Index for horb

Horbach, J.W.[Jan W.] Co Author Listing * 3D reconstruction of specular surfaces using a calibrated projector-camera setup

Horbelt, S. Co Author Listing * Discretization of the Radon Transform and of its Inverse by Spline Convolutions
* Joint Mesh and Texture Compression Using Marginal Analysis
* Streaming of Photo-Realistic Texture Mapped on 3D Surface
* Texture Mapping by Successive Refinement

Horberry, T.[Tim] Co Author Listing * Human-Centered Design for an In-Vehicle Truck Driver Fatigue and Distraction Warning System

Horbert, E.[Esther] Co Author Listing * Geometrically Constrained Level Set Tracking for Automotive Applications
* Level-set person segmentation and tracking with multi-region appearance models and top-down shape information
* Multi-Person Tracking with Sparse Detection and Continuous Segmentation
* Probabilistic Labeling Cost for High-Accuracy Multi-view Reconstruction

Horbinski, T.[Tymoteusz] Co Author Listing * Changes in the 19th Century Cultural Landscape with Regard to City Rights in Western Poland
* Interactive Thematic Map as a Means of Documenting and Visualizing Information about Cultural Heritage Objects
* Interactive Web-Map of the European Freeway Junction A1/A4 Development with the Use of Archival Cartographic Sources
* Interpretation of Map Symbols in the Context of Gamers' Age and Experience
* Map Design and Usability of a Simplified Topographic 2D Map on the Smartphone in Landscape and Portrait Orientations
* Measuring Efficiency and Accuracy in Locating Symbols on Mobile Maps Using Eye Tracking
* User Experience in Using Graphical User Interfaces of Web Maps
* Web Map Effectiveness in the Responsive Context of the Graphical User Interface
8 for Horbinski, T.

Index for "h"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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