Index for saja

Sajad Sadough, S.M. Co Author Listing * Algorithms and networks for accelerated convergence of adaptive LDA

Sajadi, B.[Behzad] Co Author Listing * ADICT: Accurate Direct and Inverse Color Transformation
* Data handling displays
* High-resolution lighting of 3D reliefs using a network of projectors and cameras
* Large Area Displays: The Changing Face of Visualization
* Optimizing redundant-data clustering for interactive walkthrough applications
Includes: Sajadi, B.[Behzad] Sajadi, B.

Sajadi, P.[Payam] Co Author Listing * Exploration of the Urbanization Process and Its Impact on Vegetation in 125 Resource-Based Cities in China and Comparison with Other Cities
* Performance Evaluation of Long NDVI Timeseries from AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat Sensors over Landslide-Prone Locations in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

Sajadi, S.R.[Sayed Reza] Co Author Listing * hybrid deep and machine learning model for short-term traffic volume forecasting of adjacent intersections, A

Sajadian, M.[Maryam] Co Author Listing * Automated Two-Step Seamline Detection for Generating Large-Scale Orthophoto Mosaics from Drone Images

Sajan, B.[Bhartendu] Co Author Listing * Potential of Lightweight Drones and Object-Oriented Image Segmentation in Forest Plantation Assessment

Sajan, M.R. Co Author Listing * Peripheral Inspection of Objects

Index for "s"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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