Moncada, V.[Victor]
Co Author Listing * Cognitive Vision System for Nuclear Fusion Device Monitoring, A
Moncayo Munos, R.
Co Author Listing * Synthetic image of multiresolution sketch leads to new features
Includes: Moncayo Munos, R. Moncayo-Munos, R.
Moncayo, R.[Ricardo]
Co Author Listing * Grading Strategy for Nuclear Pleomorphism in Histopathological Breast Cancer Images Using a Bag of Features (BOF), A
Monceaux, L.[Laura]
Co Author Listing * Shaping-Up Multimedia Analytics: Needs and Expectations of Media Professionals
Moncet, J.L.
Co Author Listing * Encoding and Progressive Transmission of Still Pictures in NTSC Composite Format Using Transform Domain Methods
Monchetti, S.[Silvia]
Co Author Listing * Ground Penetrating Radar Survey of the Floor of the Accademia Gallery (Florence, Italy)
Moncholi Estornell, A.[Adrian]
Co Author Listing * Enhancing Solar-Induced Fluorescence Interpretation: Quantifying Fractional Sunlit Vegetation Cover Using Linear Spectral Unmixing
* Impact of Structural, Photochemical and Instrumental Effects on Leaf and Canopy Reflectance Variability in the 500-600 nm Range
Includes: Moncholi Estornell, A.[Adrian] Moncholi-Estornell, A.[Adrián]
Moncla, L.[Ludovic]
Co Author Listing * Deep Learning for Toponym Resolution: Geocoding Based on Pairs of Toponyms
Moncrieff, G.R.[Glenn R.]
Co Author Listing * Continuous Land Cover Change Detection in a Critically Endangered Shrubland Ecosystem Using Neural Networks
* Locating and Dating Land Cover Change Events in the Renosterveld, a Critically Endangered Shrubland Ecosystem
* Near-real time forecasting and change detection for an open ecosystem with complex natural dynamics
Moncrieff, S.
Co Author Listing * Affect computing in film through sound energy dynamics
* Approach for the Semi-Automatic Verification of 3D Building Models
* Context aware privacy in visual surveillance
* Creation of 3D Models from Large Unstructured Image and Video Datasets
* Dynamic Privacy in Public Surveillance
* Horror film genre typing and scene labeling via audio analysis
* Integrating geo web services for a user driven exploratory analysis
* Search and Orchestration of Data and Processes in a Federated Environment
* Spatial Data Supply Chains
* Unifying Background Models over Complex Audio using Entropy
Includes: Moncrieff, S. Moncrieff, S.[Simon]
10 for Moncrieff, S.
Moncy, J.K.[Jiljo K.]
Co Author Listing * Self adaptable high throughput reconfigurable bilateral filter architectures for real-time image de-noising
Monczak, R.
Co Author Listing * Computer-Aided Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on the Analysis of Cytological Images of Fine Needle Biopsies