Magi, M.[Mattia]
Co Author Listing * Building a Large-Scale Micro-Simulation Transport Scenario Using Big Data
Magi, S.M.
Co Author Listing * Comparative performance analysis of three classifiers for acoustic signal-based recognition of motorcycles using time- and frequency-domain features
Magid, E.[Evgeni]
Co Author Listing * comparison of Gaussian and mean curvature estimation methods on triangular meshes of range image data, A
Magid, S.A.[Salma Abdel]
Co Author Listing * Dynamic High-Pass Filtering and Multi-Spectral Attention for Image Super-Resolution
* Masked Image Training for Generalizable Deep Image Denoising
* Texture-based Error Analysis for Image Super-Resolution
Magidi, J.[James]
Co Author Listing * Application of the Random Forest Classifier to Map Irrigated Areas Using Google Earth Engine
* Improving the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Irrigated Areas Using Post-Classification Enhancement Through UAV Capability
Magiera, W.[Weronika]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy of Code GNSS Receivers under Various Conditions
Magierowski, S.
Co Author Listing * Vehicle Routing Problems for Drone Delivery
Magill, A.B.[Andrew B.]
Co Author Listing * Geoweaver: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Managing Hybrid Geoscientific AI Workflows
Magill, A.W.
Co Author Listing * Design of a Quadrature 1H/31P Coil Using Bent Dipole Antenna and Four-Channel Loop at 3T MRI
Magillo, P.[Paola]
Co Author Listing * Compressing Triangulated Irregular Networks
* Computing Morse Decompositions for Triangulated Terrains: An Analysis and an Experimental Evaluation
* Concentrated Curvature for Mean Curvature Estimation in Triangulated Surfaces
* Discrete Distortion for Surface Meshes
* Horizon Computation on a Hierarchical Triangulated Terrain Model
* Managing the Level of Detail in 3D Shape Reconstruction and Representation
* Modeling and Generalization of Discrete Morse Terrain Decompositions
* Multi-VMap: A Multi-Scale Model for Vector Maps
* Non-manifold Multi-tessellation: From Meshes to Iconic Representations of Objects
* On-line Space Sculpturing for 3d Shape Manipulation
* Repairing 3D Binary Images Using the FCC Grid
* Repairing Binary Images Through the 2d Diamond Grid
* Simple yet Effective Image Repairing Algorithm, A
* Transparent Management of Adjacencies in the Cubic Grid
* VARIANT: A System for Terrain Modeling at Variable Resolution
* Visibility Computations on Hierarchical Triangulated Terrain Models
* Visualizing parametric surfaces at variable resolution
17 for Magillo, P.
Magimai Doss, M.
Co Author Listing * Mixed bayesian networks with auxiliary variables for automatic speech recognition
* Posterior-Based Multistream Formulation for G2P Conversion, A
* Savitzky-Golay Filtering Perspective of Dynamic Feature Computation, A
* SRI-ICSI Spring 2007 Meeting and Lecture Recognition System, The
* Utterance Verification-Based Dysarthric Speech Intelligibility Assessment Using Phonetic Posterior Features
Includes: Magimai Doss, M. Magimai-Doss, M. Magimai-Doss, M.[Mathew]
Magin, R.L.
Co Author Listing * Automated Image Registration by Maximization of a Region Similarity Metric
* Automated Registration of Multimodality Images by Maximization of a Region Similarity Measure
* real regularised fractional derivative, A
Includes: Magin, R.L. Magin, R.L.[Richard L.]
Magiorkinis, G.[Gkikas]
Co Author Listing * Satellite Earth Observation Data in Epidemiological Modeling of Malaria, Dengue and West Nile Virus: A Scoping Review
Magisos, M.
Co Author Listing * Image Processing for Teaching: a national dissemination program
Magistrali, G.
Co Author Listing * Improving the Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Rewarding Modifications
Magistri, F.[Federico]
Co Author Listing * In-Field Phenotyping Based on Crop Leaf and Plant Instance Segmentation
* Open-World Semantic Segmentation Including Class Similarity
* PhenoBench: A Large Dataset and Benchmarks for Semantic Image Interpretation in the Agricultural Domain
Magistri, S.[Simone]
Co Author Listing * Continual learning for adaptive social network identification
* Lightweight and Effective Convolutional Neural Networks for Vehicle Viewpoint Estimation From Monocular Images
Magistris, G.D.
Co Author Listing * Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection for Industrial Robots through Prediction in Unsupervised Feature Space
Magistroni, R.[Riccardo]
Co Author Listing * Confidence Calibration for Deep Renal Biopsy Immunofluorescence Image Classification