Sorman, A.U.[A. Unal]
Co Author Listing * Evaluation of Remotely-Sensed and Model-Based Soil Moisture Products According to Different Soil Type, Vegetation Cover and Climate Regime Using Station-Based Observations over Turkey
* Study on spatial-temporal variations of Meteorological-agricultural droughts in Turkey
Includes: Sorman, A.U.[A. Unal] Sorman, A.Ü.[A. Ünal] Sorman, A.Ü.
Sormani, M.P.
Co Author Listing * Incorporating Domain Knowledge Into the Fuzzy Connectedness Framework: Application to Brain Lesion Volume Estimation in Multiple Sclerosis
Sormann, C.
Co Author Listing * Belief Propagation Reloaded: Learning BP-Layers for Labeling Problems
* BP-MVSNet: Belief-Propagation-Layers for Multi-View-Stereo
* DeepC-MVS: Deep Confidence Prediction for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* DELS-MVS: Deep Epipolar Line Search for Multi-View Stereo
* GMM-IKRS: Gaussian Mixture Models for Interpretable Keypoint Refinement and Scoring
* MD-Net: Multi-Detector for Local Feature Extraction
* S-TREK: Sequential Translation and Rotation Equivariant Keypoints for local feature extraction
Includes: Sormann, C. Sormann, C.[Christian]
7 for Sormann, C.
Sormann, M.[Mario]
Co Author Listing * Automatic Foreground Propagation in Image Sequences for 3D Reconstruction
* Graph Cut Based Multiple View Segmentation for 3D Reconstruction
* High-Performance Multi-View Reconstruction
* Scanline Optimization for Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* Segment-Based Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation and a Self-Adapting Dissimilarity Measure
* Ultramap V3: A Revolution In Aerial Photogrammetry
* Watertight Multi-view Reconstruction Based on Volumetric Graph-Cuts
Includes: Sormann, M.[Mario] Sormann, M.
7 for Sormann, M.
Sormoli, M.A.[Mohammadreza Alipour]
Co Author Listing * Optical Flow Based Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects for Autonomous Vehicles