Index for rues

Ruescas, A.[Ana] Co Author Listing * AI for Marine, Ocean and Climate Change Monitoring
* Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Algorithms over Spanish Inland Waters for Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Imagery Data

Ruescas, A.B.[Ana Belen] Co Author Listing * Deep Gaussian processes for biogeophysical parameter retrieval and model inversion
* Optical Classification Tool for Global Lake Waters, An
* Supervised Classifications of Optical Water Types in Spanish Inland Waters
Includes: Ruescas, A.B.[Ana Belen] Ruescas, A.B.[Ana B.]

Ruesch, A.[Alexander] Co Author Listing * Wearable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Physiological Monitoring Tool for Seals under Anaesthesia

Ruesch, O. Co Author Listing * Atmospherically Compensated Shape From Shading On The Martian Surface: Towards The Perfect Digital Terrain Model of Mars

Ruessink, G. Co Author Listing * Accuracy of Nearshore Bathymetry Inverted From X -Band Radar and Optical Video Data
* Global Remote-Sensing Assessment of the Intersite Variability in the Greening of Coastal Dunes, A
Includes: Ruessink, G. Ruessink, G.[Gerben]

Index for "r"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:02:03
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