Index for doni

Donia, N.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Farag, H.: Monitoring of Egyptian Coastal Lakes Using Remote Sensing T...

Donias, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akl, A.: Structure tensor based synthesis of directional textures for ...
     with: Akl, A.: survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis methods, A
     with: Akl, A.: Synthesis of arbitrary-shaped textures constrained by the str...
     with: Akl, A.: Texture Synthesis Using the Structure Tensor
     with: Akl, A.: Two-Stage volumetric texture synthesis based on structural in...
     with: Baylou, P.: Curvature of oriented patterns: 2-D and 3-D estimation fro...
     with: Baylou, P.: Optimal orientation estimators for detection of cylindrica...
     with: Berthoumieu, Y.: Recursive orientation estimation based on hypersurfac...
     with: Berthoumieu, Y.: Recursive Texture Orientation Estimation Based on Spa...
     with: Berthoumieu, Y.: robust framework for GeoTime cube, A
     with: Berthoumieu, Y.: Seismic horizon and pseudo-geological time cube extra...
     with: Berthoumieu, Y.: Weakly Supervised Disentanglement with Triplet Network
     with: Bombrun, L.: Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBIR a...
     with: Borda, M.: PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
     with: Borda, M.: PDE-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Seismic Data Fusion...
     with: Coutinho, P.C.C.C.C.: Weakly Supervised Disentanglement with Triplet N...
     with: da Costa, J.P.: Structure tensor based synthesis of directional textur...
     with: da Costa, J.P.: Structure tensor Log-Euclidean statistical models for ...
     with: da Costa, J.P.: Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBI...
     with: da Costa, J.P.: survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis methods, A
     with: da Costa, J.P.: Synthesis of arbitrary-shaped textures constrained by ...
     with: da Costa, J.P.: Texture Synthesis Using the Structure Tensor
     with: da Costa, J.P.: Two-Stage volumetric texture synthesis based on struct...
     with: Daniel, J.: Local dip transformation for fast seismic horizon reconstr...
     with: Doghraji, S.: Recursive orientation estimation based on hypersurface r...
     with: Doghraji, S.: Recursive Texture Orientation Estimation Based on Space ...
     with: Doghraji, S.: Seismic horizon reconstruction on polygonal domains usin...
     with: Frambati, S.: Seismic horizon and pseudo-geological time cube extracti...
     with: Germain, C.: Optimal orientation estimators for detection of cylindric...
     with: Germain, C.: Structure tensor based synthesis of directional textures ...
     with: Germain, C.: survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis methods, A
     with: Germain, C.: Synthesis of arbitrary-shaped textures constrained by the...
     with: Germain, C.: Texture Synthesis Using the Structure Tensor
     with: Germain, C.: Two-Stage volumetric texture synthesis based on structura...
     with: Guillon, S.: Discontinuous seismic horizon reconstruction based on loc...
     with: Guillon, S.: Discontinuous seismic horizon tracking based on a poisson...
     with: Guillon, S.: PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
     with: Guillon, S.: PDE-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Seismic Data Fusi...
     with: Guillon, S.: robust framework for GeoTime cube, A
     with: Guillon, S.: Weakly Supervised Disentanglement with Triplet Network
     with: Jeantet, D.: robust framework for GeoTime cube, A
     with: Keskes, N.: Curvature of oriented patterns: 2-D and 3-D estimation fro...
     with: Keskes, N.: PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
     with: Keskes, N.: PDE-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Seismic Data Fusio...
     with: Lavialle, O.: Discontinuous seismic horizon tracking based on a poisso...
     with: Lavialle, O.: Local dip transformation for fast seismic horizon recons...
     with: Lavialle, O.: PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
     with: Lavialle, O.: PDE-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Seismic Data Fus...
     with: Monniron, M.: Seismic horizon and pseudo-geological time cube extracti...
     with: Mulat, C.: Optimal orientation estimators for detection of cylindrical...
     with: Pop, S.: PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
     with: Pop, S.: PDE-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Seismic Data Fusion, A
     with: Quillon, S.: Seismic horizon and pseudo-geological time cube extractio...
     with: Regniers, O.: Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBIR ...
     with: Rosu, R.G.: Structure tensor Log-Euclidean statistical models for text...
     with: Rosu, R.G.: Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBIR an...
     with: Said, S.: Structure Tensor Riemannian Statistical Models for CBIR and ...
     with: Terebes, R.: PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
     with: Terebes, R.: PDE-Based Approach to Three-Dimensional Seismic Data Fusi...
     with: Toujas, V.: robust framework for GeoTime cube, A
     with: Vignoles, G.: Optimal orientation estimators for detection of cylindri...
     with: Yaacoub, C.: Structure tensor based synthesis of directional textures ...
     with: Yaacoub, C.: survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis methods, A
     with: Yaacoub, C.: Synthesis of arbitrary-shaped textures constrained by the...
     with: Yaacoub, C.: Texture Synthesis Using the Structure Tensor
     with: Yaacoub, C.: Two-Stage volumetric texture synthesis based on structura...
     with: Zinck, G.: Discontinuous seismic horizon reconstruction based on local...
     with: Zinck, G.: Discontinuous seismic horizon tracking based on a poisson e...
     with: Zinck, G.: Local dip transformation for fast seismic horizon reconstru...
69 for Donias, M.

