Index for dham

Dhamala, J. Co Author Listing * Spatially Adaptive Multi-Scale Optimization for Local Parameter Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology

Dhamanaskar, A.[Ameya] Co Author Listing * Enhancing egocentric 3D pose estimation with third person views

Dhamasia, A.[Akash] Co Author Listing * Reliable Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Error Aligned Uncertainty Optimization

Dhamdhere, R. Co Author Listing * General-Purpose Deep Point Cloud Feature Extractor

Dhamecha, T.I.[Tejas I.] Co Author Listing * Computationally Efficient Face Spoofing Detection with Motion Magnification
* CrowdFaceDB: Database and benchmarking for face verification in crowd
* Discriminative FaceTopics for face recognition via latent Dirichlet allocation
* Face anti-spoofing with multifeature videolet aggregation
* Incremental subclass discriminant analysis: A case study in face recognition
* On Effectiveness of Histogram of Oriented Gradient Features for Visible to Near Infrared Face Matching
* On incremental semi-supervised discriminant analysis
Includes: Dhamecha, T.I.[Tejas I.] Dhamecha, T.I.[Tejas Indulal] Dhamecha, T.I.
7 for Dhamecha, T.I.

Dhami, D.S.[Devendra Singh] Co Author Listing * Effective Risk Detection for Natural Gas Pipelines Using Low-Resolution Satellite Images
* Vision Relation Transformer for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation

Dhamija, A. Co Author Listing * Fast tracking algorithm using modified potential function
* novel active shape model-based DeepNeural network for age invariance face recognition, A
Includes: Dhamija, A. Dhamija, A.[Ashutosh]

Dhamija, A.R.[Akshay Raj] Co Author Listing * Automatic Open-World Reliability Assessment
* Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning Leveraging Self-Supervised Features
* I-MOVE: Independent Moving Objects for Velocity Estimation
* Overlooked Elephant of Object Detection: Open Set, The
* Variable Few Shot Class Incremental and Open World Learning
Includes: Dhamija, A.R.[Akshay Raj] Dhamija, A.R.

Dhamija, S. Co Author Listing * Automated Action Units Vs. Expert Raters: Face off
* Exploring Contextual Engagement for Trauma Recovery
* Learning Visual Engagement for Trauma Recovery

Dhamo, H.[Helisa] Co Author Listing * Graph-to-3D: End-to-End Generation and Manipulation of 3D Scenes Using Scene Graphs
* Learning 3D Semantic Scene Graphs From 3D Indoor Reconstructions
* Object-Driven Multi-Layer Scene Decomposition From a Single Image
* Peeking behind objects: Layered depth prediction from a single image
* Semantic Image Manipulation Using Scene Graphs
* Unconditional Scene Graph Generation
* VSCHH 2023: A Benchmark for the View Synthesis Challenge of Human Heads
Includes: Dhamo, H.[Helisa] Dhamo, H.
7 for Dhamo, H.

Dhamotharan, L. Co Author Listing * Exchange rate and interest rate differential: A conundrum re-examined via wavelet analysis

Index for "d"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:02:03
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