Multispectral Imagery
* Telemetry assisted frame registration and background subtraction in low-altitude UAV videos
* Visual Communication with UAS: Recognizing Gestures from an Airborne Platform
* Visual Communication with UAV: Use Cases and Achievements
Includes: Stutz, P.[Peter] Stütz, P.[Peter] (Maybe also Stuetz, P.)
Stutz, T.[Thomas]
Co Author Listing * Complexity analysis of the Key-dependent Wavelet Packet Transform for JPEG2000 encryption
* Efficient and Rate-Distortion Optimal Wavelet Packet Basis Selection in JPEG2000
* Efficient in-network adaptation of encrypted H.264/SVC content
* Efficient wavelet packet basis selection in JPEG2000
* Non-Blind Structure-Preserving Substitution Watermarking of H.264/CAVLC Inter-Frames
* On JPEG2000 Error Concealment Attacks
* Secure transport and adaptation of MC-EZBC video utilizing H.264-based transport protocols
* Survey of H.264 AVC/SVC Encryption, A
Includes: Stutz, T.[Thomas] Stutz, T. Stütz, T.[Thomas] (Maybe also Stuetz, T.)
8 for Stutz, T.
Stutzel, H.[Hartmut]
Co Author Listing * First Form, Then Function: 3D Reconstruction of Cucumber Plants (Cucumis sativus L.) Allows Early Detection of Stress Effects through Leaf Dimensions
Includes: Stutzel, H.[Hartmut] Stützel, H.[Hartmut] (Maybe also Stuetzel, H.)
Stutzmann, E.
Co Author Listing * Measuring Group Velocity in Seismic Noise Correlation Studies Based on Phase Coherence and Resampling Strategies