Donida Labati, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Genovese, A.: I-SOCIAL-DB: A labeled database of images collected from...
     with: Genovese, A.: Toward Unconstrained Fingerprint Recognition: A Fully To...
     with: Piuri, V.: I-SOCIAL-DB: A labeled database of images collected from we...
     with: Piuri, V.: MultiCardioNet: Interoperability between ECG and PPG biomet...
     with: Piuri, V.: Photoplethysmographic biometrics: A comprehensive survey
     with: Piuri, V.: Toward Unconstrained Fingerprint Recognition: A Fully Touch...
     with: Rundo, F.: MultiCardioNet: Interoperability between ECG and PPG biomet...
     with: Rundo, F.: Photoplethysmographic biometrics: A comprehensive survey
     with: Scotti, F.: I-SOCIAL-DB: A labeled database of images collected from w...
     with: Scotti, F.: MultiCardioNet: Interoperability between ECG and PPG biome...
     with: Scotti, F.: Photoplethysmographic biometrics: A comprehensive survey
     with: Scotti, F.: Toward Unconstrained Fingerprint Recognition: A Fully Touc...
     with: Vishwakarma, S.: I-SOCIAL-DB: A labeled database of images collected f...
13 for Donida Labati, R.

Donier, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergametti, G.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Towar...
     with: Bergot, T.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a ...
     with: Bigeard, G.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a...
     with: Calvet, J.C.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward ...
     with: Carrer, D.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a ...
     with: Goloub, P.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a ...
     with: Hagolle, O.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a...
     with: Meurey, C.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a ...
     with: Paci, A.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a Ne...
     with: Victori, S.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a...
     with: Wang, Z.: Casual Rerouting of AERONET Sun/Sky Photometers: Toward a Ne...
11 for Donier, J.M.

Donigaglia, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ciuffreda, A.L.: Unconventional Field Mapping Application: A Complete ...
     with: Coli, M.: Unconventional Field Mapping Application: A Complete Opensou...
     with: Iandelli, N.: Unconventional Field Mapping Application: A Complete Ope...

Donikian, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Peng, Q.S.: Data Based Steering of Virtual Human Using a Velocity-Spac...
     with: Pettre, J.: Data Based Steering of Virtual Human Using a Velocity-Spac...
     with: Zhang, Y.J.: Data Based Steering of Virtual Human Using a Velocity-Spa...

Donini, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alberti, G.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VH...
     with: Berardino, P.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-...
     with: Bovolo, F.: Unsupervised Fuzzy System for the Automatic Detection of C...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-V...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Unsupervised Fuzzy System for the Automatic Detection of...
     with: Califano, D.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-V...
     with: Carrer, L.: Unsupervised Fuzzy System for the Automatic Detection of C...
     with: Catapano, I.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-V...
     with: Ciofaniello, L.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UH...
     with: d'Alessandro, M.M.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the...
     with: Esposito, C.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-V...
     with: Facchinetti, C.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UH...
     with: Formaro, R.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VH...
     with: Gennarelli, G.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF...
     with: Gerekos, C.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VH...
     with: Gerekos, C.: Unsupervised Fuzzy System for the Automatic Detection of ...
     with: Lanari, R.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF...
     with: Longo, F.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF ...
     with: Ludeno, G.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF...
     with: Natale, A.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF...
     with: Noviello, C.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-V...
     with: Palmese, G.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VH...
     with: Papa, C.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF B...
     with: Perna, S.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF ...
     with: Pica, G.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF B...
     with: Rocca, F.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF ...
     with: Salzillo, G.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-V...
     with: Soldovieri, F.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF...
     with: Tebaldini, S.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-...
     with: Thakur, S.: ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF...
30 for Donini, E.

Donini, F.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Allegretti, L.: Retrieval by Spatial Similarity: An Algorithm and a Co...
     with: di Sciascio, E.: Retrieval by Spatial Similarity: An Algorithm and a C...
     with: di Sciascio, E.: Spatial layout representation for query-by-sketch con...
     with: di Sciascio, E.: Structured Knowledge Representation for Image Retrieval
     with: Mongiello, M.: Retrieval by Spatial Similarity: An Algorithm and a Com...
     with: Mongiello, M.: Spatial layout representation for query-by-sketch conte...
     with: Mongiello, M.: Structured Knowledge Representation for Image Retrieval
7 for Donini, F.M.

Donis, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baders, E.: Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques f...
     with: Desaine, I.: Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques ...
     with: Jansons, A.: Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques ...
     with: Krisans, O.: Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques ...
     with: Romans, E.: Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques f...
     with: Seipulis, A.: Integration of Linear Model and Random Forest Techniques...

Donizete Guerin, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: da Silva, R.C.: Joint motion and residual information latent represent...
     with: Freitas, P.G.: Joint motion and residual information latent representa...
     with: Hung, E.M.: Joint motion and residual information latent representatio...
     with: Jung, H.C.: Joint motion and residual information latent representatio...
     with: Macchiavello, B.: Joint motion and residual information latent represe...
     with: Peixoto, E.: Joint motion and residual information latent representati...
     with: Sanches, P.: Joint motion and residual information latent representati...
     with: Testoni, V.: Joint motion and residual information latent representati...
8 for Donizete Guerin, N.

Index for "d"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:22:45
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