Index for ecka

Eckardt, A. Co Author Listing * Data Processing for the Space-based DESIS Hyperspectral Sensor
* Department of Optical Information Systems (OS): Sensors and Instruments for Space- and Airborne Applications
* DESIS - DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer
* New Hyperspectral Sensor Desis On The Multi-payload Platform Muses Installed on the ISS, The
* On the Design of High Resolution Imaging Systems
* Panoramic Camera for Low Light Level Applications
* Verification of a Spectrometer Breadboard for Characterization of a Future Spaceborne Sensor
Includes: Eckardt, A. Eckardt, A.[Andreas]
7 for Eckardt, A.

Eckardt, L.[Lina] Co Author Listing * Spectral Decompositions Using One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Spectral Representations of One-Homogeneous Functionals

Eckardt, R.[Robert] Co Author Listing * Removal of Optically Thick Clouds from Multi-Spectral Satellite Images Using Multi-Frequency SAR Data

Eckart, B.[Ben] Co Author Listing * Accelerated Generative Models for 3D Point Cloud Data
* DeepGMR: Learning Latent Gaussian Mixture Models for Registration
* EOE: Expected Overlap Estimation over Unstructured Point Cloud Data
* HGMR: Hierarchical Gaussian Mixtures for Adaptive 3D Registration
* Self-Supervised Learning on 3D Point Clouds by Learning Discrete Generative Models
Includes: Eckart, B.[Ben] Eckart, B.[Benjamin] Eckart, B.

Eckart, S.[Stefan] Co Author Listing * Method and apparatus for indexing and locating key frames in streaming and variable-frame-length data

Index for "e"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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